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[ PVP ] Space-Time Tournament without Elimination or random matching?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-14 09:35:54Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey Everyone,

I'm thinking that space-time should be reworked. I don't think there's any need for Space-Time to be an single elimination bracket. It could be something different, it could be what I will call a "Fractal Bracket" for lack of a better word. Now in the kind of Bracket I'm suggesting, the number of people competing will always be the same.

Say you have 128 players, I propose that instead of half of the players being eliminated, that instead they split off into their own tournament consisting of 64 players. Every time after a round of fighting, the number of traditional brackets would double, while the number of people in those brackets would be halved. This would happen until every bracket consists of only two players and then the whole tourney would end after that last round of matches. This does a couple things; power level in this game tends to be skewed very much to the right, so that the power difference between the 128th and 127th ranked space time player is much smaller than the difference between the 1st and 2nd ranked space-time player, which means that most matches right now just aren't very interesting, because while it is possible to defeat someone with 20k power lvl more than you, it's not all that likely. so on average most matches are foregone conclusions.

However if we implemented a fractal bracket, the matches would get progressively more interesting as they would become closer in challenge, especially in the "loser" brackets. Also you'd be able to rank every single player in space-time from 1 to 128 in what extent they won. Of course that also means that the order of people in which you face is crucial, but that's already true right now. Every time I look at the space-time tourney, the placing in space-time on whether or not the objectively 2nd strongest player gets placed 2nd as opposed to 3rd/4th depends entirely on whether they were in the same half of the bracket as the Strongest player.

This random matching is more of a problem than a boon, so I would also propose a non-random matching scheme. For the first tourney you would match them up based off space-time ranking. So you'd have the 1st versus the 64th, the 2nd versus the 63rd, etc. These matches would be foregone conclusions, but they already usually are. Then when you split the tourneys in half, you would make a new ranking still based off the original space-time ranking, but based off those people in that tourney. So if someone lost their first match, but had the most number of space-times points of everybody in that second tourney, they'd face the person who had the 32rd number of space-time points in that second tourney, and on it would go. So every match would become progressively more of a even match.

The best part is that you wouldn't need to increase the number of days that space-time runs. Every day you'd have 128 players fighting each other in 64 separate matches until every single player of the 128 could be put on a ranking board.

If you have any questions or need clarification on what I'm suggesting, feel free to ask.

Also don't be shy if you think my suggestion is ridiculous.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-14 15:17:27Show this Author Only

It's actually an awesome idea, since that way you would actually be happy that you got in top 128, unlike now where literally half of the players almost get jack-*.

This post was last edited by Blackami974 on 2017-08-14 15:17:41.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-14 17:43:41Show this Author Only


You could post your suggestion here. I advise you to repost it there instead so that the team handling the suggestions section could record and forward it to the devs.

I am aware that I could have moved this thread myself to the right section but sadly, moving threads isn't available in the forums for now. With that, I hope you'll understand. Closing thread.

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