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[ Events ] How much is Deidara Edo Tensei


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On 2017-08-05 00:32:01Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Anyone had recruit Deidara Edo Tensei?? How much approximately cost him ??

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On 2017-08-05 00:39:30Show this Author Only

...a lot, I've seen someone say about 8k-10k, but we all know the true answer

His Price:Luck

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On 2017-08-05 02:06:45Show this Author Only
  • Resilliance On 2017-08-05 00:39:30
  • ...a lot, I've seen someone say about 8k-10k, but we all know the true answer

    His Price:Luck

8k-10k is dirt cheap

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On 2017-08-05 03:13:34Show this Author Only
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On 2017-08-05 03:25:56Show this Author Only

20k coupon/ingots - 30k coupon/ingots for 80 fragments, depend on ur luck. My sugestion dont try to gamble in it. Just wait for an other event like dice/treasure of sage/or other event :). Otherwise u will regret it to wasted ur money/coupons on junk reward :)

This post was last edited by ahmadindra20 on 2017-08-05 03:27:00.
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On 2017-08-05 04:49:00Show this Author Only

he is a 3 stars

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On 2017-08-05 05:50:15Show this Author Only
  • MuroiMaNin On 2017-08-05 02:06:45
  • 8k-10k is dirt cheap

I wouldn't exactly call that dirt cheap, 10k ingots is $200. This game is wildly overpriced. You are paying hundreds of dollars for lines of code that you can't keep if the game were to shut down, not to mention if you tried to get Susanoo Itachi or even Ay or Sasuke. There is nothing cheap about this game.

Dirt cheap would be $20, not $200. I'm not trying to talk down to you or anything, just saying that we can't allow the ridiculous pricing that has been set to become normal because its unacceptable.

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On 2017-08-05 06:23:15Show this Author Only
  • JushinUchiha On 2017-08-05 05:50:15
  • I wouldn't exactly call that dirt cheap, 10k ingots is $200. This game is wildly overpriced. You are paying hundreds of dollars for lines of code that you can't keep if the game were to shut down, not to mention if you tried to get Susanoo Itachi or even Ay or Sasuke. There is nothing cheap about this game.

    Dirt cheap would be $20, not $200. I'm not trying to talk down to you or anything, just saying that we can't allow the ridiculous pricing that has been set to become normal because its unacceptable.

It depends on the person on how they define cheap. A college student would say full course meal that costs $5 is dirt cheap but mr. moneybags spending $5000 on a night out at a club would call that cheap if he typically spends more and gets the same experience.

P2Ws help define what is the normal pricing on here as they influence pricing on ninjas/items. If they notice less ingots spend on an event compared to the average spending, it would make sense they could change the pricing to influence more spending. If spending on an event stays the same, they could either keep it the same or increase it until less spending occurs.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2017-08-05 06:23:25.
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On 2017-08-05 07:37:59Show this Author Only

I'm not sure which, but I'm pretty sure he's a 40 rare pull in a future edo treasure like how Nagato is a 210 super rare pull (I think). So I wouldn't buy him if I were you. You can do a lot more with the needed coupons/ingots than buy a single ninja that will be free at some point.

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On 2017-08-05 08:09:43Show this Author Only

Ok, let's clarify something. First off, he currently does NOT cost 8k~10k.....for us right now. He is "valued" at 8~10k in China now around that price. Do NOT confuse the two. You will be sorely disappointed if you recharge for $200 and see your results. You will get 10~20 fragments at most.

As for this Slottery event, he is more close to being 40k~80k ingots....let that sink in.

He will cost anywhere between 40,000~80,000.

Keep in mind that this is luck based. Some have reported that they got one fragment on a free pull (very lucky *s! lol) while others have stated that they got 1-4 fragments within 1000 coupons (21 spins, including free spin) I personally got only 1 fragment after spending 1000 coupons.

As far as I know, Edo Tensei Deidara will forever be Event Gain Only and never be in a treasure pull. Nagato, I'm not certain that he is in a treasure pull, but if he is, I doubt he would be considered a super rare based on his current price as of now.

Why is Deidara so high in price for us? Well a few things....firstly he is pretty * decent, especially for GNW, Ranked, etc. Second....he is introduced to us WAY earlier than he was previously released in China. Approx. about 4-6 months. So go at Deidara in this event at your own risk. This is more or less bait for the big whale spenders. I expect his price to drop probably in about 6 weeks to maybe 20k then progressively get cheaper. As far as this event is concerned.....just no.

No one is getting him this week for 8~10k. That is more than wishful thinking.

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On 2017-08-05 11:46:02Show this Author Only

Nagato is actually a regular rare in GNW treasure in China, not even a super rare.

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On 2017-08-05 12:05:22Show this Author Only
  • IamAscrub On 2017-08-05 11:46:02
  • Nagato is actually a regular rare in GNW treasure in China, not even a super rare.

unless that's a recent addition.. maybe you're confusing Nagato with Sasori?

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On 2017-08-05 15:48:38Show this Author Only

Meh, I did say 'I think'. Point is, never buy ninja or anything new when it first shows up. You'll get it far cheaper or for free in the future.

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On 2017-08-05 21:08:56Show this Author Only
  • DankMemes On 2017-08-05 12:05:22
  • unless that's a recent addition.. maybe you're confusing Nagato with Sasori?

Pretty sure he mix him with Sasori yea.
Nagato & Edo Deidara is only Events or Mystery Shop(Not black market, something new).

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On 2017-08-05 21:33:50Show this Author Only

Thank you all for the feedback... I think i wont get him on this event....

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On 2017-08-05 22:01:08Show this Author Only

if you ask me not worth that much... ill rather buy minato or obito

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On 2017-08-06 03:45:24Show this Author Only
  • Mystアいゼん On 2017-08-05 21:08:56
  • Pretty sure he mix him with Sasori yea.
    Nagato & Edo Deidara is only Events or Mystery Shop(Not black market, something new).

Yea, exactly. He must mix up with Sasori who can be drew from the treasure in 70 scroll. Edo Deidara cost like 11600 coupon/ingot in China server.

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On 2017-08-06 03:53:46Show this Author Only
  • God of Wind On 2017-08-05 22:01:08
  • if you ask me not worth that much... ill rather buy minato or obito

Depend on the price you are talking about. If its cost like 10-12k coupon, I think it's totally worth. However, Minato is a ninja who required lot BP to cater...If he don't have much BP or high initative...he will be useless as hokage minato. Edo Deidara is total different situation in which he can kill his enemy with his ignition and critical buff that increase 6% per term of killing each unit.(include clone)...

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