Hello Ninjas,
as per previous Event Feedback threads, we will be opening another one for this week Events - 27th July, suggestions and improvements idea towards our events are all welcomed. This is one of our critical action and necessity for our community to grow, as it allow us to identify and improve our overall content and events for all of our players. Following format shall be used in order to ensure a uniform and ease data collection towards the end of the week.
With the release of our Patch Naruto Online 3.0 yesterday, we seek your assistance to report all the bugs you encountered in our Bug Hunting Contest. Kindly leave all the feedbacks and reviews of our latest patches below. Although, the patches started yesterday and some of you are aware not everything in the sneak preview has been implemented yet, please bare in mind it will be added through time just as how we did for our 2.0. Please look forward to it :)
Example:-Server : 34
Region : HK
Current BP : 58K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya
Reasoning : With the current treasure and me
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments
We would also, like to inform everyone that we are trying our best to push for changes / improvements that the players have suggested. However, the final decision would be at the hand of the management and there is no guarantee of the time it might takes.
Fortunately, please rest assured as all your feedbacks are being entertained by our team and will always be in our discussions. The example that we have provided is merely a guideline for everyone, feel free to elaborate on your reasonings/suggestions to ensure the message are throughly communicated.
Any unrelated comments or posts that doesn't follow the format will be deleted.
Thank you.
Naruto Online Operation Team
Server 241
Region HK
Current BP 54k
Event: Crazy slot machine and weekly special
Opinion : 6th prize is absolute garbage and shouldn't be in a paid event. Really discourage people(at least me) to spend when you put garbage like this.If you put more lvl 4-5 magatama instead of summon scrolls ,that would be golden(maybe alternate between them each week like magatama 1st week summon scrolls second week).I don't see why people are not allowed to use discount coupons on previous day's deal(like when you got a discount coupon on day 3 but want to use it on day 2's deal). Edit:Slot rewards gets better with increased spins(rate of bad drops decreases) but ,it would be nice if you can replace 6th prize with at least level 1 Magetamas. Overall, I am satisfied(wasn't pulling for Itachi or 5th so).20% discount,Tobirama and 5th Hokage seems to be unicorns so people expecting them might be disappointed.
Region HK
Current power 58k
Event Jinchuriki
it bad why u remove rainbow magata and charm material out of Jinchuriki Event and replace by perify rune protected rune ?
all regoins
BP: 100-200k
remove All rigged events from the game or post the real percentages of obtaining the items.
add more event which both p2w and f2p can look forward to( lucky board,mission mobilization,fateful choices,login rewards ...etc)
bring back rainbow magatamas and charm fragz to rescue the jinchuriki.
remove the * bond scrolls,flying rajins,20k golds from all events in the game.
remove the shapeshifting card from group wheel.
remove the 5k gold daily from the benefit hall, replace it with 5 coupons or something( no dangos or bonds!)
remove the pains from monthly event, it's been a year now put something new there.
Last but not least,If you gonna have admins play on regular servers,they have to identify themselves.
We're not idiots, Don't treat us like one.
Server: S-426
Region: UK
Current BP: 40k
Event: Rescue the Jinchuriki
Opinion: i really loved the charm material packs that were given with this event. doing the Jin event now doesnt feel as Rewarding. in my opinion the charm materials were the best loot this event had, and it was also cleverly separated, so you'd have to do multiple jin events to acquire 1 box of charms.. it was perfect.
please consider bring back the old Jin event loot.
Server 611
Region : HK
Current BP : 1.4k
Event : Crazy slot machine
Opinion : I consumed about 27000 ignots for itachi fragment and rolled 270~280 spins in Crazy slot. But I didn't even get Single One Itachi fragment.
Needless to say, Tsunade 80 fragments didn't appear. That is really really unfair event for getting Itachi fragment compared with other consumption method.
I didn't know that this crazy slot event's probability is so unjust and crazy in comparison with other Itachi fragment events.
If possible, I would like to put in a claim for compensation.
Server 407
Region : UK
Current BP : 54k
Event : Crazy slot machine
: Crazy slot machine and other RNG events should have their RNG rates published
Reasoning: The guy above me is an extreme case. But i also spinned the wheel around 88 times and only got a single susanoo frag, no tsunade frags of course. With the preious video showing that out of 1500 mission boxes not a single one had a ninja I believe its fair that the TRUE rates were published. Theese seem to be Gambling rates. There are kids playing spending money on stuff here. Adults can catch on quickly but some kids might spend a lot, its immoral and honestly paying adults will probably also stop since its obvious the rates are ridiculously low.If this is a bug due to 3.0 i also want compensation, it seemed tsunade dropped at around 80 spins isnt that what the devs told aristeaus?
Suggestion: Publish the rates, if there was a bug compensate the players.
Almost forgot:
Event: Rescue the jinchuuriki
Opinion: Charm fragments should not have been removed.
Reasoning: This was the only event to get charm materials (and mind you it was barely 2.5 charm packs per week, nothing extraordinary). Now charms can only be bought. I don't know if it is in preparaion to a new event but until we can get charms through other ways without going through shops we should have them back.
Suggestion: Change the Rescue the jinchuuriki rewards to what they were before. No one wanted them to change.
Server: 591
Region: HK
Current BP: 23k
Event: Team Instance
Opinion: Amount of Five nature rewards in Team Instance is too low.
Reasoning: With the 3.0 update, you increased the amount of five nature stones to reroll the natures of ninja tools. This is super unfair.
Suggestion: Increase the five nature stone rewards in team instance since the amount required for them to be used was increased.
all regoins
BP: 100-200k
remove All rigged events from the game or post the real percentages of obtaining the items.
add more event which both p2w and f2p can look forward to( lucky board,mission mobilization,fateful choices,login rewards ...etc)
bring back rainbow magatamas and charm fragz to rescue the jinchuriki.
remove the * bond scrolls,flying rajins,20k golds from all events in the game.
remove the shapeshifting card from group wheel.
remove the 5k gold daily from the benefit hall, replace it with 5 coupons or something( no dangos or bonds!)
remove the pains from monthly event, it's been a year now put something new there.
Last but not least,If you gonna have admins play on regular servers,they have to identify themselves.
We're not idiots, Don't treat us like one.
Server : 302
Region : EU
Current BP : 61K
Events : Sakura's Gift
Opinion : The event is pretty bad for free to play and moderate cashing players
Reasoning : The number of free items gainable per day is too low considering the prices of the things in the related redeem shop. The average outcome of the 5 sakura's foodsack is or 6-7 points per day. That means in 4 days you can get at most 1 charm pack or 10 cave keys. And is unfair towards moderate cashers because the requirement of 1000 points to appear in the list is too high, considering the price of ninja fragments there.
Suggestions : Lower the requirement to appear in the list to 250 and give 15-25 foodpacks per day for free.
Events : Crazy Slot Machine
Opinion : The chance to get horrible and totally useless rewards is far too high to lure by itself low and moderate cashers in spending ingots during the week.
Reasoning : If wasn't there the group shop purchase with 99 ingots for a lucky key pack with 1 seal scroll and 8 seal fragments for free as additional rewards i would have never spent 1 single ingot in the first half of this event. Outcome of the first 4 days: trumphet, shapeshifting card, basic level refinement rune, summon scroll. With this average outcome why should i be induced in spending more?
Suggestions : Remove 6th prize, Make 5th prize at least as worth as 4th one, remove Itachi Susano'o x1 as 2nd prize and put in his place some other common rare from kage or jinchuriki with 20 fragments.
Server: S27
Region: UK
Current BP: 43K
Events: Daily Special
Opinion: Sailor Sakura should return to Daily Special.
Reasoning:This is the only reliable event to get the ninja as the rest are purely down to luck this was the most feasible way to get her frags and now that she is no longer part of the event there is no good event that i can think of to get her or much reason for me to spend the coupons i have been stacking on the event.
Server : 55
Region : NA
Current BP : 65K
Events : Rescue Jin
Opinion : The nerf to the rewards for this event is ridiculous. No more charm pack frags or rainbow mags.
Reasoning : The event prior to the 3.0 nerf rewards were one of the worst. Now they are even worse than that, and it secures the position for worst event rewards. Before anyone says that it is because I score low on it, I usually place 1st with my team.
Suggestions : Return the rewards to what they were, and buff them
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