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Views: 17101 | Replies: 67
[ Help ] So what SHOULD have been done for the anniversary?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-20 03:33:13Show All Posts
Dear Oasis you guys will never learn that being a bunch of greedy pieces of wont do any good for the future of the western version of game and its community. People don't wanna spend that much money on your s.tupid game just so they can stay relevant in terms of power, character pool or w/e. Ever since you discovered how easy it is to milk people's bank accounts with your absurd 50k ings minato events you just never stopped did you. It's been like a year and yall mfs still pull the same exact f.uckery. I myself used to spend towards stuff in my NA account but as soon as I started playing in Germany I saw just how disgustingly greedy you moro.ns truly are...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-20 04:12:06Show All Posts
If they ever wanna bring balance to the game (probably not) and make it rewarding for everybody they need to change how they do things, they need to respect their community and listen to it or everything will eventually fall apart. I'm saying all that in response to the events so this is still relevant to your question @Starbucks Coffee. So Oasis does your friends at tencent know how poorly you do your job? do they know how shady you truly are? do they respect the way you do things? Literally every single event I've seen in NA for the past 1 year I've compared to Germany and I can say with 100% accuracy that yall are pants on head *ed if you think that people will continue supporting how you do things without voicing their opinions. :lol

Also when you click delete on my comment please do note that literally all the 15 p2w friends I had in my NA merge have now gone to Germany thanks to me so yall just keep doing your thing and keep thinking that us as a community don't know exactly what you're doing :lol :victory: :handshake
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-20 04:59:42Show All Posts
  • AkashaMoka On 2017-07-20 04:46:06
  • This anniversary is fine, I am sorry players who are f2p, but these events are nice for people who want to spend a bit and support the game.
Do you take into account that for the past 1 year you - the NA players have been fed *ty/overpriced events that were either outdated or just straight up made to milk your bank account? haven't you had enough with this bull*? don't you think that Oasis are laughing at yalls faces when they pull off their signature overpriced events that are only made not to bring you - the players satisfaction but to fatten their bank accounts and get away with it "because it's normal for us p2wins to recharge when there's events worth spending on" Guess what there is no such thing as worth spending on in NA, not when you compare it to literally any other region. And the "they're 2 months ahead of us" does NOT slide anymore. That's just them being a *ty incompetent company that doesn't respect its player base.
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On 2017-07-20 05:26:45Show All Posts
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-20 05:39:28Show All Posts
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