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[ Help ] So what SHOULD have been done for the anniversary?


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On 2017-07-20 02:45:41Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So obviously there's a bit of an uproar regarding this week's events (no *). Anyone have an idea on what would've made them legitimately worthwhile? I'd like to see others' opinions on this so I can re-evaluate my own standpoint and subsequently complain intelligently to Oasis.
And please don't say something * like "free Susano'o Itachi".
This post was last edited by Scarbucks Coffee at 2017-7-20 02:48
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On 2017-07-20 02:47:24Show this Author Only
Well im not to happy either, I wish we would get more free stuff for free to play players :(.
But complaining wont fix anything, I guess what we get we just have to deal with it :)
This post was last edited by IzGirlZelina at 2017-7-19 13:49
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On 2017-07-20 02:49:25Show this Author Only
  • Narluc On 2017-07-20 02:47:24
  • Well im not to happy either, I wish we would get more free stuff for free to play players :(.
    But complaining wont fix anything, I guess what we get we just have to deal with it :)
    This post was last edited by IzGirlZelina at 2017-7-19 13:49
Yeah, uh... is there anything specifically you had in mind?
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On 2017-07-20 02:50:46Show this Author Only
  • ScarbucksCoffee On 2017-07-20 02:49:25
  • Yeah, uh... is there anything specifically you had in mind?
Well honestly I don't have anything in mind, usually dont care. But it will be nice if the fragments for the clothes would be cheaper.
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On 2017-07-20 02:51:41Show this Author Only
Perhaps something for both F2P and P2W players. Have level gaps for corresponding events taking place. For those level 30 and below can have nice events that'll help them get items and coupons to catch up and increase their strength, while also pitching them a decently strong ninja.

Players above 30 can have slightly more benefits, but not that above lower levels to they don't feel cheated.
This can be more focused around ninja fragments and ninjas they should be able to get.

And for the sake of a long strength, lower levels can be given the Chunin Medal, like it's given when they first start. And higher levels can be given and bare with me very limited Jounin medal as a trail.
It can of course be given without the coupons and naruto nine-tail fragment that comes with it.
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On 2017-07-20 02:56:44Show this Author Only
  • Benevolence On 2017-07-20 02:51:41
  • Perhaps something for both F2P and P2W players. Have level gaps for corresponding events taking place. For those level 30 and below can have nice events that'll help them get items and coupons to catch up and increase their strength, while also pitching them a decently strong ninja.

    Players above 30 can have slightly more benefits, but not that above lower levels to they don't feel cheated.
    This can be more focused around ninja fragments and ninjas they should be able to get.

    And for the sake of a long strength, lower levels can be given the Chunin Medal, like it's given when they first start. And higher levels can be given and bare with me very limited Jounin medal as a trail.
    It can of course be given without the coupons and naruto nine-tail fragment that comes with it.
I hadn't thought about the medals. Interesting insight.
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On 2017-07-20 02:58:03Show this Author Only
free susanoo itachi
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On 2017-07-20 03:03:28Show this Author Only
  • ScarbucksCoffee On 2017-07-20 02:56:44
  • I hadn't thought about the medals. Interesting insight.
Honestly at this point, I think rebate events and other spending events should only be shown for people who have spent money on the game. Aka Jounin Medals. They shouldn't make it public, meaning they have more room to open up more and creative events for those who don't have the money to enjoy this game.
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On 2017-07-20 03:04:28Show this Author Only
I propose what i already said in the events thread.

Why not a special version of lucky board, same event but with a new special anniversary board. I'm not asking for susanoo to be in the board, but why not sage naruto for instance? or a kage rare which changes every day?

With a higher cost/reward ratio than the normal lucky board.

A real special event for anniversary better than the rest.

If not why not something on the lines of mt mobyoku? EVEN mt Myoboku, it would have been better to release it this week than the one that just passed.

And that's juts off the top of my head.
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On 2017-07-20 03:05:37Show this Author Only
only one thing, more F2P events, that's all
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On 2017-07-20 03:06:24Show this Author Only
Here is a list of events I thought would be a good fit for the 1st Aniversary:

Clash of Rebates

This event would see every rebate we know of coming in one week (Blessing Refine, Refine, Seal, Summon, Charm, Armour). They would rotate through the week so Thursday would be Refine Rebates, Friday would be Seal Rebate, Weekend would be all the rebates, Monday would be Charm Rebate, Tuesday would be Armour Rebate, and Wednesday would be Summon Rebate. Ideally all rebates would just run throught the week, but I geared the event to be a bit more Oasis friendly.

Thank You Comrades! (Log in Event)

This would be a daily log in event where players would be rewarded just for logging in. Total rewards would be 10 million coins, a special 1st anniversary clothing, 10 seal scrolls, 10 summon scrolls, a red chakra pack, 1000 coupons and a kage/Jin 1/Jin 2 rare (their choose not ours).

Return To Konoha

Much like the Call of Duty event that is in this week, this event is geared to invited returning players as well as new players. Players would be able to send out email invites to people, and would be credited with rewards if players join using that email. Returning players would just need to log in to count, while new players would have to get to lvl 30 before counting towards the event. Players who join the game using this invite will also be rewarded with extras.

Fukurokumaru's Revenge

This would be a limited time "raid" like event. It would act much like ninja exams with players being rewarded with small rewards each level they beat, and major rewards every 10 levels they beat. It would not be resetable so once a player completes it, its done (much like Ultimate Training). Rewards would be refine runes, threads, coins, coupons, seal scrolls, and summon scrolls.

Anniversary Wheel

Just a standard coupon/ingot sink with good rewards. 50 coupons/ingots per spin for the first 10 spins, after that the price jumps to 100. 1 free spin a day.

Recharge Rebate

Self explainitory

TenTen Recharge Event

We got it

Medal Renewal/First Purchuse

Just a discount or a extra reward for renewing your medal. Also would be open for those who buy it for the first time.

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On 2017-07-20 03:06:39Show this Author Only
Free susanoo itachi.

Jokes aside definitely not 100% p2w events with absolutely nothing for the f2p and no the seal rebate + new treasure is not a f2p event because that was predetermined and was going to be released anyway.

What people wanted was some fun and interactive and most importantly REWARDING for everyone events like the myouboku trial,or like the egg event during easter and even some free coupons, and a decent or even a joke ninja for free would have been alright, however this is obviously not even close to what happened, thus everyone is beyond disappointed with these events.

AND everything Dragonfire14 said those are some good suggestions.
This post was last edited by osk*** at 2017-7-20 03:09
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On 2017-07-20 03:26:35Show this Author Only
  • Unmotivated Bas On 2017-07-20 03:05:37
  • only one thing, more F2P events, that's all
plot twist its not a naruto online anniversary its a p2w anniversary
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On 2017-07-20 03:33:13Show this Author Only
Dear Oasis you guys will never learn that being a bunch of greedy pieces of wont do any good for the future of the western version of game and its community. People don't wanna spend that much money on your s.tupid game just so they can stay relevant in terms of power, character pool or w/e. Ever since you discovered how easy it is to milk people's bank accounts with your absurd 50k ings minato events you just never stopped did you. It's been like a year and yall mfs still pull the same exact f.uckery. I myself used to spend towards stuff in my NA account but as soon as I started playing in Germany I saw just how disgustingly greedy you moro.ns truly are...
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On 2017-07-20 03:37:04Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-20 03:40:10Show this Author Only
In your dreams is what I would say to you good sir. oasis would never do this.
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On 2017-07-20 03:41:16Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-07-20 03:40:10
  • In your dreams is what I would say to you good sir. oasis would never do this.
Hey, it wouldn't hurt to try again.
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On 2017-07-20 03:45:02Show this Author Only
  • ScarbucksCoffee On 2017-07-20 03:37:04
  • I'm going to try and say this as gently as I can, which is not very gentle 'cause I'm a klutz with words.

    This right here is not what I meant when I tried to specify "intelligent complaining". It's just insults and uncontrolled spite. If we're gonna complain, the least we can do is provide legitimately helpful criticisms to make them better, besides "stop being greedy" or "free susano'o itachi" or something like that. This post was last edited by Scarbucks Coffee at 2017-7-20 03:38
(reply removed feel free to ignore) This post was last edited by a derps life at 2017-7-20 03:46
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On 2017-07-20 03:50:34Show this Author Only
*s for the F2P players..they waited dis for so long and this is what they get..hmmmmm:(:(:(:(:(:(
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On 2017-07-20 03:58:08Show this Author Only
1. Replace Kakashi with Sage naruto or Sage Jiraiya. Someone useful but not one of the harder to get ninja such as Hidan Tsunade Itachi and Sasuke.
2. Maybe add another one or two ftp events that take stamina to get the items such as the fishing event so we can gain more then one of whatever item is needed with out stamina at the same time. Sort of like a FTP version of the Ingot recharg/rebate events on how they are al lstacked nicely this week.

3.Anniversarie clothing? I seen people talk about this but I don't know if it was a real thing. I'm sure all of the ftp (and even p2p/p2w) players would love a special Anniversarie clothing you can only get this week. If there was never an Anniversarie clothing created I would not hand out any of the other clothing (as much as I would like it) as it would be unfair to the players that already bought them.

I'm sure everyone (other than the few people that always complain about something) would be happy with a rare ninja that can be used in pvp. I hope this does not look like a 'GIVE US FREE STUFF' post. I just think if you are going to bother with celebrating Anniversaries you should try to make everyone happy and from the look of things many people are not happy.

I know in China, later on after 3.0 things get better for the FTP player compared to how they are now. My only hope is that Oasis looks at what they did to make things better (event wise I know you can't change too much of the game yourself) and change them at a quicker pace than China did in their updates.

This post was last edited by Ronin345 at 2017-7-20 04:14
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