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[ Help ] Account Binding


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 17
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On 2017-07-18 23:07:59Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hiya, I was asked to make this guide for players who don't know how to bind their account! Not sure if anyone made this already, but it's a great reminder.
So, first you gotta find your way to the Oasis User Center. If you can't get there, click your icon/display picture on the top right, then click 'Change Account', which is in white text and highlighted.

Next, when you reach the User Center, click 'Bind Account'. If you have already done this, the option will no longer be available, so you can't see it if you registered with Oas/already binded.
Lastly, fill in your information, the email you WANT the account to be binded to, etc.

Note: Binding your account will RESET all your forum progress. If you've reached some high level in the forum, I suggest you do not do this unless you don't mind losing all your progress.

That's all, folks, stay tuned for next time!

This post was last edited by Ramen-kun at 2017-7-18 23:07
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