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[ Lineup ] Next Ninja + Coupons Use


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On 2017-07-17 00:28:55Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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As the title says. Im a Wind Main. I genuinely love it And i decided that for now ill * to it. Therefore i made up my mind to a lineup that consists of Wind Blade Asuma, Gaara Kage ( or simple until then ), Sage Naruto and Wind Main. I decided to do some pulls today in Sage treasure and got AO. My current line-up is now Wind Main, Gaara, Ao, Kabuto.
So. If you did read this far i have a few questions. I did bought ( besides the daily keys ) 26 keys for the Sage Treasure event so i can get a 30% discount on Asuma. I did get discount on everything besides him and i really wonder if i need him that badly now. I don't have lot's of Ninja's and i thought an Wind Blade would help me as i would later use it for Sage Naruto. Now the question is. I got 2503 coupons left. Im level 67 with 19433 power. Should i really buy more keys or simply pray to get an Asuma discount from the shop or simply invest the coupons in a ninja like Iruka then to upgrade my power. I really need some help and ideeas about this.

PS: Only money i spent were 5$ and those were for 4 star Gaara.
This post was last edited by ArnoTheGuy at 2017-7-17 00:30
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-17 01:02:54Show this Author Only
Do not * all your coupons on keys.
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On 2017-07-17 01:06:18Show this Author Only
  • Malachorn On 2017-07-17 01:02:54
  • Do not * all your coupons on keys.
I asked so many things... i know that... any advice about the rest?
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On 2017-07-17 01:08:34Show this Author Only
You will get asuma WB fragments slowly over time from survival trial and chase missions. I wouldn't invest a single coupon to get him, since u get him for free eventually. He isnt used very often as well, mainly 9tails/summon fights, any main blitz teams or coins trial. If you dont need iruka right away (hes good early but at your level you soon unlock kage treasure and with it better ninjas) then wait a little, you can get his frags for free as well from refining 5* ninjas.
If I were you i'd slowly invest into sage naruto, since hes the core of wind main (possible to piece him during 4-5 events with close to none coupon usage) and save coupons for power.
Regarding last sentence about your 5$- you are f2p, then your best friend is time. U can get a lot of stuff for free in this game by just waiting and slowly piecing together ninjas etc. I'd avoid using coupons on ANY "situational" ninja fragments, that wont stay in your team for next few months.
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On 2017-07-17 01:09:59Show this Author Only
So i should invest in power?
PS: Isnt Asuma Wind Blade needed for a Sage Naruto team? And also i used my 60 seal scrolls on Sage Treasure already and drew Ao. So Orochimaru then Sage naruto on my way... but that in a month or so...
This post was last edited by ArnoTheGuy at 2017-7-17 01:11
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-17 01:18:38Show this Author Only
Wind main has this "stagnation period" at your level, where everybody seems to be getting new ninjas and you * to the empress build you created at 30 or so level. Don't mind it, just keep playing and piece your team together (saying this for the future, because once you guys unlock kage there will be a rise of new teams that stomp).
As second rare u can get either orochimaru or sage, its not determined. It's up to you now if you want to get naruto frags and try your luck in kage (since you need bee or gaara for meta wind team or mei for upgraded empress team) or keep going into sage and get other ninjas by fragments (note: sage is the easiest to obtain by frags, hes pretty much every week in some event).
Asuma wb isnt neccessary for wind teams, in fact I hardly ever see him in any wind team 50k power+. He isnt used much because most other meta teams can do some serious damage round1 to u and u lose his buff, which is a huge part of his kit.
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On 2017-07-17 02:18:03Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2017-07-17 01:18:38
  • Wind main has this "stagnation period" at your level, where everybody seems to be getting new ninjas and you * to the empress build you created at 30 or so level. Don't mind it, just keep playing and piece your team together (saying this for the future, because once you guys unlock kage there will be a rise of new teams that stomp).
    As second rare u can get either orochimaru or sage, its not determined. It's up to you now if you want to get naruto frags and try your luck in kage (since you need bee or gaara for meta wind team or mei for upgraded empress team) or keep going into sage and get other ninjas by fragments (note: sage is the easiest to obtain by frags, hes pretty much every week in some event).
    Asuma wb isnt neccessary for wind teams, in fact I hardly ever see him in any wind team 50k power+. He isnt used much because most other meta teams can do some serious damage round1 to u and u lose his buff, which is a huge part of his kit.
So... by spending all my seals on Sage Treasure i did set myself behind? I thought going all in on a ninja ( for example Sage Naruto in my case ) would've been a good ideea... and the frags i would be getting from events would be used to make him 4 stars ( as he will be my main win condition ).
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On 2017-07-17 02:25:40Show this Author Only
I would say save your coupons. The anniversary events are coming up soon and most likely will have a coupon drain in them.
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On 2017-07-17 03:26:39Show this Author Only
So basically... i *ed 60 seal scrolls and 260 coupons on keys?
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On 2017-07-17 06:00:40Show this Author Only
There is a 1/3 chance to get Sage Naruto so if you would have gotten him, it would be a good pull. Since Ao is a common in the kage treasure (lv 70) you pretty much "wasted" the scrolls but you increase the chance to pull sage naruto as next rare.

Like others said, dont buy too many key. What im always doing in this event is saving all my keys until the last day and use them all. If I don't get anything i want, there is always a next time :-)
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