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[ Lineup ] Mei vs Danzo Who is Better?


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On 2017-07-16 12:01:51Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So, I pulled Mei, and I currently use lightning main and Danzo, and it is a pretty solid team. But since I pulled Mei, I assume I will have to use water main, so can someone build me a water main team.

And...With a Mei and Danzo team, which team is better and which team should I use all the time Danzo or Mei??

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On 2017-07-16 12:33:55Show this Author Only
No really, mei is not just fit for water team, but also fit for wind main team with mabui, playboy sasuke, and mei.
with the respect to your case, Danzo is more suitable for lightning main due to his barrier boosted both lightning and fire ninja's attack and ninj attributes.
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On 2017-07-16 13:57:45Show this Author Only
I guess what I am trying to say is that there is no way for Mei and Danzo to be on the same team...therefore I must pick one over the other...which is why I need you guys to help me.

And if you believe Mei is the better ninja over Danzo, can someone help me build a team.
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On 2017-07-16 14:10:02Show this Author Only

I would say use that team. It is the standard WM/Mei team, and it is the standard for a reason. It is really powerful and has few flaws.


Your current LM team with Danzo has quite a few problems with it. First of all your LM is in second position, so turn 2 you are 100% losing the initiative battle because you have no first position mystery.
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On 2017-07-16 14:10:56Show this Author Only
jirayaSM+iruka+danzo+fire main
mabui+1010gnw+mei+water main
mei+sskPlayboy+mabui+wind main
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On 2017-07-16 16:07:08Show this Author Only
danzo is better for buffs and damage
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On 2017-07-16 16:23:45Show this Author Only
Danzo is good for lighting teams and few fire teams and he is able to save your ninjas from death easily even saved me from blitz teams when i timed it correctly. Mei is one of the best ninjas in the game and for a reason. Her passives are insane first, barrier for water and fire that when is active it can poison two targets, 25% more dmg to male characters on top of that, plus she can accupanture, immobilise and a aoe ignite that hurts a lot. Now it depends on the roll you want them. But if you want a team with mei our fellow players above gave some that are also great
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On 2017-07-16 17:06:31Show this Author Only
Mei is more offensive while Danzo is more supportive.
I know you're expecting this but the meta cancer team, AF + Mei + Mabui + GNW Tenten is the way to go. There are other lineups with Mei but the cancer team syncs nicely with each other.
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On 2017-07-16 18:59:42Show this Author Only
People call mei's team cancer since its the most common and easier to get. Like most meta tems, it wins you the fight so long as you have higher initiative, even if your BP is lower.

But it is not the only one.

Danzo, SN, FM iruka is also a meta team which can win you the fight if SN moves first. The lightning blitz team wins you the fight if your main moves first and you are aiming at mabui.
Provided you have a move 1 immobile chase and you move first you will more often than not win the fight. Same with barriers. If you want ot win in pvp focus on initiative and nothing else.

Exceptions to this are the very expensive meta teams which include hokage or susanoo ninjas.

As for the OP's question, if you have iruka 3* try FM, SN iruka danzo team, it is very strong. Otherwise the water meta team should suit you just fine. Take into account that lightning blitz teams will be severly impaired by the arrival of masked obito and han. When those teams start to disappear, the roshi teams might me bore common since roshi will have better chances of survival against random opponents. This in turn might deter a bit the water cancer triple healer teams (that is cancer since the game becomes a luck battle of who heals better in turn 10 or who had more life to begin with), due to roshi's ignite and constant buff (as well as jonin minato).

So yea, the iruka-SN-FM-danzo team and the mei-tenten-mabui-WM are probably good lineups to bank for right now.
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On 2017-07-16 19:11:29Show this Author Only

Mei is the best Master Level Elements Ninja her Lava release , Boil release jutsu

of the Kekkei Genkai makes her Fifth MIZUKAGE of the Daimyo Protection Squad.

WFLE release Water Dragon Kunoichi Mei is primarily an offensive leader.

Danzo support Wood release is weak , leader of the Root.
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On 2017-07-16 19:57:02Show this Author Only
Mei carries the most overloaded kit in the entire game and needs a serious nerf or a change. What makes her so broken is the fact that she's right up there with the strongest ninjas in the entire game next to Itachi Susanoo, 4 star Kyuubi Naruto, Masked Obito, Sailor Sakura etc. but she's super common and easy to get while the rest are rare. The water mains are so dominant in Germany with the mei, gnk tenten, mabui line ups that the wind teams of sm naruto,kage gaara and 5k temari doesn't stand a chance let alone the blitz teams with danzo, mifune and kimi...
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On 2017-07-17 05:00:01Show this Author Only
Thanks for all the great advice:):):)
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On 2017-07-17 05:01:12Show this Author Only
By the way what telents should i go with??
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On 2017-07-17 05:44:34Show this Author Only
  • Armand_ On 2017-07-16 18:59:42
  • People call mei's team cancer since its the most common and easier to get. Like most meta tems, it wins you the fight so long as you have higher initiative, even if your BP is lower.

    But it is not the only one.

    Danzo, SN, FM iruka is also a meta team which can win you the fight if SN moves first. The lightning blitz team wins you the fight if your main moves first and you are aiming at mabui.
    Provided you have a move 1 immobile chase and you move first you will more often than not win the fight. Same with barriers. If you want ot win in pvp focus on initiative and nothing else.

    Exceptions to this are the very expensive meta teams which include hokage or susanoo ninjas.

    As for the OP's question, if you have iruka 3* try FM, SN iruka danzo team, it is very strong. Otherwise the water meta team should suit you just fine. Take into account that lightning blitz teams will be severly impaired by the arrival of masked obito and han. When those teams start to disappear, the roshi teams might me bore common since roshi will have better chances of survival against random opponents. This in turn might deter a bit the water cancer triple healer teams (that is cancer since the game becomes a luck battle of who heals better in turn 10 or who had more life to begin with), due to roshi's ignite and constant buff (as well as jonin minato).

    So yea, the iruka-SN-FM-danzo team and the mei-tenten-mabui-WM are probably good lineups to bank for right now.
Fire main - iruka - danzo - sage naruto? interisting...
can you give the talent, summon, and position of the ninja... :D
This post was last edited by gigibgt at 2017-7-17 05:45
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On 2017-07-17 06:17:41Show this Author Only
danzo - SN -SN clone
FM - iruka - X

The talents are pretty felxible, depenfing on what you want. You need however the imobile chase so i would go:

4- 4 (3 if you have slower move 1) - 3 - 2 - 1 for a full control team, but cna be changed in order to make it more offensive.

Summon rhino or equivalent purple summon.

Iruka has momve 2 interrupt, move 1 ltriggers combo each timewith SN and immobile chase. Danzo move 3 can save a unit with his mystery. SN is your dps move 2 and main can heal debuffs as well as send them back to the opponent.

If you have a faster move 1 than the opponent you basically control the whole fight. Again you can change the main's mystery to make it more offensive.
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On 2017-07-17 09:58:43Show this Author Only
you can * to Danzo, and use in Mei in Ranked battle, her aoe does great deal.

Mei is better in Ranked Battle, Danzo's auto-mystery is a bit awkward unless it has good timing.

For 1v1, I'd prefer Danzo than Mei, even though I used Mei more than Danzo. His passive barrier Chaos can counter many teams, especially healers.
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On 2017-07-17 15:20:11Show this Author Only
My opinion, if you want the gameplay to be fast pick danzo, coz you can't disable the animation of Mei,
but yes Danzo would be perfect for lightning team
like if you have mifune and danzo
do, LM-Danzo-Kimimaro-Mifune
summon: serpent...
or blitz team
danzo, -iruka- wind blade - LM
summon: Rhino
for water main
either do immortal or
mei, tenten, mabuie, WM This post was last edited by Chamois at 2017-7-17 15:23 This post was last edited by Chamois at 2017-7-17 15:24
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On 2017-07-17 15:24:27Show this Author Only
For Mei you will need, mabui and gnw 1010. For danzo you c*e Fire main, Danzo, Sage Jiriya and Kimimaru
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On 2017-07-17 18:42:43Show this Author Only
Note: This post has been filtered by Daiske (Administrator)
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On 2017-07-17 21:03:59Show this Author Only
I have been using my Sage Naruto, Sage Jiraiya, Danzo, Fire main team since kage treasure comes out. It's still pretty solid. I go 4,4,3,4,1 with Dog of Hell summon.
Quicky Post

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