I'm new to the forums and I keep gaining gold coins, but I have no idea what they are?I've seen some threads asking about the feature, but most of the time, someone answers what in-game coins are, and then the thread gets closed. :shutup:
What "gold coins" are you refering to? I believe I answered a similiar question, with explaining both ingots and coins, however I can't think of any gold coins in particular being in game.
What "gold coins" are you refering to? I believe I answered a similiar question, with explaining both ingots and coins, however I can't think of any gold coins in particular being in game.
I think what he means is te gold coins you get heree, in the forum
What "gold coins" are you refering to? I believe I answered a similiar question, with explaining both ingots and coins, however I can't think of any gold coins in particular being in game.
Neither actually... We get gold coins on the forums for doing stuff like answering polls. Thanks though!
And Kfactor, thanks for the link! I actually saw that thread but its from almost half a year ago so I wasn't sure if anything changed...