As a group leader and how I view a group should be run. I would require a few things.
Zero tolerance policy on disrespect among group members and must not be bias when it does happen. Yeah fights are bound to happen in which they may or may not settle themselves but they must know not to cross a certain line when frustrated with each other.
The leader must let arguments play themselves out and only step in when needed. Let the group govern themselves or deal with the problem instead of the leader dictating what is going on or how things will be done (Pack Distribution is another story).
As for packs from GNW, show up for all rounds and you get a legendary pack, show up for most rounds you'll get a Hero Pack, show up for less than that, get the crap pack. (Provided that we are able to get packs from GNW) Then cycle through all members so everyone has a chance at getting it, this allows newer players to not be frustrated or feel ostracized when they do GNW or join the group.
We don't believe in forced donations, we want our members to focus on their power over donating coins. This way group members won't be kicked if their donations are low. I personally had a group leader ask for 900k coins a day when I was a low lvl only earning about 600k and upgrading my gear via coins was extremely expensive. So the whole forcing donation idea disgusts me.