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[ Updates ] Event Feedbacks - 13th July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-14 07:31:01Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello Ninjas,

as per previous Event Feedback threads, we will be opening another one for this week Events - 13th July, suggestions and improvements idea towards our events are all welcomed. This is one of our critical action and necessity for our community to grow, as it allow us to identify and improve our overall content and events for all of our players. Following format shall be used in order to ensure a uniform and ease data collection towards the end of the week.

Example:-Server : 34
Region : HK
Current BP : 58K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya
Reasoning : With the current treasure and meta, it is very hard to find a spot for Sage Jiraiya, a universal ninja which can suit into multiple type of strategy would serve better example : Sage Naruto. On top of that, it has been Sage Jiraiya for past few months a new ninja would be a good change.
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments

We would also, like to inform everyone that we are trying our best to push for changes / improvements that the players have suggested. However, the final decision would be at the hand of the management and there is no guarantee of the time it might takes.

Fortunately, please rest assured as all your feedbacks are being entertained by our team and will always be in our discussions. The example that we have provided is merely a guideline for everyone, feel free to elaborate on your reasonings/suggestions to ensure the message are throughly communicated.
Any unrelated comments or posts that doesn't follow the format will be deleted.

Thank you.

Naruto Online Operation Team

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On 2017-07-15 05:20:36Show this Author Only
server: 159
region: NY
Current BP: 70k

Events: BA Rebate. Treasure of Sage is fine. Wish we had an event that sold thread before the BA rebate besides BA panic Buy last week.

Cave key Rebate/Mystery Tree. Normally the Mystery Fruit ripened before the cave key rebate expired but it doesn't seem like the case this time, so that *s. Cave key rebate should have been longer, whats the big deal in having both BA rebate and cave key rebate last the whole week??

Lucky stars: Common Thread in this event *s since it's so easy to get. Med Thread would have been much better. Like the choice of ninja but they all seem expensive.

Break Golden Eggs: this event is the worst recharge event by far, will never do it again. broke 2 eggs, got 20 coupon back both times.

Lucky *: too many bad prizes in this event (for 50 coupon). Not interested.

Myokobu Trial/Wheel: Overall, Like the wheel. Using it only for one roll every day, the second roll at 300 is too expensive for me.

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On 2017-07-15 05:29:36Show this Author Only
How about really replacing Jiraiya with Naruto in Lucky Board? :)
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On 2017-07-15 06:51:36Show this Author Only
More Edo Tensei tresure ninjas in the events plz like rasa , gengetsu and Muu
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On 2017-07-15 23:41:56Show this Author Only
Example:-Server : 490
Region : EU/UK
Current BP : 39K
Events : Jonin medal renewal
Opinion : New jonin medal subscribers should also be able to claim the award
Reasoning : You are missing out on potential medal buyers by limiting the rewards to only current medal holders. Lots of people don't want to buy the jonin medal because they feel like they are "missing out" on the rewards.
Suggestions : Allow people that purchase the medal for the 1st time to also claim a reward, by doing this you are guaranteed to have an increase in jonin medal buyers. I, for example have been thinking about it quite some time but feel very disappointed after reading that there would be no rebate. If current medal holders feel this is unfair, you can give them something extra compared to new buyers.
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On 2017-07-16 02:17:32Show this Author Only
server: 21
region: NY
Current BP: 65k, f2p

Events: Treasure of the Sage:

You had mood scrolls before and that was of much worth to purchase the keys and now that is removed (now the only thing that is good is the Sage Naruto Frags and I'm neutral about the 10 coupons). I think that having mood scrolls back is a good strategy because people are trying to boost up Roshi, thus it would serve as an incentive to spend more in the treasure of the sage.

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On 2017-07-16 22:21:38Show this Author Only
Server: S43 Minato
Region: It's your game you should know what the servers are from their name
Event: Lucky Star ...again

Suggestion: Stop being *my with Lucky Star, The players know Tendo isn't worth 450 for 5 Frags and you guys should sure as hell know Tendo isn't worth that much, per fragment he has to be equal to Hashirama who is far cheaper than 450 for 5 frags.

Also, Ay being far easier to land on than Tendo is also just as *, I was almost convinced that you had made Tendo impossible to land on because for the entire event period last time no one ever landed on Tendo, not even once, and no one had done it either this time until a random player finally landed on Tendo. I don't know what nonsensical rate you set it to but you need to stop this.

We all know what Tendo is worth, stop being so obvious in your attempt to prey on people stuck at 76 frags, it's gross. I can't even believe you're doing this again when last time had caused some complaints from some others and also myself, well I guess I can believe it, that's the sad part.

Reasoning: Since this probably has to be explained

Scrolls needed for a chance to draw Hashirama = 400
Scrolls needed for a chance to get Raikage Ay = 800+
Scrolls needed for a chance to draw Tendo = 400

Hashirama has been in Mission Box = Yes
Raikage has been in Mission Box = no
Tendo has been in Mission Box = Yes

Can get 76 (Soon to be 80) Hashirama frags for free from Ultimate Training = No
Can get 76 (Soon to be 80) Raikage frags for free from Ultimate Training = No
Can get 76 (Soon to be 80) Tendo frags for free from Ultimate Training = Yes

Hashirama in Chase Mission = No
Raikage in Chase Mission = No
Tendo in Chase Mission = Yes

Number of ways to acquire Hashirama for free = 1 (Mission Box)
Number of ways to acquire Raikage for free = 0 (Not including saving enough seals over time as a f2p player)
Number of ways to acquire Tendo for free = 3 (Mission Box, Ultimate Training, Chase Missions)

Price of 5 Hashirama frags in Lucky Star = 125
Price of 5 Raikage frags in Lucky Star = 350
Price of 5 Tendo frags in Lucky Star = 450

Number of times witnessed someone landing on Raikage during this and the previous Lucky Star event = 20+ times
Number of times witnessed someone landing on Tendo during this and the previous Lucky Star event = 1 time

Conclusion: This is a garbage event and you don't know the actual worth of characters in the game you manage. So you try to screw us and you're bad at hiding it.
This post was last edited by Immortal Utsuro at 2017-7-16 22:47
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On 2017-07-18 10:48:24Show this Author Only
Server: S289
Region: LA
Current BP: 43k
Event: Mount Myoboku Trial
Opinion: Really great event.
Reasoning: It is gave something fresh to look forward to, 60 coupons a day is amazing letting players be ready for the next week of events while giving cave keys for it as well. However, I'd just hope there is not Lee Eight Inner Gates as the ninja every time. Be amazing if we can get Sage Naruto from it next time. (Hint hint nudge nudge)
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On 2017-07-19 01:28:46Show this Author Only
Example:-Server : 9
Region : NY
Current BP : 58K
Events : Treasure of the sage
Opinion : why there is no more mood scrolls when we open a treasure ? when we asked you to put it in the group lucky wheel you delete it from here :@
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments
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On 2017-07-19 02:23:43Show this Author Only
Server:S27 Hashirama
Current BP: 43K
Event: Treasure of the sage
Opinion: Mood scrolls were the big factor as to why i would invest coupons into the treasure but since it isnt there it really does lose alot of it's worth, hope to see the mood scrolls make a return especially since they're so scarce in the game at the moment. This post was last edited by Zenkaii at 2017-7-19 02:25
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On 2017-07-19 03:27:01Show this Author Only
The Item IDs for Mood Scrolls got mixed up guys, they'll be back next time. It was the Antidotes that were to be removed for the purification runes :)
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On 2017-07-19 06:23:15Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-07-19 03:27:01
  • The Item IDs for Mood Scrolls got mixed up guys, they'll be back next time. It was the Antidotes that were to be removed for the purification runes :)
That's great and all but next time doesn't help much now tho nice to see it fixed so fast wish the wheel could get fixed that fast been waiting months , i think we are closing in on 6months
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On 2017-07-19 07:14:01Show this Author Only
:-Server : Dancing Weapon
Region : NY
Current BP : 27k
Events : Myoboku Trail
Opinion: This event is awesome i suggest you guys make it a weekly or daily event, because this is what all f2p's need for their rune stone upgrades:P
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On 2017-07-19 11:30:59Show this Author Only
Server : 59 61 63
Region : NY
Current BP : 32k
Events : Treasure of the Sage
Opinion : Medium and Advanced threads disappeared from treasure event
Reasoning : I know you want to milk the paying players dry, but what about the rest of the players that wait for the threads to be at a discount on treasure of the sage event to buy them for the BA rebate, only to see they're gone. What a coincidence that you brought up the BA rebate along with the panic buy, but then eliminate the threads from the treasure. The paywall is real.:@:curse: Bring the threads and mood scrolls back. This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-7-19 11:33
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On 2017-07-19 12:45:33Show this Author Only
  • Zaik On 2017-07-19 11:30:59
  • Server : 59 61 63
    Region : NY
    Current BP : 32k
    Events : Treasure of the Sage
    Opinion : Medium and Advanced threads disappeared from treasure event
    Reasoning : I know you want to milk the paying players dry, but what about the rest of the players that wait for the threads to be at a discount on treasure of the sage event to buy them for the BA rebate, only to see they're gone. What a coincidence that you brought up the BA rebate along with the panic buy, but then eliminate the threads from the treasure. The paywall is real.:@:curse: Bring the threads and mood scrolls back. This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-7-19 11:33
The mood scrolls will be back next time, they just meant to take out antidotes and they mixed up item IDs. So relax...
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