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[ Lineup ] Question about immortal team


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-13 16:52:52Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I'm currently using a team of Mabui, Tenten and Mei with water main.

However, I'm able to afford buying sailor sakura soon, and I do have a Hokage tsunade.
So I'm thinking of swapping to a immortal team. I don't have the 9Tails Naruto tho, and I'm not sure what I c*e to fill that slot of a tank. Probably Kimimaru, but I don't know if there are other better options.

So, how good are immortal team in the meta? Which line up for me would be better?
And what ninja could I use, since I don't have 9Tails naruto?


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-13 17:04:32Show this Author Only
Kimimaro works way better than naruto ninetails chakra in that team since naruto is not a tank at all and with an mb in front of him would die in a millisecond. The options for you are tanks in the common sense of the term, so kimimaro, hebihime, jirobo, choji or you could use a ninja like roshi, but you need to stack him with a lot of defense and resistance because he isn't strictly a tank.
Anyways, in general, I'm not sure how good that team is. On my personal experience every meta team if used in the right way except for blitz teams based on lightning armor only have it easy with you simply by nuking round2 your tsunade and round3 your azure fang or your sailor sakura if they are able to add ignition.

By trying imho works better if you don't use azure fang as an healing booster. Use skewering and neurotoxin with 3rd chase and you get something way better. Full healing don't work.
This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ at 2017-7-13 17:07
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On 2017-07-13 17:25:47Show this Author Only
TBH, immortal teams are pretty weak nowadays with multiple counters (both earth and water versions).

Lightning blitz has always been a hard counter if the lightning player has higher init / BP and there are just multiple Roshi teams spread across lightning, fire, and earth that either grinds down immortal teams slowly or just nukes their entire team down through two turns of Roshi teamwide ignite chase into a turn 2 Roshi mystery.

If you lack 6 tails Naruto 4*'ed then you can swap to Earth main and sub in Kabuto as your 4th ninja. This post was last edited by Deculture at 2017-7-13 18:27
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