Alright, so. I've been playing this game for a while. Of all things i've come across that still bothers me is the Lightning Main's passive Root of Warrior. For me it's bittersweet, it's an excellent buff for sword-type ninja, but at the same time seems nearly unbeatable. Atleast from my perspective, there's very few ways for beating teams that have the buff besides the spoken 'wait it out' tactic or using GNW Temari. So far i've still found little ways to debunk this passive and the more I see it used the more it bothers me.
Other mains thus far don't have as a game breaking passive as the Lightning Main. Being able to become immune to all debuffs while giving a stat boost too? This allows the Lightning Main, an offensive attacker that shouldn't normally be out in the front line, to be in the front line. Maybe i'm wrong, or looking at it wrong I don't know. So far though Lightning Main has been the reign character for the longest, and I'm really open to any sort of idea of how to beat it without the wailing cry for a nerf.
Maybe not nerfed, but changed. Ahhh, idk.
I'm just ranting..