I would honestly have to say it depends on the ninja you need as well as where your power currently sits. I recently picked up Roshi and have had amazing results with him. Where I used to place within 25-40 in time space, Ive held rank 18-10 now. Dominates in GNW. He can turn the tide of a fight. Ignites enemys on taijutsu attacks, immunity, etc. He ramps up over time, so his damage is pretty wild by the last round if you soak enough damge. I did sacrifice being a light main in order to maximize his potential but I honestly enjoy it.
From what Ive seen in videos, Han has more utility. He pretty much "evens the playing field." He does this by removing buffs, shileds, etc. This doesn't completely dismiss blitz teams but do make them less effective.
All in all, you would have to see which of these ninja will benefit most from your overall power and ninjas.
This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-7-13 12:02