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[ Bugs ] Wheel of Fortune


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On 2017-07-11 20:35:57Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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As the topic name says is Wheel of Fortune Cross Server ?

As from my server 154 Ninja Monkey i'm at the moment the only spender. i done 60 Seals in Wheel , and next day i notice a player named "KaitoLee" passed me with 10 points , done another 20 to pass him . i end up on 81 seals . that's on friday , now tuesday i notice another player named 'KazuyaOzaki' with 91 pulls . i passed him aswell. as i said i never see this 2 players on my server , i check the rank and didn't found them at all . is really a cross server ? or is a bug that those players is there ?

And Second problem is Time Limited Shop , as i spend alot i hawe so many points i don't hawe what to get from there anymore , just Turtle , but i for fragment is 50 summon point's wich is way to low to pay based on how much is the price for the turtle .

This post was last edited by ^Al3x^ at 2017-7-11 20:47
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On 2017-07-12 03:56:44Show this Author Only
First, let me say that most of the name on the ranking for our server is foreign to me as well, thou I recognize #1 to be a known ptw.

I do, however, have theories as to how this could happen. It is rooted in the fact that coupon can be used.

1. nublets, nublets are coupon rich, knows nothing of the game and if it's semi-fresh so they just missed the actually awesome luckyboard, this might be the first "awesome" event they see, guess what happens next. Now, the 70 and 90 might be a bit much for them, but the others are certainly possible, maybe even the 70.

2. Alt trolls.
Alts exist. And alts collect coupons, one of the most well known type of alt is plunder alt and they, in the process of fulfilling their role, gets at least 15 coupon a day. They might collect from other sources too and might have their nublet coupon still. And alts might not spend any coupon, so it just builds up.
And if the owner of those alts wants to troll, either trolling you in particular or just making the ranking reward hard to reach in general, they could burn the coupon on those alts to place them highly. An plunder alt that have been in service for 2 month will have at least 900 coupons, enough for 45 pts. And who knows how much more they might have.

For reference, I could get to over 100 points easily if I didn't use my coupons on lucky board last week. In fact, I could get to 150-200 pts using only one month of coupon income and I don't even plunder (I could but I wont). Not that I would burn coupon on this, I only rly spend on cave key mystery fruit and lucky board, but I could. So coupon rich character can very well exist.
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On 2017-07-13 08:19:22Show this Author Only
Quelem still waiting for an answer from you , thanks .
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On 2017-07-13 08:45:10Show this Author Only
  • Al3x On 2017-07-13 08:19:22
  • Quelem still waiting for an answer from you , thanks .
Hey there,

This event is by no way cross server.
It affects only your server, and servers merged with yours, if you play on a merger.
If you are really worried about those players being on another server, you may try to use "search friend" option, to send them invites ;p If the system won't tell you they don't exist, then it will show that someone just decided to throw their small fortune into the wheel ;)
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On 2017-07-13 10:19:26Show this Author Only
On my server, somebody dumped every coupon they saved up for months on an expendable alt just to spite me... wouldn't be surprised if there are low levels who do it on other servers too. This post was last edited by IamAscrub at 2017-7-13 10:20
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On 2017-07-13 15:35:51Show this Author Only
Do you know why french revolution happened? Because common and poor people couldn't anymore stand for rich people that were abusing of their wealth. If you are such a whale and you never are friendly with people in your server, and for friendly i don't mean only at words but also as facts, like for example to stop plunder them since you don't need at all those coupons if you cash so much, or to let them sometimes win deliberately when they should lose, then you have to expect always this kind of retaliation when is possible.
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On 2017-07-13 17:33:51Show this Author Only
If a true whale wanted #1 on some event you're not going to outspend them even if you have a years worth of saved coupons, lol. People spend thousands of dollars on ingots in 1 week during the really good pay event weeks.
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On 2017-07-13 17:47:37Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-07-13 15:35:51
  • Do you know why french revolution happened? Because common and poor people couldn't anymore stand for rich people that were abusing of their wealth. If you are such a whale and you never are friendly with people in your server, and for friendly i don't mean only at words but also as facts, like for example to stop plunder them since you don't need at all those coupons if you cash so much, or to let them sometimes win deliberately when they should lose, then you have to expect always this kind of retaliation when is possible.
what is with this mentality ' stop plunder you hawe money ' ?? first of all everybody working for those money , is not from heaven , you should get up your a. . and go at work if you want to be stronger in this game .
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On 2017-07-13 18:15:57Show this Author Only
  • Al3x On 2017-07-13 17:47:37
  • what is with this mentality ' stop plunder you hawe money ' ?? first of all everybody working for those money , is not from heaven , you should get up your a. . and go at work if you want to be stronger in this game .
I agree with you as far as "ptw" is not a valid reason to not plunder. There ARE reasons to not plunder, but that's not one of them.

On the other hand, part of his statement is true. You will antagonize people if you plunder (and, before Xserver sage, bully people in sage) etc. This is true regardless of if you are ptw or ftp.

Granted, it's rather unconfirmed whether the trolls (highly likely that they ARE trolls) are trolling you specifically or just being a troll in general. But if it's targeting you, then in all likelihood it's because of something you did, which includes the possibility of simply being a ptw even if you never bullied anyone(some people hate ptw blindly).

So maybe it's a time for reflection and inquiries, talk with your server-mates, find the owner of those probably-troll-alts. Find out if they are trolling you or in general, and why.

Just to be clear, people disliking you for what you did does not make what you did wrong. Some people are randomly vindictive over the slightest perceived offense, and some people hate people of random stereotypes. And in the end, it could be how you use your money.
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On 2017-07-13 18:37:04Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-07-13 18:15:57
  • I agree with you as far as "ptw" is not a valid reason to not plunder. There ARE reasons to not plunder, but that's not one of them.

    On the other hand, part of his statement is true. You will antagonize people if you plunder (and, before Xserver sage, bully people in sage) etc. This is true regardless of if you are ptw or ftp.

    Granted, it's rather unconfirmed whether the trolls (highly likely that they ARE trolls) are trolling you specifically or just being a troll in general. But if it's targeting you, then in all likelihood it's because of something you did, which includes the possibility of simply being a ptw even if you never bullied anyone(some people hate ptw blindly).

    So maybe it's a time for reflection and inquiries, talk with your server-mates, find the owner of those probably-troll-alts. Find out if they are trolling you or in general, and why.

    Just to be clear, people disliking you for what you did does not make what you did wrong. Some people are randomly vindictive over the slightest perceived offense, and some people hate people of random stereotypes. And in the end, it could be how you use your money.
well i totaly agree with you , but this topic went in a wrong direction , i was talking about if wheel is cross server , or is a trolling account . and from there we end up talking about Plundering . we should close this topic , and Qolem why turtle summon is so cheap ? just 50 summon points ? i know is a little bit silly question but isn't fair from my point of view .
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On 2017-07-13 21:38:26Show this Author Only
Believe it or not competitive players are the ones who are broker than the casual players.P2P, semi P2P and even free competitive players will * up anything that's a good deal in any given week when they see one.
It's why many would think whys the #10th spot going to cost me 600/700/800 coupons etc. It's b/c they're not the ones *ing up that 799 cp cave key gift pack this week (which is an amazing deal), etc etc

It's very easy and common to find lower players in the l70s to 80s with 1k-2k+ coupons banked assuming they don't participate on a weekly basis in events.
Your servers ranking is "low" in pts vs ours. Our #10 was close to 50 pts and i'd say 6/10 of our list were f2p casuals.
This post was last edited by ber*** at 2017-7-13 21:43
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On 2017-07-14 09:57:53Show this Author Only
  • Al3x On 2017-07-13 18:37:04
  • well i totaly agree with you , but this topic went in a wrong direction , i was talking about if wheel is cross server , or is a trolling account . and from there we end up talking about Plundering . we should close this topic , and Qolem why turtle summon is so cheap ? just 50 summon points ? i know is a little bit silly question but isn't fair from my point of view .
Sorry, I missed the question about turtle.
Thing is, all gold summons are worth 4000 points as a whole, if you dupe them. That means, 4000 points for 80 fragments.
4000/80 = 50, that's where the math came from ;p
I hope this clarifies the entirety of your questions, if not, please PM me with any more details :)
I will be closing this thread to prevent further discussion not related to the topic at hand.

Have a nice day everyone!
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