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[ Bugs ] Screen black on Plot Instance "Destroy One by One" (Fight 3)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
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On 2017-07-09 05:18:55Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Not sure why, but on running the Plot Instance "Destroy One by One", I can do the first two fights (with or without skipping the lead-in), but when I try to do the 3rd fight (either the blue circle or the normal 3rd fight), the screen just goes black and I'm unable to click on anything. My only solution is to reload the page, which cancels the instance.

Anyone else having this problem? I've tried restarting my browser, restarting the page, etc.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 58
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On 2017-07-10 10:28:12Show this Author Only
Hey there,

Is there any particular thing in battle that causes it to happen (ex. after you use a mystery at a certain round, this happens), or is it a completely random occurence?
I could recommend you to try and clear your browser's cache for now, to see if it helps with your issue ;p
Quicky Post

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