2017-07-09 02:14:56
Thanks for reply, but i read some time ago on forum from a moderator that free pull count for rare counter, so that is strange considering all even only with free, at 10 get a rare from jinch treasure
Have a nice day
Thanks for reply
This post was last edited by rum1890 at 2017-7-9 02:16
Yes, that's true- but it's about rare ninja, such as Kage or Sage Naruto for example- and it's said that after about 60 pulls you can get a rare ninja and then both free and scroll pulls count for that.
But to get any ninja from certain treasure- you get 100% to draw one every time you draw 10 at once and a little chance for every single draw. So, drawing 10 times but single each time is not giving you 100% chance to get ninja in those pulls but count in general number of pulls needed for rare too.
Hope that clears it ^^