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[ Events ] Event Feedbacks - 29th June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-30 01:03:18Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello Ninjas,

as per previous Event Feedback threads, we will be opening another one for this week Events - 22nd June, suggestions and improvements idea towards our events are all welcomed. This is one of our critical action and necessity for our community to grow, as it allow us to identify and improve our overall content and events for all of our players. Following format shall be used in order to ensure a uniform and ease data collection towards the end of the week.

Example:-Server : 34
Region : HK
Current BP : 58K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya
Reasoning : With the current treasure and meta, it is very hard to find a spot for Sage Jiraiya, a universal ninja which can suit into multiple type of strategy would serve better example : Sage Naruto. On top of that, it has been Sage Jiraiya for past few months a new ninja would be a good change.
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments

We would also, like to inform everyone that we are trying our best to push for changes / improvements that the players have suggested. However, the final decision would be at the hand of the management and there is no guarantee of the time it might takes.

Fortunately, please rest assured as all your feedbacks are being entertained by our team and will always be in our discussions. The example that we have provided is merely a guideline for everyone, feel free to elaborate on your reasonings/suggestions to ensure the message are throughly communicated.
Any unrelated comments or posts that doesn't follow the format will be deleted.

Thank you.

Naruto Online Operation Team
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-07 06:03:11Show All Posts
  • GregoryBot On 2017-07-06 05:37:57
  • Server : 55
    Region : LA
    Current BP : 66K
    Events : Total Spending Rebate, and feedback in general.
    Opinion : I feel this event could have more reward tiers, and also that the coins should be removed from rewards, they are really undesirable for most people.
    Reasoning : I think that if this event had more lower tier spending rewards then people would be both enticed and rewarded for spending a little extra during this event. For example the lowest current reward is for spending 1000 ingots (20$), something that careful spenders can pretty easily manage while buying things with decent discounts. The next reward jumps all the way to 5000 ingots (100$), which is a fairly large increase and totally skips the option of 2500 ingots (50$).

    This week I spent about 1800 ingots, and I feel like if there was a 2500 tier with decent rewards I would have considered spending a little extra to reach that next level. I'm not saying that you need every option under 5000 but I believe you would see more people invest if you went down to at least 500 ingots. This change would also keep inline with current recharge options, something that could be beneficial if the rewards for lower tiers were good.

    Lastly I hope we as players start to see some of this feedback implemented or at least commented on, because it feels like we are just talking to the void here and it's pretty disheartening. There are also still many features we are waiting on that have been talked about already (like mood scrolls in group wheel) and it's hard to stay positive with things like that remaining the same each week. This post was last edited by Trahma at 2017-7-6 06:14

thank you for all of your feedbacks, as for your concern i have address it in my first post.

"We would also, like to inform everyone that we are trying our best to push for changes / improvements that the players have suggested. However, the final decision would be at the hand of the management and there is no guarantee of the time it might takes.

Fortunately, please rest assured as all your feedbacks are being entertained by our team and will always be in our discussions"

that being said, there is no definitive answers, timeline or agreement that i can promise you i hope you understand. But hopefully with all the new events, synergy and improvements that we bring players will be able to enjoy it more. With this i will close this and open a new event feedbacks.

Thank you for your support and suggestions!

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