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[ Events ] Event Feedbacks - 29th June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-30 01:03:18Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello Ninjas,

as per previous Event Feedback threads, we will be opening another one for this week Events - 22nd June, suggestions and improvements idea towards our events are all welcomed. This is one of our critical action and necessity for our community to grow, as it allow us to identify and improve our overall content and events for all of our players. Following format shall be used in order to ensure a uniform and ease data collection towards the end of the week.

Example:-Server : 34
Region : HK
Current BP : 58K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya
Reasoning : With the current treasure and meta, it is very hard to find a spot for Sage Jiraiya, a universal ninja which can suit into multiple type of strategy would serve better example : Sage Naruto. On top of that, it has been Sage Jiraiya for past few months a new ninja would be a good change.
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments

We would also, like to inform everyone that we are trying our best to push for changes / improvements that the players have suggested. However, the final decision would be at the hand of the management and there is no guarantee of the time it might takes.

Fortunately, please rest assured as all your feedbacks are being entertained by our team and will always be in our discussions. The example that we have provided is merely a guideline for everyone, feel free to elaborate on your reasonings/suggestions to ensure the message are throughly communicated.
Any unrelated comments or posts that doesn't follow the format will be deleted.

Thank you.

Naruto Online Operation Team
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On 2017-06-30 01:30:22Show this Author Only
Server : 318
Region : UK
Current BP : 50K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya, less ninjas to redeem- more power items
Reasoning : Well first one you are stating as example on your own and it was mentioned on last Lucky Board occasion too- we need a bit of change, something fresh x) Sage Jiraya is good ninja but it's a bit too long with him in this event, I think. And then- 4 ninjas to redeem frags is not needed so much as there is bigger need for power items.
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with some new ninja (don't have idea which :L ). Put 3 ninjas as options to redeem fragments and add 3rd power item to get, for ex. adv refines.
Events: Time- limited Refinement and Refining Rebate
Opinion: Great idea of putting those two at same time.
Reasoning/Suggestion: Always do those events this way- overlapping events- little bit to be happy about :')

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On 2017-06-30 01:32:53Show this Author Only
Server : 369
Region : UK
Current BP : 70k
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya and the redeemable items for power are extremely low, if you are not aiming to get any of the ninjas.

Reasoning : Jiraya is still absolutely outdated and should be replaced, however what's more important than that is the fact that we went from 200 thread,200 refines,200 puris to 35 charm packs and 100 refines as our power rewards which is a SEVERE nerf in the items you can redeem for power from lucky board.

As someone who does not want any of the ninjas on the board i can easily spend around 4-5k coupons on it and then i feel no need to spend anything else on it. Meaning if i want to p2w i will not spend any ingots on this event cycle.

Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments AND remove one useless ninja frags as redeemable, for example, this weeks Sage Jiraya and add 1 more power item or simply increase the amount of charms,refines that can be redeemed by at least double if not triple, what's the point of this small limit honestly?

Extra opinion: The overlapping events this week are amazing for everyone and from the discord chat/personal friends i have talked to everyone is extremely happy with the rebates overlapping, therefore i can only say good job and urge you to do this in the future more often.
This post was last edited by osk*** at 2017-6-30 01:39
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On 2017-06-30 11:29:25Show this Author Only
Example:-Server : 1
Region : NY
Current BP : 118K
Events : Slot machine and spend event
Opinion : Having Tsuande as a double event ninja is beyond repetitive and unnecessary
Reasoning : Tsuande has been in almost every other event in some way or another. Her repetitiveness has become somewhat on the ridiculous side. It doesnt make sense for her to be pushed in every other event and then be double rewards for two separate things in the same event. Most people who have Tsuande have 4 and even 5* because of how frequent she is offered. The combination of the events where spot on but where its ruined is Tsuande for the main reward in the spend event and slot machine. Every sub event should have its own unique rewards. The coins in the spend event also add insult to injury too. All in all such great synergy of events is ruined by them giviing u nothing to look forward to other then more Tsuande!
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On 2017-06-30 14:00:40Show this Author Only
Server : 86
Region : HK
Current BP : 49K
Events : All events
Opinion : All feedbacks from players r useless
Reasoning : u not change anything ex : lucky board : Sage Jiraya frag, u just changed useless items.
Suggestions : Implement all this feedbacks from this thread.
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On 2017-06-30 16:58:34Show this Author Only
Server : 64
Region : UK
Current BP : 106k BP
Events : Lucky Board, Slot machine, Lucky *, Spending event
Opinion : Lucky board: this event is outdated for our version
Reasoning : who cares about jiraya now, even stuff there is good only for ppl from new servers, redeem shop has limit only 100 for refine runes, there should be also adv runes for example etc,
Suggestions : replace Sage Jiraiya - sage naruto, one of field ninjas for example can be good replace too, bring us the new version which is in Germ*ready, it is more expensive but rewards are 100x better

Opinion : Slot machine
Reasoning : again tsunade ??? she is here nearly every week, spenders have her like 4-5* already, boring to have same stuff again and again + you put her even in spendint event ??? why 2x omg....for real
Suggestions : replace her in slot machine and also what about to make 2 versions of slot machine, 1 week -> magatams lvl 5 for attack and ninjutsu in there and 2nd week for defense, resistance and life ? or put there lvl 5 all types of magatams...I know big spenders, even me, who will spend again in slot machine if we have more types of magatams there and replaced tsunade on 1st place. for now that event is useless for me and other spenders who got her.

Opinion : Lucky *
Reasoning : spending 50 c/i for 1 spin where half of the board has value below 50 is dumb idea... stamina potion ? 2 seal fragment ? 1x lvl 3 maga ? 50 coupons/ingots to get 20 back wtf ??? 3 puri runes ? 2 mood scrolls ?? all this is NOT worth it at al and to add to the idiocy you put there 80 frags of hokage ??? for 500 spins = 25 000 c/i ....WORST event ever, 2nd worst is golden eggs
Suggestions : rework it or remove it...this event has 0 value for spenders, ppl who saved up their coupons and are patience have enough brain to wait for sage event or lucky board for new players.

Opinion : spending event
Reasoning : the "best" at the end !!! I dont know if you wanna f@ck with us or you are just happy to piss off spenders but this event is on the good way to do so. 1st of all again tsunade ? not enough from slot machine ? for the 2nd...great insult ever btw - putting COINS for spending 20-30k ingots this is beyond ridiculous. spending money to get * coins, just wow. and final price for 40k getting RANDOM red rune ?
Suggestions : NEVER ever put coins for spending real money, just dont do it...never go full * guys, thats not proffesional. if you wanna put red rune as reward, do it like hokage pack, so player who spent 40 000 ingots = 800$ can atleast choose what kind of red rune he wants to pick from pack. this is very simple and more attractive reward. obviously boost the rebate on spending event...more magatams, more rainbow mags, for example add there 50-100 adv runes instead of that f@cking coins, protection puri runes or key packs etc. you already earned so much money you can run this game for years and be still in green numbers. so whats the problem to give us more "game currency" rebates ?

one more suggestion: why not add some event for f2p players, for example here on forum or ingame where they can win 300 ingots so winners can buy atleast monthly card ingame and get 1800 coupons back ? some random act of kindness for community and for players who cant spend ? maybe this way your new servers will not die in 1 day and ppl will not leave like they did in last 2 weeks. your game is going down and really fast. balance the pvp - change rewards in sage and matsuri atleast or matchmaking, and start reading our feedbacks and talk with community, pretty please.

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On 2017-06-30 19:36:52Show this Author Only
Server : 488
Region : NY
Current BP : 93k
Events : Slot machine, lucky board, and ingot rebate events
Opinion : We've been seeing the same ninjas rotated throughout the events for months now
Reasoning : As others have noted, having Tsunade as a double prize is simply unneccessary, especially with how frequently she shows up in the weekly events. I noted that Sage Jiraiya should be changed two lucky board events ago in the feedback thread and I feel the need to reiterate myself again: Sage Jiraiya needs to be changed out for a different ninja.

This would have been another great recharge week but is marred by the bad ingot rebate rewards combined with undesireable slot machine grand prize.

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On 2017-07-01 08:02:30Show this Author Only
We have received some feedback concerning this week’s events. To try to meet a more abroad number of players' requests on getting more rewards and Ninjas, we decided to grab all of your feedback and bring a new event Konoha Gift Shop this week.
These events won’t affect events that players have participated in. Players who are interested in rewards of Konoha Gift Shop can buy them during the event period.

"Konoha Gift Shop" event added. More sales in Konoha! Check this event for awesome items at amazing discounts!
Event Period: June 30th - July 2nd

somehow this additional event has nothing to do with what people are asking for.
is this like the polls as well?( just pretending that you guys are listening to your community)
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On 2017-07-01 16:52:05Show this Author Only
Server : 1
Region : NY
Current BP : 30K+
Events : Monthly Events
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in monthly events are bad (Shurado+Jigokudo)
Reasoning : They are easy to get in treasure.
Suggestions : Better you guys give us Sailor Sakura/Iruka/Ino Swimsuit/Playboy Sasuke/Hanzo or other rare ninjas for monthly events. I mean rare its not ninja from any treasure.
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On 2017-07-01 17:04:54Show this Author Only
Region: LA
Current BP:20k+
Event: Monthly Event
Opinion&Reasoning: IMO it seems like nothing is going on with monthly event I used to get seals but nothing really happens First I would get rid of the absurd requirements or make them for more points ex: "clear 60 elite instances" its quite useless if your about level 90 and have most ninjas.. Second Change the Ninjas you get from rewards Shurado and Jigokudo are fine and all but there boring I'd say people want different ninjas you can even put them at a higher price but make sure there available, for example like previously stated people want Iruka, Sailor sakura, playboy Sasuke and many more for free.

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On 2017-07-01 19:53:28Show this Author Only
Server: 143
Region: HK/Asia
Current BP: 47K
Event: Monthly Event and Weekend Mission(Chase Mission)
Opinion: Ninja Frag Rewards from M.E. are very outdated and some of the tasks seem very questionable and dumb. Some Ninjas from Weekend Mission(Chase Mission) should be removed.
Reasoning: For the Monthly Event, who the heck would want to sweep 60 times in an elite instance?! We could have used the stamina for plot to strengthen our equipment! And then there's the rewards. Are you guys even listening? Jigokudo, Shurado and Gakido are all a bit outdated. Change them with someone else like the Danzo, Mifune or heck maybe even Tendo but for a very high yet reasonable price!

For the Weekend Mission(Chase Mission), I feel like some of the ninjas, such as Normal Naruto, Kurenai, Normal Shikamaru, and etc should be removed since they are already obtainable by seeping through the Elite Instance. I think the Chase Mission part of the Weekend Mission should focus more on event-obtainable ninjas and treasure ninjas, since these can only be done six times per weekend.
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On 2017-07-01 23:21:56Show this Author Only
Current BP:30k
Event:Chase Mission
Opinion:for past 2 months (around 48 chases)get Gaara onse,Wind Blade onse,and Playboy Sasuke onse,other than that is all regular ninjas that i get from elite instances.At least can we get 1 out of 3 chases to be rare ninja?
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On 2017-07-02 15:45:43Show this Author Only
  • Hasahyo On 2017-06-30 16:58:34
  • Server : 64
    Region : UK
    Current BP : 106k BP
    Events : Lucky Board, Slot machine, Lucky *, Spending event
    Opinion : Lucky board: this event is outdated for our version
    Reasoning : who cares about jiraya now, even stuff there is good only for ppl from new servers, redeem shop has limit only 100 for refine runes, there should be also adv runes for example etc,
    Suggestions : replace Sage Jiraiya - sage naruto, one of field ninjas for example can be good replace too, bring us the new version which is in Germ*ready, it is more expensive but rewards are 100x better

    Opinion : Slot machine
    Reasoning : again tsunade ??? she is here nearly every week, spenders have her like 4-5* already, boring to have same stuff again and again + you put her even in spendint event ??? why 2x omg....for real
    Suggestions : replace her in slot machine and also what about to make 2 versions of slot machine, 1 week -> magatams lvl 5 for attack and ninjutsu in there and 2nd week for defense, resistance and life ? or put there lvl 5 all types of magatams...I know big spenders, even me, who will spend again in slot machine if we have more types of magatams there and replaced tsunade on 1st place. for now that event is useless for me and other spenders who got her.

    Opinion : Lucky *
    Reasoning : spending 50 c/i for 1 spin where half of the board has value below 50 is dumb idea... stamina potion ? 2 seal fragment ? 1x lvl 3 maga ? 50 coupons/ingots to get 20 back wtf ??? 3 puri runes ? 2 mood scrolls ?? all this is NOT worth it at al and to add to the idiocy you put there 80 frags of hokage ??? for 500 spins = 25 000 c/i ....WORST event ever, 2nd worst is golden eggs
    Suggestions : rework it or remove it...this event has 0 value for spenders, ppl who saved up their coupons and are patience have enough brain to wait for sage event or lucky board for new players.

    Opinion : spending event
    Reasoning : the "best" at the end !!! I dont know if you wanna f@ck with us or you are just happy to piss off spenders but this event is on the good way to do so. 1st of all again tsunade ? not enough from slot machine ? for the 2nd...great insult ever btw - putting COINS for spending 20-30k ingots this is beyond ridiculous. spending money to get * coins, just wow. and final price for 40k getting RANDOM red rune ?
    Suggestions : NEVER ever put coins for spending real money, just dont do it...never go full * guys, thats not proffesional. if you wanna put red rune as reward, do it like hokage pack, so player who spent 40 000 ingots = 800$ can atleast choose what kind of red rune he wants to pick from pack. this is very simple and more attractive reward. obviously boost the rebate on spending event...more magatams, more rainbow mags, for example add there 50-100 adv runes instead of that f@cking coins, protection puri runes or key packs etc. you already earned so much money you can run this game for years and be still in green numbers. so whats the problem to give us more "game currency" rebates ?

    one more suggestion: why not add some event for f2p players, for example here on forum or ingame where they can win 300 ingots so winners can buy atleast monthly card ingame and get 1800 coupons back ? some random act of kindness for community and for players who cant spend ? maybe this way your new servers will not die in 1 day and ppl will not leave like they did in last 2 weeks. your game is going down and really fast. balance the pvp - change rewards in sage and matsuri atleast or matchmaking, and start reading our feedbacks and talk with community, pretty please.

my brother said it all !!!! well said !! 1000% with you .
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On 2017-07-03 01:56:57Show this Author Only
Example:-Server : 433
Region : UK
Current BP : 45K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya
Reasoning : With the new treasure and metagame, it is very hard to find a spot for Sage Jiraiya, a universal ninja which can suit into multiple type of strategy would be better like for exemple : Sage Naruto. On top of that, it has been Sage Jiraiya for past few months for the lucky board! A new ninja would be a good change.
Also adding some other items for BP like lvl 3 refine would be a great idea in order to make us spent more in that event.
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments and add refine lvl 3.

Events : Rebate refine/time limited refine

It's a very good idea to put together those two events, my server loves it. Will be very good if it continues that way.

Event : Lucky *

A big event where i should spent my gold but ... no because you loose a lot, it's not worth it... Why ? Because some rewards ...
2 bonds scrolls should be 10 bonds scrolls (50 golds for 2 bonds scrolls :@)
2 seal frag --> 1 seal scroll (:L for 50 golds )
20 coupons --> 50 coupons ( 50 golds for 20 coupons ;P)
If u change those things, people will spent more according to my server feedback
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On 2017-07-04 22:27:30Show this Author Only
Example:-Server : 55
Region : LA
Current BP : 60K
Events : Nine Tails Strength
Opinion : This event has terrible prices, with a terrible payout.
Reasoning : This event came out this week along side Lucky Board. When you compare the 2 events it is clear that NTS has many problems. With Lucky Board 1 med refine cost max 40cp and you get 2 bonus items. With NTS 1 med rune cost max 60cp. Ninja frags in it are good ninjas, but insane prices. There is no reason to spend on this event instead of saving for a better one.
Suggestions : Increase the amount of free draws per day on it, maybe linking them to daily missions, and lower prices of items.
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On 2017-07-05 22:47:20Show this Author Only
Server : 302
Region : UK
Current BP : 58K
Events : Lucky *
Opinion : The event itself is bad planned and very unfriendly towards f2p.
Reasoning : There are no free chance to roll a dice and there are too many potential rewards that are not even close to pay back for the 50 coupons spent (1 stamina potion, 2 mood scrolls, 2 seal scrols and 20 coupons actually are a net loss, 5 cave keys, 3 purification protection runes, 1 summon scroll are barely on par with the 50 coupons required to spin once). Moreover the difference between spinning 1 10 times and 10 times in a row is very low (just 2 coupons difference is pretty low).
Suggestions : Add a daily free chance and reduce the bad rewards so that at least 60% of the wheel have good rewards.
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On 2017-07-06 05:37:57Show this Author Only
Server : 55
Region : LA
Current BP : 66K
Events : Total Spending Rebate, and feedback in general.
Opinion : I feel this event could have more reward tiers, and also that the coins should be removed from rewards, they are really undesirable for most people.
Reasoning : I think that if this event had more lower tier spending rewards then people would be both enticed and rewarded for spending a little extra during this event. For example the lowest current reward is for spending 1000 ingots (20$), something that careful spenders can pretty easily manage while buying things with decent discounts. The next reward jumps all the way to 5000 ingots (100$), which is a fairly large increase and totally skips the option of 2500 ingots (50$).

This week I spent about 1800 ingots, and I feel like if there was a 2500 tier with decent rewards I would have considered spending a little extra to reach that next level. I'm not saying that you need every option under 5000 but I believe you would see more people invest if you went down to at least 500 ingots. This change would also keep inline with current recharge options, something that could be beneficial if the rewards for lower tiers were good.

Lastly I hope we as players start to see some of this feedback implemented or at least commented on, because it feels like we are just talking to the void here and it's pretty disheartening. There are also still many features we are waiting on that have been talked about already (like mood scrolls in group wheel) and it's hard to stay positive with things like that remaining the same each week. This post was last edited by Trahma at 2017-7-6 06:14
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On 2017-07-06 19:13:04Show this Author Only
  • Hasahyo On 2017-06-30 16:58:34
  • Server : 64
    Region : UK
    Current BP : 106k BP
    Events : Lucky Board, Slot machine, Lucky *, Spending event
    Opinion : Lucky board: this event is outdated for our version
    Reasoning : who cares about jiraya now, even stuff there is good only for ppl from new servers, redeem shop has limit only 100 for refine runes, there should be also adv runes for example etc,
    Suggestions : replace Sage Jiraiya - sage naruto, one of field ninjas for example can be good replace too, bring us the new version which is in Germ*ready, it is more expensive but rewards are 100x better

    Opinion : Slot machine
    Reasoning : again tsunade ??? she is here nearly every week, spenders have her like 4-5* already, boring to have same stuff again and again + you put her even in spendint event ??? why 2x omg....for real
    Suggestions : replace her in slot machine and also what about to make 2 versions of slot machine, 1 week -> magatams lvl 5 for attack and ninjutsu in there and 2nd week for defense, resistance and life ? or put there lvl 5 all types of magatams...I know big spenders, even me, who will spend again in slot machine if we have more types of magatams there and replaced tsunade on 1st place. for now that event is useless for me and other spenders who got her.

    Opinion : Lucky *
    Reasoning : spending 50 c/i for 1 spin where half of the board has value below 50 is dumb idea... stamina potion ? 2 seal fragment ? 1x lvl 3 maga ? 50 coupons/ingots to get 20 back wtf ??? 3 puri runes ? 2 mood scrolls ?? all this is NOT worth it at al and to add to the idiocy you put there 80 frags of hokage ??? for 500 spins = 25 000 c/i ....WORST event ever, 2nd worst is golden eggs
    Suggestions : rework it or remove it...this event has 0 value for spenders, ppl who saved up their coupons and are patience have enough brain to wait for sage event or lucky board for new players.

    Opinion : spending event
    Reasoning : the "best" at the end !!! I dont know if you wanna f@ck with us or you are just happy to piss off spenders but this event is on the good way to do so. 1st of all again tsunade ? not enough from slot machine ? for the 2nd...great insult ever btw - putting COINS for spending 20-30k ingots this is beyond ridiculous. spending money to get * coins, just wow. and final price for 40k getting RANDOM red rune ?
    Suggestions : NEVER ever put coins for spending real money, just dont do it...never go full * guys, thats not proffesional. if you wanna put red rune as reward, do it like hokage pack, so player who spent 40 000 ingots = 800$ can atleast choose what kind of red rune he wants to pick from pack. this is very simple and more attractive reward. obviously boost the rebate on spending event...more magatams, more rainbow mags, for example add there 50-100 adv runes instead of that f@cking coins, protection puri runes or key packs etc. you already earned so much money you can run this game for years and be still in green numbers. so whats the problem to give us more "game currency" rebates ?

    one more suggestion: why not add some event for f2p players, for example here on forum or ingame where they can win 300 ingots so winners can buy atleast monthly card ingame and get 1800 coupons back ? some random act of kindness for community and for players who cant spend ? maybe this way your new servers will not die in 1 day and ppl will not leave like they did in last 2 weeks. your game is going down and really fast. balance the pvp - change rewards in sage and matsuri atleast or matchmaking, and start reading our feedbacks and talk with community, pretty please.

i like this comment
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On 2017-07-07 06:03:11Show this Author Only
  • GregoryBot On 2017-07-06 05:37:57
  • Server : 55
    Region : LA
    Current BP : 66K
    Events : Total Spending Rebate, and feedback in general.
    Opinion : I feel this event could have more reward tiers, and also that the coins should be removed from rewards, they are really undesirable for most people.
    Reasoning : I think that if this event had more lower tier spending rewards then people would be both enticed and rewarded for spending a little extra during this event. For example the lowest current reward is for spending 1000 ingots (20$), something that careful spenders can pretty easily manage while buying things with decent discounts. The next reward jumps all the way to 5000 ingots (100$), which is a fairly large increase and totally skips the option of 2500 ingots (50$).

    This week I spent about 1800 ingots, and I feel like if there was a 2500 tier with decent rewards I would have considered spending a little extra to reach that next level. I'm not saying that you need every option under 5000 but I believe you would see more people invest if you went down to at least 500 ingots. This change would also keep inline with current recharge options, something that could be beneficial if the rewards for lower tiers were good.

    Lastly I hope we as players start to see some of this feedback implemented or at least commented on, because it feels like we are just talking to the void here and it's pretty disheartening. There are also still many features we are waiting on that have been talked about already (like mood scrolls in group wheel) and it's hard to stay positive with things like that remaining the same each week. This post was last edited by Trahma at 2017-7-6 06:14

thank you for all of your feedbacks, as for your concern i have address it in my first post.

"We would also, like to inform everyone that we are trying our best to push for changes / improvements that the players have suggested. However, the final decision would be at the hand of the management and there is no guarantee of the time it might takes.

Fortunately, please rest assured as all your feedbacks are being entertained by our team and will always be in our discussions"

that being said, there is no definitive answers, timeline or agreement that i can promise you i hope you understand. But hopefully with all the new events, synergy and improvements that we bring players will be able to enjoy it more. With this i will close this and open a new event feedbacks.

Thank you for your support and suggestions!

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