I'm close to reach rank 6 battle armor and rank 6 refinements in every item that's not 8+, so, like i suppose some other players like me that are f2p or moderate spender (I'm the latter, 10$ per month in average) I'm in front of a wall. Right now there is a serious lack of ways to get advanced refinements runes and advanced threads.
So far in events I've seen advanced refinements runes have been available as a redeemable item only in fishing mania, while in some other events like great plates or mission general mobilization pack they were there only as a random reward you get once every 10 rolls if things go well.
Yes, they are also a reward for 9 people out of 75 in cross server swb but the problem is the other 66 don't get any of them at all.
The situation is even worse for advanced threads that right now are available only in spacetime shop for the absurd price of 800 currency per thread and they have almost never been available as potential drop in events.
I don't expect to get relatively easy ways to get them but i expect that once I'm in the situation I'm in right now i still have ways to get items i want without going necessarily to the shop and buy items in stacks of hundreds with coupons. Overall knowing that years of stacking don't let me reach the goal because i need way more of them to level up my gear in comparison with medium refinements and medium threads (lets say i gather all the coupons i gain in 1 month and buy only advanced threads i just increase the wish counter for rank 6 to 7 by 10-11 units, is a bit too low, no? thinking there's also rank 8 and 9 to reach). Why if i am not a super whale i should not be able not even in 3 years of playing to reach rank 8 ba? Makes no sense thinking now we have purification pills and charm materials where whales could easily invest to get a better boost in power.
So, I honestly think they should give us other ways to get them.
A suggestion could be to add advanced refinements to the monthly event for 35-45 points and to let not only top3 but up to top10 in swb getting some refinement per try (something like 4th-7th place get 5 with no seal scroll and 8th-10th get 3) and to let us get advanced threads from strong approaching difficult mode (that for me and people like me is going to be useless) and as redeemable items with discounts in some events.
What do you think about it?
This post was last edited by ayr***@yahoo.com at 2017-6-29 17:00 This post was last edited by ayr***@yahoo.com at 2017-6-29 19:17 This post was last edited by ayr***@yahoo.com at 2017-6-29 19:21