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[ Suggestions ] Plunder system


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-26 19:51:23Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I know that this is my wishful thinking and some edgelords may just say "* it up" but I think the convoy and plunder system should be changed to benefit each other.
A brief overview on what's happening to my server now with regards to convoying and plundering:

Low powered players are starting to not take SS convoys out of frustrations. Some are even quitting due to this system because it just makes the players toxic. We high powered players are forced to take convoys ourselves and it significantly slowed down our growth. Added the fact that it's a dying server and I feel like our server merging with other servers is a long shot( because I'm seeing that older servers are taken in priority and we're like server 400+) the game is not as fun anymore. Even three players who are consistent in being in the top 5 in ranked have already quit about a month ago. Two of those were purchasing inggots.

Also look at this closely. If you get plundered everyday then you'll earn 105 coupons per week. Put that against someone who can earn 150 coupons per day with plunder. Isn't that too much of a gap?

To lessen the players that are quitting this game due to this system here are my suggestions:

-Change SS convoy reward to 60 coupons.

-Add an aditional 30 coupon reward when a convoyer defeats a plunderer (this is to ensure that convoys gets something out of failed plunders).
-After receiving the extra 30 coupon reward for the failed plunder other plunder attempts that failed will only give 15 coupons.
-Penalty for the convoy that has been defeated will be lowered down to 25% of the original reward. That means SS convoys will get a fixed penalty of 15 coupons if defeated.

no changes

-Everytime a convoy successfully defends themselves the Supporter will profit for about 1/3 of the total additional rewards of the convoy. (This does not deduct the aditional rewards for the convoy).

I know that it's a longshot but I just want to share this idea.
It's good for me since I'm a player but I don't know the perspective of the business side.

Thanks for reading! :)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-26 22:32:12Show this Author Only
Hi there!

Thanks for such a well laid out suggestion! I'll pass this along to the team! :) :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-26 22:32:24Show this Author Only
while i agree that the system needs to be changed to balance it more, your suggestion would simply kill plundering entirely.

people can convoy 4 times, they spend 10 ingots to get an extra ss convoy, that means at the cost of 30 ingots i could get 240 coupons a day as a strong player who currently plunders, 240 coupons - 30 ingots > 150 coupons

plus if people make alts on low pop servers just to plunder their main now your suggestion would give them extra free coupons, 360-30>150 as well.

this just destroys the convoy/plunder system entirely, no one on any server would plunder with anything but *t made to lose to their main.

a much easier solutions to fix the issue, remove costs to do multiple ss missions, if f2p can do 4 ss a day then thats 60 coupons minimum 120 max, which makes it balanced compared to a plunderer getting minimum 0 max 150. and even if a convoyer gets plundered they have a support to try and help them anyway, while plunderer is solo
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