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[ Help ] Is this game worth playing?


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On 2017-06-25 16:10:35Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Just started playing the game 5 days ago.. Since then, two new worlds (UK zone/ +next server in 1h) have opened. Why?:/ I got it.. They want to earn as much money as possible but are people so really foolish to invest real money? The servers will die after few months i guess. Can someone tell me why do you play Naruto online? I wanted to invest real money and i'm confused/ don't really think it is the best decision. I have no experience so correct me if i am wrong in my statement.

I play on S583 and at the moment the number of players isn't really high. How is the situation in the worlds created a few months ago? I don't really want to invest real money in something what will die in a few months.

Best regards,
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On 2017-06-25 16:40:49Show this Author Only
i dont know why they open new servers so much but if you have a mine set of investing money you should the game is really fun (if you like and understand naruto the series you'll like this), also about the dead servers they never die that fast and server that do die (or have less active players) can get merges with new highly active servers. So if your worrying about wasting money trust me you wont be wasting anything (unless you join like s1 or something like that those servers are long gone from being able to merge). so in sort if you wanna spent money but your worrying your server will be dead in the first month, dont worry it wont die that fast and when you notice the player base dropping you c*ways request a merge bro :)
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On 2017-06-25 16:51:43Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-06-25 16:40:49
  • i dont know why they open new servers so much but if you have a mine set of investing money you should the game is really fun (if you like and understand naruto the series you'll like this), also about the dead servers they never die that fast and server that do die (or have less active players) can get merges with new highly active servers. So if your worrying about wasting money trust me you wont be wasting anything (unless you join like s1 or something like that those servers are long gone from being able to merge). so in sort if you wanna spent money but your worrying your server will be dead in the first month, dont worry it wont die that fast and when you notice the player base dropping you c*ways request a merge bro :)
Sorry to burst your bubble but new servers are actualy dying pretty fast- people join them in hope to get into top but when they can't and brand new server pop up in a few days- many of them move away to next one.
Servers that have less players can count on merges? Ha. Haha... I'm from S318- currently there's like 15 active players IN TOTAL on it. Server is 5 months + old. We were begging for merge for long time now. Way they merge and how slow they do it, can actually kill those servers. One good thing is that we have quite a great group of people who play together, help eachother etc, kinda family atmosphere xD And if you can find a server and people like that to enjoy it with- then yes, it's worth playing and maybe even spending money if you wish to.
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On 2017-06-25 16:52:17Show this Author Only
I play this game just for fun so it doesnt matter what they do to this game. But for some people will be willing to spend some money into the game they like. If u think this game is worth just do it but they never force u to spend your money into their game :D
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On 2017-06-25 17:02:08Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2017-06-25 16:51:43
  • Sorry to burst your bubble but new servers are actualy dying pretty fast- people join them in hope to get into top but when they can't and brand new server pop up in a few days- many of them move away to next one.
    Servers that have less players can count on merges? Ha. Haha... I'm from S318- currently there's like 15 active players IN TOTAL on it. Server is 5 months + old. We were begging for merge for long time now. Way they merge and how slow they do it, can actually kill those servers. One good thing is that we have quite a great group of people who play together, help eachother etc, kinda family atmosphere xD And if you can find a server and people like that to enjoy it with- then yes, it's worth playing and maybe even spending money if you wish to.
lol yh i know you gotta kinda shove it down their throat so they notice your server and merge it but its worth it and will happens sooner or later, im from s422 were a good ratio of players on here mainly the group interactions make it fun i requested a server merge still cause it would be even more fun if we had a medium player base so all the stuff we've done could have more meaning. But yeah im not a full f2p cause i have spent money a couple times in other words what im tryna say is if you dont wanna spent you'll need to be active to make up for it
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On 2017-06-25 18:17:24Show this Author Only
What they could do is suggest old servers to new people and hold events only for those who are new.

Sort by level, by time spent in server or whatever. Give them double xp until they hit 80 and boom! Population problems are solved, old servers will get boosts in population and new players have a chance to compete against old ones. Sure an old player may have a lot of more power, but with a few free events for new players to boost their power, it shouldn't be a problem.

Never going to happen though, but you know...
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On 2017-06-25 20:44:10Show this Author Only
I mean I play for fun, so i invest from time to time mainly just to keep competition rising from whatever event is going on, but everyone has their own thing!

All depends on how you feel, really. I hate the people of my server, yet I still play just for the joy of the game ;P
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On 2017-06-25 22:32:40Show this Author Only
I play on S2, with only 2 powerful groups and neither group ever has enough players to fill both sides. But for some reason we need near 600 servers :)

Honestly this game should have 50-100 servers at the most. Everyone would be much happier and the game would be way more healthy. Dead servers kill games.
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On 2017-06-25 23:08:27Show this Author Only
  • FG3000 On 2017-06-25 22:32:40
  • I play on S2, with only 2 powerful groups and neither group ever has enough players to fill both sides. But for some reason we need near 600 servers :)

    Honestly this game should have 50-100 servers at the most. Everyone would be much happier and the game would be way more healthy. Dead servers kill games.
I seriously think that Oasis should consider some mass merges, like servers 0-25, 26-50, 50-100, 100-200, etc... It would bring up a lot of competition and stop servers from dying and many players from quitting.
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On 2017-06-26 01:47:04Show this Author Only
Ofc is worth it...if you play the chinese version that is.
Since oasis doesnt have a clue of what its doing.
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On 2017-06-26 13:46:08Show this Author Only
I have to agree, from my point of view the developer of this game doesn't respect the players. They just want to make money. I play 6 days and I can't find players in the arena. I will stay f2p because i still enjoy this game.
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On 2017-06-26 13:55:50Show this Author Only
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On 2017-06-26 20:14:52Show this Author Only
Well if you play it casually and not competitively, it's actually a fun game. Once money starts getting involved then goodbye, goodbye allowance goodbye.
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On 2017-06-26 20:38:28Show this Author Only
if u feel ur server will die in 1months..juz request merging annoying and keep posting till they merge..they doesnt merge server if only 1 or 2 request..juz request at least 10times per person..;P
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On 2017-06-26 21:04:14Show this Author Only
  • chr0nic3ll@gmai On 2017-06-26 20:38:28
  • if u feel ur server will die in 1months..juz request merging annoying and keep posting till they merge..they doesnt merge server if only 1 or 2 request..juz request at least 10times per person..;P
I have a question... Are you Fyrvert?

And answer to the trend, well. Play it for fun and bonds, is what I sy
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On 2017-06-27 00:16:56Show this Author Only
To answer your questions:

• idk why they open new servers, but they must make money out of it, because no company would make a move that incurs in financial losses.

• Yes, people invest rl money on this. How much and when to spend is a personal choice not everyone chooses to do that, some people play as f2p.

• Your statement is not wrong some servers are dying or dead. Yep.

• I play just to play, I don't really have a strong reason.

• The state of the servers is varied, some servers are doing very badly, some are somewhat active, some must be very active, some may be dead, in some (like someone mentioned) those who are left are like a family to each other. I don't know the state of all servers, you'd have to join them and see for yourself. It is my personal opinion that most servers have low activity.
This post was last edited by 104***@facebook at 2017-6-27 00:20
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On 2017-06-27 05:07:22Show this Author Only
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On 2017-06-27 11:50:06Show this Author Only
I've invested a lot of money in this game and I still enjoy it. I joined late myself into a server of spenders, once I caught up in levels there really wasn't any big difference between me and the other spenders aside from who paid for what.

At this point I couldn't tell you what server would fit you best, but, assuming you want to spend a few thousand dollars, expect atleast 3-4 months of catching up on general EXP stuff. If a server has multiple people over 70k bp, it's likely highely competitive for spending.

Anyhow, it's a fun game to play but as some people said be careful how you spend early on - there are a lot of traps (ninjas) that will initially entice you until you learn they are free later or useless altogether. Try to avoid the "I can make this team/ninja work if I'm clever enough" mentality before you know a lot about game mechanics and such.
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On 2017-06-27 12:17:32Show this Author Only
It all depends, this game is meant to be p2w, but you don't have to be the best or top 10 to enjoy the game. The best part is being smart and making teams that are enjoyable and fun. Even if you lose more often than winning, the game is fun regardless. The game can get boring so be careful if you spend.

Overall, earlier servers are better as the later servers already request for merge. This is to be expected and you may be waiting weeks to months for a merge, so be careful on where you go. Hope this helps!
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On 2017-06-27 22:00:20Show this Author Only
In this type of game - a browser MMO - you are spending your money, not investing it. Right now I don't see this having the longevity of the china version.

There are many things in this game that are fun (I still find it fun), but also many things that are poorly implemented. I'm in the 156/159/162 server cluster, one of the first server merges. our server population has fallen to where we were pre-merge (probably less), and that took about 4 months.

Most of my friends have quit or play a LOT less than they used to. So it's a little rough where i'm thinking that I will quit soon. I don't mind a quiet server, but if there's nobody on... then the game becomes tedious.

Some of the things I think caused people to quit:

TI can only be done in a set amount of hours on the weekdays.

Convoy/Plunder system rewards plunder too much. Many plunderers just spend 2 hours waiting, clicking refresh refresh... old convoy system was way more fun tbh.

GNW can hold up to 63 people, but only 9/10 packs a week. Why oasis couldn't give us 20 packs with mostly the same amount of seals, i cant understand, except that Oasis doesnt control development so if it doesnt happen in China then it's very unlikely to happen here. However, they promised some change to GNW packs with the 2.0 update and i'm still waiting... GNW is currently meh, the snake dictates who wins.

Cross Server Sage helped some people, and actually makes the event more interesting, but drastically reduced rewards.

Some people were mad at Oasis. Oasis has done many 'bait' events - e.g., that interim kage treasure, the rebates right before releasing a treasure, etc.

Cross Server Matsuri mostly *s, partly due to matchmaking, partly due to the limited amount of revives.

Rise of Jinchuuriki is mostly an auto/afk fest. I don't mind it, it's mildly amusing.

What do I like - some PVE content - Ninja Exams are kind of fun and challenging, SA, PVP is pretty decent though initiative dictates everything, and powering up my character definitely gives me a lot of satisfaction.
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