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[ Updates ] manual barriers


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On 2017-06-23 09:50:10Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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is there any reason manual bariers dont stack like kage ones? when kage barriers are brought up with 3 daruis, all daruis get an extra attack, but when a sasuke barrier comes up, how come all 3 sasueks cant kirin now? will it be changed to function like kage barriers or no? is there any reason that it perists but cant function this way now?
how come hashirama buffs more then 1 team but other barriers dont? this is very inconsistant with functionality and very confusing to follow especailly since they have the exact same description
This post was last edited by Akidonoki at 2017-6-23 09:55
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On 2017-06-23 15:03:37Show this Author Only
Darui's Barrier Benefits the entire side of the field he is on, While Sasuke only Benefits the one team he is in.
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On 2017-06-23 17:17:35Show this Author Only
Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that.
There are THREE parts to barreirs:
Active ability (only for manual barriers, the release of the barrier)
Passive ability (the ability of yamato, jirobo, hashirama barrier, also some passive barrier ones like Mei)

The OPs question is really related to the first 2. Fact of the matter is, for active ability of a barrier, only the caster of the barrier can utilize it. Whereas passive is shared across the team. This is regardless of whether or not the buff part is cross team.

For example, Jirobo vs Yamato. yes, I know the description both says "your lineup" but as it happens, jirobo boosts cross team whereas yamato only boost your own team, as far as buff goes. However, for both of them, the PASSIVE part of the barrier (the extra attack) will trigger for ALL jirobo/yamato on your side of field.

So Active: only caster. Passive: everyone on your field. Buff: depends on the barrier(ninja). And NONE of them are dependent on each other.

P.S. I don't think there is ANY barrier that have both a passive and active portion of effect. Perhaps only Haku, I'm not sure if the dodge bonus is granted to all haku or only the casting haku. But dodge is unreliable to begin with so it's hard to test (and yes, I tested everything I said above)
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On 2017-06-23 20:43:11Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-06-23 17:17:35
  • Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that.
    There are THREE parts to barreirs:
    Active ability (only for manual barriers, the release of the barrier)
    Passive ability (the ability of yamato, jirobo, hashirama barrier, also some passive barrier ones like Mei)

    The OPs question is really related to the first 2. Fact of the matter is, for active ability of a barrier, only the caster of the barrier can utilize it. Whereas passive is shared across the team. This is regardless of whether or not the buff part is cross team.

    For example, Jirobo vs Yamato. yes, I know the description both says "your lineup" but as it happens, jirobo boosts cross team whereas yamato only boost your own team, as far as buff goes. However, for both of them, the PASSIVE part of the barrier (the extra attack) will trigger for ALL jirobo/yamato on your side of field.

    So Active: only caster. Passive: everyone on your field. Buff: depends on the barrier(ninja). And NONE of them are dependent on each other.

    P.S. I don't think there is ANY barrier that have both a passive and active portion of effect. Perhaps only Haku, I'm not sure if the dodge bonus is granted to all haku or only the casting haku. But dodge is unreliable to begin with so it's hard to test (and yes, I tested everything I said above)
this leaves a lot of very confusing incosistancy, and im only asking in regards to the sasuke barrier due to the remaining of the barrier only has benifit if you can cast the jutsu ,however, if you cast the jutus, this leaves you with a cooldown timer so you cant have a permanatn barrier making this in many ways an overall nerf, however if you had the barrier maintained and other sasueks able to jutsu off of it, then the skillbooks wouldnt be completely useless, and this indirect nerf would actually have some sort of benifit
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On 2017-06-23 21:07:19Show this Author Only
I believe you are confusing yourself

Currently Sasuke and Gaara Barriers are bugged

Barrier logic starts with type of barrier
There are 2 types Mystery and Passive Barriers
Then within the barriers there are additional Passives

Example Mystery Barriers - Sasuke, Gaara, Haku, Anko, Yamato, Hashirama, jirobo ect

Example Passive Barriers - Mei, Darui, Danzo, Onoki, Haku ect

Example of Passive within Barrier - Mei: Posion, Danzo: Chaos, Hashirama: Immoblie, Yamato: 3 Ninja damage, Darui: Extra Standard, Haku: Dodge

Now Barrier Logic - Only one barrier can exist
- Barrier has only one caster

Even if there are 3 Sasuke only one can have barrier and only that one has access to the second part of the ability. Skillbooks do nothing about barriers persisting it only adds paralysis for +1 and hits up to 12 on +2. I hope this has enlighten you. This post was last edited by Azzakye at 2017-6-23 21:08
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On 2017-06-23 21:22:05Show this Author Only
  • Azzakye On 2017-06-23 21:07:19
  • I believe you are confusing yourself

    Currently Sasuke and Gaara Barriers are bugged

    Barrier logic starts with type of barrier
    There are 2 types Mystery and Passive Barriers
    Then within the barriers there are additional Passives

    Example Mystery Barriers - Sasuke, Gaara, Haku, Anko, Yamato, Hashirama, jirobo ect

    Example Passive Barriers - Mei, Darui, Danzo, Onoki, Haku ect

    Example of Passive within Barrier - Mei: Posion, Danzo: Chaos, Hashirama: Immoblie, Yamato: 3 Ninja damage, Darui: Extra Standard, Haku: Dodge

    Now Barrier Logic - Only one barrier can exist
    - Barrier has only one caster

    Even if there are 3 Sasuke only one can have barrier and only that one has access to the second part of the ability. Skillbooks do nothing about barriers persisting it only adds paralysis for +1 and hits up to 12 on +2. I hope this has enlighten you. This post was last edited by Azzakye at 2017-6-23 21:08
please dont reply with false information, the persisting of gaara and sasukes barrier is in fact a permanent update that is still active in the chinese version of the game on sasuke and gaaras that arent mutated or skill booked, so no, neither of these are in fact bugged

now to the second part, you didnt read my post not are replying the questions i proposed, theres inconsistency on what barriers do, which PraiseLuka displayed with talking about yamato and jirobo which have 2 identicle abrriers but one is cross team while the other is not, why is this? why is one cross team and why is one not?

why is that sasuke is unable to use kirin? im not asking you to tell me that he cant because he will just cast another barrier, this is fairly obvious, im asking why it isnt changed so that you can stack kirins

please do not reply if you are going to reply based on assumptions and false information
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On 2017-06-23 21:39:56Show this Author Only
As to my knowledge these changes are bugs as the changes are undo*ented even if the changes are in Chinese version details need to be explained to the English side this assumption is frankly abusive and untrue to the current state of Naruto online

To my knowledge the only mystery barrier that is cross team is Hashirama, so PraiseLuka must be mistaken or there is truly an inconsistency.

I am pretty sure I have answered the question while also attempting providing some information, you cant stack barriers because only one can exist so no matter how much you would it to barriers will never stack.

I have not stated anything particularly false, as for the current state on Sasuke and Gaara it is still within line with a bug and until a statement is released it can be and will be classed as a bug.

Please refrain from personal attacks as it is not very forum friendly all post are hearsay and should be taken as user knowledge.
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On 2017-06-24 02:46:41Show this Author Only
  • Azzakye On 2017-06-23 21:39:56
  • As to my knowledge these changes are bugs as the changes are undo*ented even if the changes are in Chinese version details need to be explained to the English side this assumption is frankly abusive and untrue to the current state of Naruto online

    To my knowledge the only mystery barrier that is cross team is Hashirama, so PraiseLuka must be mistaken or there is truly an inconsistency.

    I am pretty sure I have answered the question while also attempting providing some information, you cant stack barriers because only one can exist so no matter how much you would it to barriers will never stack.

    I have not stated anything particularly false, as for the current state on Sasuke and Gaara it is still within line with a bug and until a statement is released it can be and will be classed as a bug.

    Please refrain from personal attacks as it is not very forum friendly all post are hearsay and should be taken as user knowledge.
There is attack increase animation(with the little arrows) when Jirobo's barrier goes up in the OTHER teams.

That said, there does not appear to be a noticeable damage increase. (granted, I have been focusing on the damage dealt by the "other" team in my tests. I do actually need to check whether the boost is working for his own team, for a control. It is possible that his barrier boost is not working right)

So frankly, I am quite confused as to wtf is going on there.
Like I said, i test what I say, so I can't be "mistaken".

On a separate note, someone said that while the barrier appears to * after using kirin, the atk/nin bonus is gone. I might this this later if I find time. But if that is the case, then it's possible that the "barrier staying up" is merely a visual bug, which could explain why it isn't getting fixed any time soon as it doesn't matter. Keep in mind that we had gold TI tool stats for 2 month before they claimed it was a bug and took it away. So just because something *s doesn't mean it isn't a "bug"
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On 2017-06-24 07:51:36Show this Author Only
As specified earlier, it is mostly correct about passive and active effects.

The easier way to put it, let's say with Sasuke's example. Your Sasuke can launch Kirin when he has used a barrier earlier. It's not "Whilst in Barrier, you can cast Kirin", but rather "After you cast a barrier, you can cast Kirin", so to say.

On the other side of the spectrum, Darui's passive would be "Whilst in Storm Style barrier, launch extra standard attack", and not "If your barrier is on the field, launch extra standard attack".

Hopefully it clarifies the function a bit. In case of any further questions, please PM me, I will try to explain it then, and close this thread to prevent unneccesary discussions :)

Have a nice day everyone!
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