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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-27 21:36:36Show this Author Only
There are two main issues about plunderings right now.
The first one is that even if you are granted a support it's still you that have to use a mostly unknown lineup, so, even if your supporter should be able to beat the plunder, this doesn't mean you are able to.
The second one is that if you are one of the top3 of the server you still win always the plunder attempts.
Since convoy/plunder are GROUP activities my idea is that group should matter more in it.
For example i would abolish the support system and simply give only to the convoy runners a boost in stats and initiative linked to a very specific and dedicated stat you can nourish in group (like the snake level up or kept health).
This should encourage weaker people in donating coins to the group and would make plunderings a lot less appealing for top10 people while still keeping the potential maximum reward as 150 coupons per day. (if i'm the strongest in the server i know i win 100% of the times, but if i suddenly begin to win just 33% of the times because my targets gets boosted by their group stats, maybe i begin to do my calculations if is worth to waste hours of my time in doing it or not).
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On 2017-06-29 04:08:22Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-06-27 21:36:36
  • There are two main issues about plunderings right now.
    The first one is that even if you are granted a support it's still you that have to use a mostly unknown lineup, so, even if your supporter should be able to beat the plunder, this doesn't mean you are able to.
    The second one is that if you are one of the top3 of the server you still win always the plunder attempts.
    Since convoy/plunder are GROUP activities my idea is that group should matter more in it.
    For example i would abolish the support system and simply give only to the convoy runners a boost in stats and initiative linked to a very specific and dedicated stat you can nourish in group (like the snake level up or kept health).
    This should encourage weaker people in donating coins to the group and would make plunderings a lot less appealing for top10 people while still keeping the potential maximum reward as 150 coupons per day. (if i'm the strongest in the server i know i win 100% of the times, but if i suddenly begin to win just 33% of the times because my targets gets boosted by their group stats, maybe i begin to do my calculations if is worth to waste hours of my time in doing it or not).
then players won't pay to win huge amounts of money for power gain, these no1 wannabe players are as much to blame for the current problems with the pvp systems as the devs.
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On 2017-06-29 04:31:26Show this Author Only
Note: This post has been filtered by Daiske (Administrator)
this is not like real life at all, real life is like counter strike everyone starts with a pistol, this is like one of those sick movie games where they hunt humans for fun.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-29 04:39:53Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-06-26 23:33:31
  • So what happens when only strong players are left with no weak players to plunder?
    The others said better than me but, it's basically the same only that the former weaker player that left are remplaced by the weaker of the strong.

    That is if not all of the top ends up in the same group which is the only really active group from the server, cause y'know can't plunder group mates. In that case either everybody runs convoy or they make alts to plunder. Sometimes the strong may choose to secede from the main group in order to plunder from their former group mates and for GNW.
    The strong becomes the weak and the cycle continuesPretty much. I guess those who were plundered by them would enjoy the irony.. if you know, hadn't quit their server.
    To be honest most ppl that do get plunder are * enough to deserve it, since they never ask for support and do convoy when the serve and players are most active, then Depends, usally a server starts many groups get made, strong groups are defined clearly by the end of the first month. The top groups usally set a range of level and power they want to stay competitive, so the server gets set up with a collection of groups with strong people and many more with the rest of the weaker players.

    As time progresses the top groups continue recruiting, generally what drives a group to become #1 is the abilitiy of the people managing it to secure strong players, regular donators and of course most of the p2w, p2p and skilled f2p. Donations are additive meaning if your group level is high people will be interested in joining and as the top group you can pick and choose who's the better choice and kick those who don't benefit you. ( Which should be obvious to anyone, but people still get *hurt about being kicked )

    Strong players that somehow don't make the cut end up in groups 2, 3, 4, 5 and *tered in lower groups if they choose to join those. Competitive players that can't make it to the #1 will try for #2 or #3 asap. Groups below the top have two things working against them basically get the scraps left and as time passes the server population will start dwindling, it's not obvious at first but it will be noticeable later on. Top group will always attract some people so strong player in other groups that wanted to join but couldn't may try again as activity lowers and effectively the top group will soon have most of the strong and competitive players. This will happen unless #1's leader is a nincom* widely hated in the server lol sometimes the group #2 raises to become #1 because of stuff like this.

    So from the start some groups and their members have the upperhand. Doing convoy when the server is rather new and quite active is not that bad your chances to be plundered are low and there are plenty of targets so I feel people don't worry much if the strong players in their group are done with their support or are even significantly weaker than the ones doing plunder. Cause is all a breeze everyone jokes around in world chat and chit chat in group chat. But time passes and things change. People will start noticing they get plundered more often at one point they will be plundered everytime they run SS, it's unavoidable that's how it always end up.

    tbh by this point many of them already have like over 9000 complaints about things and stuff. Some people hate the top players and the top group. Pfft you can check the report of misbehavior to see how some people explode in pm or wc when plundered. One would think at the point in which you want to cuss at someone on pm you'd realize you either need to quit playing, quit doing convoy, go watch anime, quit the server, play another game, or figure something else that makes you less bitter with your free time, but noo they won't.

    Some people in lower groups at a lower level and power is basically doomed to lose. Chances for support and quality of it is limited. If the strongest in the server are in one group or two and you're not in that group then there's basically no way. Is not like you can accept a convoy and run it in the middle of the night you can accept in active hours and even when people run it after active hours they can get plundered, and some plunderers adapt to plunder at such times cause they aren't dumb. There's even a program thingie now that people use so nah.

    I see it like this, these people were gonna quit since the day they joined the server it just takes longer for some of them to realize that.
I like your #1 and #2 *ogy, but the thing is there are no ''Scraps'' in this game, in fact even if you lose gnw (the main pvp event) you get a few hundred less group coins and 1 less pack that's it. In this game winning or losing as a group doesn't mean anything really. The solo pvp events on the other hand are outright unfair and brutal to the point where it reaches mental abuse in some cases, I am telling you there is a guy out there somewhere that lost like 5 or 6 matsuris in a row, how do you think that guy is feeling right now, he must be feeling like he wasted 2 10 hrs of his life.
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On 2017-06-29 04:50:26Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-06-23 04:43:25
  • You can only plunder convoyers
    However, support can be anyone, which means a plunderer can support the one you try to plunder and you will end up fighting that team as well.

    Also, there is the issue of supply. As more people think the way you do, there might eventually end up in a state where there are more plunderers than convoyers, so each of you, on average, won't even get one plunder. This isn't an issue in the oldest servers, but for newer ones, it can be a significant problem.

    And at last but not least, if there are way too many plunderers such that SS convoy almost always fails, eventually the convoyer might simply not take any SS to spite you.

    So while it's true plunder have much higher potential yield, you need to pay attention to the server en environment to see if it would actually work for you.
Your message is very correct.

In my server, I am top 20 in strength. There are so many people plundering that sometimes I don't get any SS in 2 or 3 days, and the people that convoy get plundered EVERY day, a lot of them eventually stopped convoying SS missions, and only do A and S missions.

The current convoy/plunder system is extremely flawed, plundering benefits outweigh convoy so hard. I think that convoyer's should be allowed 2 x SS missions for free everyday, and plunderers cannot attack the same person twice. This hopefully will be more fair for both methods.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-29 16:54:58Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-06-26 16:35:40
  • Update: 2 days ago leader of one of the groups pm our groups leader, told him to stop the plunders his players are talking about quitting the game but most of the group members just dismissed him, I just don't understand like these are the same players that were whining 2 months ago about low server population threatening to quit.
It *s but its a dog-eat-dog world out there. Oasis is actively encouraging this kind of behavior because they want players to spend so they can plunder others. If they actually care about F2P players they need to revamp the plunder system. Allow for more SS convoys to be done for a convoyer, and limit the plunders to only 1 SS Plunder a day. This is just an example but it would help in reducing the frustration of consistently losing out on coupons and being "cheated" in a way.
Quicky Post

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