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[ Events ] Tobirama Skill Breakthrough - Inheritor of the Will of Fire


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On 2017-06-22 15:18:59Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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anyone noticed Tobirama's Skill Breakthrough on Inheritor of the Will of Fire?
if you do skill breakthrough, the skill changes from:

+30% taijutsu attack to team for 5 rounds to

+15% crit rate to team for 5 rounds.

in the other versions of this game, the skill breakthrough just makes the +30% taijutsu attack become permanent (instead of 5 rounds)
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On 2017-06-22 15:30:59Show this Author Only
He is * either way :loveliness:
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On 2017-06-22 16:06:58Show this Author Only
So, the idea is, after you spent a ton to get the ninja and even more to breakthrough him, you got something worse than gnw tenten that is free ;P
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On 2017-06-22 20:36:22Show this Author Only
nasty o.o
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On 2017-06-23 05:46:51Show this Author Only
As a heavier spender, I planned ahead and was one of the very few who got Tobirama to 4* in hopes to upgrade him when skillbook comes out.

In China he has "Passive 2 +1: Inheritor of the Will of Fire +1: At the beginning of a battle, increase the Taijutsu by 30% of all units from your team permanently"
Second, shouldn't the Hokage req's be in line with the other skill book ninjas at 4* pre-req?

Why the abrupt change in NA?

This is seriously a big FU to the people who are putting money into this game and to those who tried to spent smartly and plan ahead.
At this point, I have little to no reason to recharge any longer. The disappointment is #real
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On 2017-06-23 06:11:21Show this Author Only
You are giving Oasis way too much credit by assuming they can change a skill even if they wanted to.

You have to understand that publisher only implements what developers give them. If there is such a difference between Tobirama in NA and China then there is about 95% chance that's how Tobirama was first implemented with the breakthrough, and then due to people complaining the skill got buffed. There is also remaining 5% chance, that developers wanted such a change, which is rare but happens.

Unless of course that is just a mismatched translation line, such things happens too.
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On 2017-06-23 07:30:34Show this Author Only
You could argue +15% crit rate to an entire formation is more useful than +taijutsu depending on your lineup. But yeah, as someone who has used Tobirama a lot I was a bit confused by his breakthroughs... most of them seem like more of a pro/con than a buff.
Also, it's not clear: Can you have multiple books activated for the different skills? If so, 150 Tobirama frags for such a mediocre change? Whaaaaa?
This post was last edited by Loaf at 2017-6-23 07:32
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-23 16:29:08Show this Author Only
Tobirama getting now the +30% permanently was pretty useless since 99% of the fights end before round 5. Very likely, as somebody pointed out, the first version was this one, and got changed later when the damage formula was changed too so that pvp battles would reach round 6-7way more often than now.
Btw, 15% chance to crit is better for water teams where most of the damage is based on ninjutsu (and was one of the reason why gnw tenten obscured him, not only for the round1 mystery and the triple chase).
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On 2017-06-23 17:37:23Show this Author Only
  • s177 Kira On 2017-06-23 05:46:51
  • As a heavier spender, I planned ahead and was one of the very few who got Tobirama to 4* in hopes to upgrade him when skillbook comes out.

    In China he has "Passive 2 +1: Inheritor of the Will of Fire +1: At the beginning of a battle, increase the Taijutsu by 30% of all units from your team permanently"
    Second, shouldn't the Hokage req's be in line with the other skill book ninjas at 4* pre-req?

    Why the abrupt change in NA?

    This is seriously a big FU to the people who are putting money into this game and to those who tried to spent smartly and plan ahead.
    At this point, I have little to no reason to recharge any longer. The disappointment is #real
are you sure you can't skillbreak a 3* Tobirama in China?
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On 2017-06-23 17:46:07Show this Author Only
So if you have 3 x Tobirama broken + 3 x Tenten = 60% crit rate for everyone ?
That's vs 90% taijutsu increase.
Well this is an interesting thought.
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On 2017-06-24 01:19:18Show this Author Only
ehh? where'd you get the idea that crit rate becomes 60%

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On 2017-06-24 01:49:46Show this Author Only
  • lexsan On 2017-06-23 17:46:07
  • So if you have 3 x Tobirama broken + 3 x Tenten = 60% crit rate for everyone ?
    That's vs 90% taijutsu increase.
    Well this is an interesting thought.
Same buff do not stack.

Changing from nin to crit is most likely a bug, as +1 skills are always buffs, and changing a skill is a y skill, and displayed differently.
This post was last edited by IamAscrub at 2017-6-24 01:50
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-24 11:32:23Show this Author Only
so what would one's total team crit hit rate be if there is Tobirama (breakthrough +15% crit) and Tenten GNW (+15% crit) onboard?
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On 2017-06-24 20:54:10Show this Author Only
  • B00BIT0 On 2017-06-24 11:32:23
  • so what would one's total team crit hit rate be if there is Tobirama (breakthrough +15% crit) and Tenten GNW (+15% crit) onboard?
+30%, since out of 3 Tobis only one will work.
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On 2017-06-25 00:58:25Show this Author Only
  • Dym On 2017-06-24 20:54:10
  • +30%, since out of 3 Tobis only one will work.
i think if there are 3 tobirama on ally side, there'll be +45% crit total from tobirama alone
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On 2017-06-25 09:44:17Show this Author Only
  • B00BIT0 On 2017-06-25 00:58:25
  • i think if there are 3 tobirama on ally side, there'll be +45% crit total from tobirama alone
Same buffs don't stacks, if you do 3 Konans you only get 1 damage buff not 3, same for 3 Playboy Sasukes or any pain buffs and etc. Not tested this myself but i am pretty sure Tobirama don't stack either.
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On 2017-06-25 18:32:13Show this Author Only
  • Dym On 2017-06-25 09:44:17
  • Same buffs don't stacks, if you do 3 Konans you only get 1 damage buff not 3, same for 3 Playboy Sasukes or any pain buffs and etc. Not tested this myself but i am pretty sure Tobirama don't stack either.
you think 3x konan don't stack ?
Why do you think this ?
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On 2017-06-25 20:25:18Show this Author Only
As he said, same buff don't stack, shields do.
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