I don't know if anyone else is facing this issue or is it just me but after the update 2 weeks ago my mini-client has been zoomed in way more th*ual. Like, normally it is just the login page that is zoomed in (I can only see 75% of the login screen) and the game itself is fine. But now I can only see 25% of the login screen and the game is zoomed in (Now I can only see 75% of the game screen). It wouldn't be half as annoying except that now when I open arena, I can't change my Talents because after I change it, I can't close the tab due to the fact that the 'x' *on is cut off from the screen thanks to the zoom factor. I've been playing on my browser lately but that will tend to refresh after a while when I'm afk. It doesn't really work well since I go afk on purpose when my character is in the Hot Springs.
Also a separate 'box' appears with the mirror of the login screen on my client. I don't see this as a huge issue but it would be great to know if that's just on my laptop or a standard thing.
What do you suggest I do? Should I start with re-installing the client? I won't do that until I get some verification though. Thanks for helping out. :)
If your issue occured only recently, you may try to reinstall it. Other than that, most common fix is changing the resolution of your screen. There is a possibility it changed a littile recently, you may have changed it without noticing XD