I don't get where some of you guys are coming from. I know a lot of Germans said Roshi was under powered so I wasn't expecting much. But I've been saving seals for him since Tendo Treasure so I went ahead and pulled him. He is MUCH better than what the Germans said. Blitz is capable of taking him down...I'll admit I've heard this but I've not experienced it myself. Infact my experience has been even after my whole team dies I still have a chance to win because of Roshi.
Infact the other day I fought a team that lined up beneath my roshi so they took out the bottom part of my formation, and then with debuffs they killed my main. So it was 4 ninjas against Roshi. He came back and beat them all down aside from the water main. I ended up winning with like 8k hp against my opponents having 7.2k. My point is I don't think I have any other ninja that could have pulled that off.
I thought for sure the match was lost. And that isn't the only time Roshi has saved me. Now I'm not saying he is OP or anything but he is better than a lot of posters here would have you believe. All that "He *s until 3.0" is a complete lie. I mean not only did 3.0 not do ANYTHING for the Germans yet, he is pretty * good right now. If Germans thought he was weak then they were not using him correctly.
But sure, you can beat him if you line up your team correctly against him...maybe. But maybe not? And honestly, either way, luck shouldn't be a factor that you hold against him. Besides even the strongest blitz on my server couldn't beat my Earth main team once I shielded Roshi. That isn't a brag, I'm just saying he isn't nearly as squishy as people would want you to believe. Of course, I did mood him life and I have him on a life tactic spot. But that should be standard procedure for any tank.
It's worth mentioning that earth main team does die to immortal teams, but I think by now we c*l agree immortal teams are more powerful than most teams, and you know...immortal. (Of course some blitz teams do exist that have enough power to dps them down, but please don't say that is a formation thing...it's a power thing.)