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On 2017-06-20 19:00:31Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-06-20 17:09:29
  • What i meant by saying so is that that team is not op at all and if you meet a water main immortal team it gets his ass beaten 120 times the same with a stacking shields earth main team. What actually the introduction of roshi does is to give a bit of viableness for earth main since now you can run a weaker version of the 4tails team without cashing 10k. All the other version of roshi teams * hard against the two current metas: mei mabui tenten gnw and bloodthirsty mb teams. So, actually, the appearance of him made a third meta available able to stay on par with those two (wind team, sadly, fades off quick over 60k power)
Nah its not weaker version of 4 tail teams its stronger version of him i have 4 tail he isnt that good so its like this 6 tails > roshi > 4 tails
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On 2017-06-20 19:21:35Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-06-20 19:00:31
  • Nah its not weaker version of 4 tail teams its stronger version of him i have 4 tail he isnt that good so its like this 6 tails > roshi > 4 tails
Pretty much. However in certain situations Roshi can actually surpass 6 tails in utility. In GNW I used them both in the same team with killer bee and earth main. I played with roshi move 1 cause I needed him to clear the barrier round 2. Thing is he got hit so many times, his ninjutsu had such an enormous growth that I managed to kill every ninja who had less than 60% hp, just with him in round 5, basically turning the outcome of the war. Six tails isn't able to that unless he is massively boosted from the exterior (for instance with hashirama, bee and earth main with pose of duel). Plus Roshi hits 9 people, 6 tails only hits one team.
In pvp, I do feel though, at least for now, that 6 tails is behaving better.
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On 2017-06-20 19:25:44Show this Author Only
  • Loaf On 2017-06-20 13:52:14
  • Astute observation. I can get him, that's not a big deal. But once I do, it will just be basically mirroring teams and playing the which main wins game.
Hmm that is what happend to tobi+fire main, now it was water main+mabui+gnw ten ten + mei ( guess the time for that team is gone), and roshi can die so easy in round 1 to lightning main armor build , also the investment you have to put into that roshi team is so huge compared too all the other meta teams, that are way cheaper and do about the same thing, game change ;), always there will be a new meta team.
You want 1 meta team to last for 1 year +?Soon Han will come and will counter roshi team.Also a little reminder, Roshi have so quite low growth rates compared to normal tanks. 1k def/res , most tanks have around 1.5k, and hp is around 1.7k when most tanks have 2.3-.2.5k, so you have to take advantage of his low def/hp stats and kill him fast.
This post was last edited by mar*** at 2017-6-20 19:29
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On 2017-06-20 20:03:17Show this Author Only
Oh dont worry, he is nowhere near good as he is gonna become
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On 2017-06-21 00:25:27Show this Author Only
The current roshi is actually not all that OP if you don't have a big pow advantage over your opponents. At equal power, he actually does poorly vs water meta teams, and gotta pray mb isn't attacking him on round 1 against lightning blitz.

He is dominating in china because they have a different damage formula, making roshi is far tankier than our version. Apparently Germany did not get that formula change with their 3.0 release (just like how we didn't get wish tree keys upon 2.0 release), so it might still be quite a while before roshi is actually OP.

Currently, in our version, at equal power, roshi is only competitive with earth main. Earth shields allow roshi to survive and stack up against the f2p meta teams. Other roshi teams rely on having a big power advantage and/or facing non-competitive teams. (Any ninja half decent would appear op if you have a big power lead...)

PS: I faced a non-earth roshi team yesterday in matsuri... 10k pow higher than me. Poor roshi died round 1.
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On 2017-06-21 01:43:12Show this Author Only
  • IamAscrub On 2017-06-21 00:25:27
  • The current roshi is actually not all that OP if you don't have a big pow advantage over your opponents. At equal power, he actually does poorly vs water meta teams, and gotta pray mb isn't attacking him on round 1 against lightning blitz.

    He is dominating in china because they have a different damage formula, making roshi is far tankier than our version. Apparently Germany did not get that formula change with their 3.0 release (just like how we didn't get wish tree keys upon 2.0 release), so it might still be quite a while before roshi is actually OP.

    Currently, in our version, at equal power, roshi is only competitive with earth main. Earth shields allow roshi to survive and stack up against the f2p meta teams. Other roshi teams rely on having a big power advantage and/or facing non-competitive teams. (Any ninja half decent would appear op if you have a big power lead...)

    PS: I faced a non-earth roshi team yesterday in matsuri... 10k pow higher than me. Poor roshi died round 1.
I def agree beat a roshi user who had cursed hidan few min ago who hd a power over mine in arena
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On 2017-06-21 02:48:17Show this Author Only
  • "The Crowley" On 2017-06-21 01:43:12
  • I def agree beat a roshi user who had cursed hidan few min ago who hd a power over mine in arena
While I agree that Roshi isn't at his peak power or dominance....arena isn't a good gauge for performance of certain ninjas. I believe Roshi is even more squishy in arena sitting at a little under 10k hp which is nada. Arena can go either way as it depends on composition most of the time, outplaying, etc. There are lineups that completely dominate though.
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On 2017-06-21 03:30:53Show this Author Only
Hey , i`m f2p and i dont have hidan . but this lineup is good for me ? : roshi , sage naruto , bee , earth ? or tell me any lineup and main very strong . thanks
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On 2017-06-21 05:25:09Show this Author Only
Roshi ain't got nothing if you can out speed him and out speed him I will SIR!
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On 2017-06-21 05:31:53Show this Author Only
  • IamAscrub On 2017-06-21 00:25:27
  • The current roshi is actually not all that OP if you don't have a big pow advantage over your opponents. At equal power, he actually does poorly vs water meta teams, and gotta pray mb isn't attacking him on round 1 against lightning blitz.

    He is dominating in china because they have a different damage formula, making roshi is far tankier than our version. Apparently Germany did not get that formula change with their 3.0 release (just like how we didn't get wish tree keys upon 2.0 release), so it might still be quite a while before roshi is actually OP.

    Currently, in our version, at equal power, roshi is only competitive with earth main. Earth shields allow roshi to survive and stack up against the f2p meta teams. Other roshi teams rely on having a big power advantage and/or facing non-competitive teams. (Any ninja half decent would appear op if you have a big power lead...)

    PS: I faced a non-earth roshi team yesterday in matsuri... 10k pow higher than me. Poor roshi died round 1.
your comment is kinda funny to me because almost everyone thought Roshi was gonna be the new meta but it turns out he isn't that tanky and has alot of counters, Now everyone is trying to justify Roshi but he just isn't at the level he was hyped to be.
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On 2017-06-21 06:56:20Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-06-21 05:31:53
  • your comment is kinda funny to me because almost everyone thought Roshi was gonna be the new meta but it turns out he isn't that tanky and has alot of counters, Now everyone is trying to justify Roshi but he just isn't at the level he was hyped to be.
He's still good. Doesn't mean he's bad at all.
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On 2017-06-21 07:32:04Show this Author Only
so whats the top 5 of op ninjas ?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-21 08:14:37Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-06-21 05:31:53
  • your comment is kinda funny to me because almost everyone thought Roshi was gonna be the new meta but it turns out he isn't that tanky and has alot of counters, Now everyone is trying to justify Roshi but he just isn't at the level he was hyped to be.
He isn't bad. He just isn't on the CN level yet. For 200-220 scrolls hes a good investment for anyone who has the right ninjas to pair with him. Shoot, even for the f2p. Honestly its hard to change the meta with just 1 ninja anyways. I personally didn't think it would change but give a little counterplay to barriers. It'll be a couple more treasures/ninjas before anyone can expect to see a meta shift.
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On 2017-06-21 08:18:52Show this Author Only
I'm going for him personally, already used 30 scrolls on jin treasure.
On an unrelated note, what happened to DPB Hidan in ninja? He looks...umm...
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On 2017-06-21 08:40:58Show this Author Only
  • veelocity On 2017-06-21 08:14:37
  • He isn't bad. He just isn't on the CN level yet. For 200-220 scrolls hes a good investment for anyone who has the right ninjas to pair with him. Shoot, even for the f2p. Honestly its hard to change the meta with just 1 ninja anyways. I personally didn't think it would change but give a little counterplay to barriers. It'll be a couple more treasures/ninjas before anyone can expect to see a meta shift.
This is why you don't let people hype stuff without explaining other factors in play. More updates need to happen so roshi can be more effective for more classes besides earth.

I swear this kind of hype for ninjas is going to happen with Madara + Kurama link Naruto when GNW treasure comes...
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On 2017-06-21 09:09:40Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2017-06-21 08:40:58
  • This is why you don't let people hype stuff without explaining other factors in play. More updates need to happen so roshi can be more effective for more classes besides earth.

    I swear this kind of hype for ninjas is going to happen with Madara + Kurama link Naruto when GNW treasure comes...
Very true. I absolutely agree that he was pretty hyped and now quite a few players find him disappointing. I think a lot of people just jumped on the bandwagon without watching the CN gameplay etc. Or actually just not understanding the impact he will have late that is what his kit is built for. People are just expecting this monster right now...but he'll be fine once they fix his scaling or ratios with later versions. Haha, nah, Kurama link and Madara will be well worth it when they arrive as we should have all the pieces for them to function as they should.
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On 2017-06-21 09:23:43Show this Author Only
  • veelocity On 2017-06-21 08:14:37
  • He isn't bad. He just isn't on the CN level yet. For 200-220 scrolls hes a good investment for anyone who has the right ninjas to pair with him. Shoot, even for the f2p. Honestly its hard to change the meta with just 1 ninja anyways. I personally didn't think it would change but give a little counterplay to barriers. It'll be a couple more treasures/ninjas before anyone can expect to see a meta shift.
Whats rosi CN level?
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On 2017-06-21 09:42:01Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-06-21 05:31:53
  • your comment is kinda funny to me because almost everyone thought Roshi was gonna be the new meta but it turns out he isn't that tanky and has alot of counters, Now everyone is trying to justify Roshi but he just isn't at the level he was hyped to be.
because they will double the hp and defense again sometimes in the future
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On 2017-06-21 09:53:24Show this Author Only
  • Vivoco On 2017-06-21 09:23:43
  • Whats rosi CN level?
He's a lot tankier. Better scaling and deosnt take as much damage or shouldn't take as much damage. his current ratios make him pretty squishy. Currently against people with equal bp...he gets slaughtered by light mains. Down the road its harder to kill people in earlier stages of the fight with equal bp. Fights last longer. rarely see fights that last under 5 rounds.
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On 2017-06-21 14:07:13Show this Author Only
I currently have Roshi but he isn't someone to fawn over yet at least not until 3.0

Yes he has his strong points but almost all team have him in the front which makes him very easy to blitz out.
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