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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-20 13:33:47Show All PostsDescending Order
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Mystery: Hits up to 9 targets, multiple formations. Destroys barriers, Fire/Earth damage.
This is an extremely powerful mystery, Negates virtually every turn 1 barrier team (Hashirama) and ends blitz teams if they haven't done their deed on t1. The 3 round cooldown is the only thing that remotely balances this ninja.

Standard: 4 Combo, Low Float.
Just a decent attack, good starter for high combo.

Chase: 30 combo, heavy damage to entire formation and ignite.
Just about every meta Roshi team seems to have no issue getting this off on turn 1, extremely punishing.

Passive #1: Attackers suffer ignition, +Def, +Nin on hit.
Just in case the passive doesn't go off, ignite is ensured. Stacking BOTH ninjutsu and defense ensures he will be a complete nightmare by the middle of the match.

Passive #2: Recover about 10% hp every turn, immune to all debuffs.
As if stacking defense isn't frustrating enough for a team that can't kill him, insult to injury here.
Any ninja innately immune to debuffs is a huge problem to deal with, period.

So, we have a ninja that presents multiple frustrating aspects that is essentially available to everyone who saved the seals or will get them in the future. Similar to Sage Naruto but clearly boasting a much more powerful arsenal. I was frustrated on the release of this guy because it's so much power packed into a single ninja that it basically eats the meta. Roshi or lose.

So to start, he's glued to Killer Bee because the synergy is ridiculous. He's one of the best front tanks to deal with blitz, you cannot stop his mystery from casting, his chase destroys any team that isn't immune to debuffs, and he's virtually an entire teams worth of defense and ninjutsu by the end of the match. Did I mention you can't do anything to stop his actions?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-20 13:52:14Show All Posts
  • LordMeul On 2017-06-20 13:48:04
  • let me guess.. u dont have roshi....
Astute observation. I can get him, that's not a big deal. But once I do, it will just be basically mirroring teams and playing the which main wins game.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-20 14:05:49Show All Posts
  • Sashikki On 2017-06-20 14:00:14
  • I'm curious which Roshi teams your referring too. Personally I have yet to even fight against a Roshi team.
I guess the team that stands out the most is Roshi, Killer Bee, DP Hidan, Midnight Blade.

Where you get Root of Warrior to protect MB and Hidan, double attacking Hidan, Hidan's mystery to aid Roshis chase, Roshi is basically just in the team as a troll to shut down the enemy team and benefit from Bee.

This is purely offensive team, unless you are immune to tag/ignite you will be massacred in two turns, and what does immune mean? Copying immune to debuffs :/
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-20 14:19:34Show All Posts
  • AkashaMoka On 2017-06-20 14:12:55
  • use blitz and kill Roshi:shutup::shutup::shutup:
"Blitz" is subjective to power and initiative.

"Konoha Blitz" sort of works but's its all or nothing in one attack. Even managing to kill Roshi its a stretch to win because your team is going to be crying after Hidan is done with two turns. If you don't get the crits and combo you need in 1 turn, its game over.

You can say Blitz is the answer to every strong team given the power to destroy a ninja, but the reality is it can fail easily with many small adjustments or bad luck. Roshi with def stacking is very similar to Earth Main stacking which is essentially the hardest counter to blitz in the game.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-20 16:41:39Show All Posts
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-06-20 16:36:37
  • And the total damage landed in round 1 by this team is half the damage a danzo fire main cursed hidan team would do.
A fire main hidan team is only the hidan and he kills himself - there are so many counters to this it is hardly worth considering.

The real spirit of Hidan is existing in a team where hes just a perk that fits well, and simply being a trigger for Roshi's chase is all he really needs to do.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-23 13:44:30Show All Posts
Doesn't anyone object to a ninja that has 1 episode in the anime being the god of a meta of status immunity?

I know it won't change but, wtf were they smoking making a side character better than the six tails?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-23 13:53:43Show All Posts
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-06-21 23:51:59
  • He's one of the best front tanks to deal with blitz

    I 65k blitzed the fk out of a 75k roshi so your entire post is invalid
Cool story, I dove into a Roshi 107k vs 97k, few crits and a combo, didn't die t1. Various blitz teams can be made to win, but in general, he's tanky enough with Bee shield that it's not reliable. Blitz teams are super risky in the effect that if they don't kill 2 ninjas before they all die, the team loses.

The ninja is broken af and dumb. I'm sure random mood/tactic/luck instances will change this but in the p2w world equal bp he's uncounterable and overpowered as hell. This post was last edited by Loaf at 2017-6-23 14:22
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