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[ Lineup ] the length of combos?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-17 19:35:11Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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hellloooooooo there! this is my first strategy thing, so bear with me. so, it seems the majority of strategy is slap around a single target with a mystery or a standard, and then hit that single person with a long stream of combos. there are other strategies, like i saw a legit stall lineup once that heals itself and tries to force max rounds, which seems boring. but anyway, for those of you that use this combo strategy (like i do) what is your line up? do you have 2 seperate, smaller combos? or 1 long string combo? let me know! i personally just use a extremly long combo. here is my line up, i will also input it's combo below. my MC is midnight blade (love that paralysis)

-Midnight blade. talents= chidori blade-shadow, beam of light, lightning sword, anbu special assault tactics,only level 53, but i will get bloodthristy demen at level 55, summoning jutsu - tonton (working on others DX).
-Karin. talents= great perfume spray,taijutsu attack (cause high float), quick healing jutsu, kick flying, and perfume spray
-kakashi. talents= fanged pursuit jutsu, lightning blade, water clone jutsu, fire style- fire ball jutsu, lighting blade-twin lighting shiver
-temari. talents= hurricane jutsu, taijutsu attack (cause low float),confidence, wind style-*ing. (she's currently just 2 star. working on 3 star)

my combo is a 8-hit combo, and can be cause by anyone's standard (2nd attack i listed) midnight blades chidori blade-shadow, or kakashi's fanged pursuit jutsu. or this specific purpose, i'll start the combo with chidori blade-shadow. all attacks listed after it are chases, and i will list how they are activated and what they cause

1.) chidori blade shadow
2.) lighting sword (chase knockdown, cause low float)
3.) lighting blade-twin lighting shiver (chase low float, cause knock down)
4.) kick flying (chase knockdown, cause high float)
5.) fire style- fireball jutsu (chase high float, casue low float)
6.) wind style-*ing (chase low float, cause high float)
7. summon jutsu tonton (5 hit combo)
8. perfume spray (10 hit combo)

that's the combo. eventually i will get summoning jutsus chameleon and the snake that chases knockdown and cause knock down
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-17 20:46:17Show this Author Only

Highly recommend using this page, even if it is in chinese, it's still pretty easy to use :)
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