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[ Bugs ] Bug in Rescue The Jinchuriki event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 58
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On 2017-06-15 20:34:31Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
1# Go To
Hello everyone,

We have recently received reports about issues with Rescue The Jinchuriki event, in which teams are not allowed to enter.
If you experience such an issue, we would like to suggest you to try to team up with different players, then transfer leadership when the team is formed, to try and enter the battle.

Moreover, we would like to ask of you to fill in the following form, so we can check on those issues and fix them.
1) Character Name:
2) Server ID:
3) UID:
4) Screenshot of your issue: (the error message, as shown on example above. Please make sure it contains your server time and character name on it.)
5) A logfile

How to get logfile:
Write anywhere while playing the game “hylogfile” (without “”, you don’t have to write it in a text box) then a window will pop-up. Save the file that you are given by the system and please send it to us as an attachment to your post. Please make sure to take the logfile as soon as you receive the error message.

Best Regards,
Naruto Online Support Team
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 34
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On 2017-07-27 01:35:35Show this Author Only

this is probably due to players not having the correct level bracket, if an 85, and 88 and a 73 enter the instance, they will be unable to enter unless the 73 hosts

Quicky Post

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