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[ Fanfiction ] (T) Midnight Blaze- Chapter 2: ENEMY...!? [Part 3]


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On 2017-06-13 07:37:12Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Midnight had decided that he’d much rather be dying in the forest then have to owe that cunning, perpetually grinning cheapskate even a bowl of ramen. He had whimpered. He had friggin’ whimpered! And Scarlet would never let him live it down, to be sure. His fingers dragged the skin of his cheeks down despairingly. Maybe he could just pay him off. That ought to keep the miser happy, he always seemed to be short on cash no matter how many missions the team went on. Just what did the kid spend it all on!?
His eyes opened, and he swung his legs off the side of the bed, resigning himself to a sleepless night. Quietly dressing himself and strapping his sword to his waist, he slipped out of the front door into the seamless black night.
Rather, it would have been seamless, had there not been an extremely loud orange vest somehow absorbing all of the nonexistent light there was and reflecting it back 10 times stronger casually strolling along, hands in pockets. Foot coming to a halt halfway to the ground, Midnight immediately spun a full 180 degrees reached for the door. But his hand paused on the doorknob. Just where was Scarlet going at this time of night? It was literally Midnight’s namesake. His mind sifted through any possibilities at all as to why he’d be sneaking off in the dead of night. He was… a black market dealer! But no, he wasn’t carrying anything but a coin purse and a few kunai, as far as Midnight could tell. Buying? Maybe.Wait a second. Maybe Scarlet was an enemy nin! No one knew where he came from. He’d been in the village for some time now, but enemies had been known to lie low for years longer than Scarlet had been around. That was it! Scarlet was a spy, and he’d been sent to infiltrate Konoha for the village’s downfall from the inside! In fact, he was probably going to give them information now!
Scarlet glanced around surreptitiously as he swaggered into *leyway, and Midnight swept the black cape over his shock of white hair in one fluid motion. His chakra was already concealed, something of second nature to the lightning nin whenever he left his home at the edge of the Blade compound. Even in the supposed safety of the village, you never knew what might be lurking around the corner. Just one second- no, a split second- of inattention could cost you your life. And in Scarlet’s case, Midnight smirked, that inattention was going to compromise him. Ha! They thought sending a kid would fool the village!? ...Well, actually, maybe the village. But not a Blade, and especially not Midnight Blade! A shadow leapt from the ground, taking off after the quickly disappearing figure.

They had travelled to the other side of town, and Midnight went on high alert as they passed out of the village and into the woods. Whatever semblance of safety there had been was now entirely gone. Any help the Midnight could have gotten subduing Scarlet was now well out of reach. Not that he couldn’t take care of Scarlet himself, but who knew what kind of cronies were lurking at his hideout. Oh well. It was too late now.A dot of light *led in the distance, trees swallowing it up for moments at a time.
‘Here we go…’ Midnight thought grimly, one hand gripping the hilt of his sword. How should he he plan this? He couldn’t attack Scarlet now. Whoever was waiting for him at their lair would surely get su*ious if their informant never appeared. If they decided their mission, whatever it was, was jeopardized, they might decide to go all out in a suicide mission and destroy Konoha! Or something…
The single point of light slowly transformed into a small, homey abode with warm honeyed glow spilling out of its windows. Midnight jutted his lower lip and squinted at the comfy looking space with deep su*ion.
‘Well, Evil enjoys small comfort also. Still, this is not exactly what comes to mind when you think, ‘Sinister dwelling of corrupt villains bent on destroying the world…’
Scarlet dropped from the trees to a crouch on the ground, before slowly straightening up, clapping his hands free of dust and knocking on the door. A few seconds. And then-
“Scarlet! You’re back!” the door burst open, revealing a tall, willowy, extremely loud, happy man. Too happy. Su*iously happy. Something must be seriously wrong if criminals were happy. The man held his arms out for what looked like a hug, a big grin on his face, eyes closed. The other held up a hand. Scarlet whispered something, but strain his ears as he might, he just couldn’t make out they were saying. The two erupted into a fit of guffaws that seemed far too raucous for people of their... build, and made their way inside. Very strange. Well, he’d heard rumours that there were a lot of weirdos in that group, the Akatsuki, too. Weirdos were everywhere. Midnight slumped against the trunk of the the tree he was sitting in, sliding into a comfortable seat for his wait.
It was regretful that there was a spy in Konoha, he thought cheerfully, but everything was okay now! The nefarious plot would be stopped, Midnight would be a hero, Scarlet and his cronies would be put in jail, and he’d never have to owe him anything again! His hands would be clean of the fire nin forever! Midnight whisper-laughed gleefully as he thought of the bright future ahead.
...He did wonder what the traitor was telling his evil buddies in there, though. It’d be difficult to eavesdrop on them without being discovered, since even his skill in chakra shielding could only go so far- literally- and there was no telling if that tall dude had some kind of special senses or whatnot. Wasn’t likely, but it paid to be cautious.
His father had been trying to teach him a special form of astral projection, a hiden of the Blade clan that allowed it’s user to project their souls through currents of electricity in the ground. This could be used to either eavesdrop on conversations or send information, although communication was much more difficult than simply listening. A straight up S-rank jutsu, Midnight had barely managed to hold one 15 yards for 30 seconds, to his father’s disappointment. He’d been practicing every night, but it was so difficult... Not that it took so much chakra, which was optimal for staying hidden, but keeping one’s concentration in the midst of the chaos of electricity, keeping yourself together, was not easy. The genin closed his eyes, focusing. Muffled words became more distinct, and he could just barely understand the words being spoken.“Seemed better in the afternoon… Got worse a few hours ago though.”
“You’ve been a big help, though. Soon we’ll be able to-” Midnight’s concentration slipped for a second. Kuso! His brow furrowed.
“”As long as-...” his mind desperately scrabbled for the connection, “…after all. Haha!”
‘What are they SAYING!?’ Midnight growled with frustration. He heard a sleepy groan.
“Welp, I better get going, we’ve got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow and it’s pretty late already. I’ll be back soon though!”
“Aw, already? You just got here! Well, thanks again! Oh, and don’t forget to shield your chakra!” Loud snickering from the two, and the bright flare of Scarlet’s chakra winked out.
Midnight snapped back to his body and swung behind the tree, keeping extra careful not to let his eyes stray from wherever Scarlet might be. Now that his chakra was guarded he couldn’t just track his trail anymore. The door opened again, and Scarlet waved genially to the man before jumping into the trees. Midnight quickly followed.
‘Hehe, that traitor will rue the day he ever decided to save Midnight Blade from death by falling from a tree! Wait, no. That traitor will rue the day he ever decided to humiliate Midnight Blade by inconveniently existing! Yeah, that sounds better.’
He was slowly gaining on Scarlet. Eyes flashing with glee, took aim at the fire nin’s shoulder and swung.
“Now I’ve got you, traitor!” he shouted. But instead of whirling drops of blood and a cry of pain, he got… a puff of smoke? Something tapped him on the shoulder.
A laugh.
“So you finally found me out, huh?” A voice whispered in his ear. Midnight whirled around, sword whistling shrilly through air. Scarlet skipped backwards and flipped onto a taller building, trademark grin plastered on his face, arms crossed in a superior way.
“Unfortunately, I’m going to have to kill you now, Midnight. But don’t worry. I’ll make sure your body makes it back to the Blade compound in one piece, hehe!” This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-6-13 07:37
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-13 09:38:57Show this Author Only
*whispers* Midnight this is not how you pay a debt :@
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-13 10:41:14Show this Author Only
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-06-13 09:38:57
  • *whispers* Midnight this is not how you pay a debt :@
Midnight: Forget you, man! Traitors are owed nothing! That's why everyone hated Benedict Arnold! This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-6-14 00:52
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-13 15:24:25Show this Author Only
"...he always seemed to be short on cash no matter how many missions the team went on. Just what did the kid spend it all on!?" Oi, Midnighty- you might be taller but it's you who is younger here, you paranoid kitten ;P
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