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[ News ] Event Feedbacks - 8th June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-09 09:01:37Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello Ninjas,

as per mentioned in the Events-8th June thread, we will be opening a thread focusing in collecting feedbacks, suggestions and improvements idea towards our events. This is one of our critical action and necessity for our community to grow, as it allow us to identify and improve our overall content and events for all of our players. Following format shall be used in order to ensure a uniform and ease data collection towards the end of the week.

Example:-Server : 34
Region : HK
Current BP : 58K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya
Reasoning : With the current treasure and meta, it is very hard to find a spot for Sage Jiraiya, a universal ninja which can suit into multiple type of strategy would serve better example : Sage Naruto. On top of that, it has been Sage Jiraiya for past few months a new ninja would be a good change.
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments

We would also, like to inform everyone that we are trying our best to push for changes / improvements that the players have suggested. However, the final decision would be at the hand of the management and there is no guarantee of the time it might takes.

Fortunately, please rest assured as all your feedbacks are being entertained by our team and will always be in our discussions. The example that we have provided is merely a guideline for everyone, feel free to elaborate on your reasonings/suggestions to ensure the message are throughly communicated.
Any unrelated comments or posts that doesn't follow the format will be deleted.

Thank you.

Naruto Online Operation Team.
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On 2017-06-09 09:24:56Show this Author Only
Server : 44
Region : LA
Current BP : 96k
Events : Recharge Event
Opinion : The Recharge event is low and not worth the 30k recharge. I prefer seeing the 40k/50k recharge where it offers a nice ninja that is well worth the recharge.
Reasoning : Past event and this event has a 30k spending limit or recharge and I honestly don't care for the hokage packs. There can be better items to obtain and people like myself would spend more if there were better options. This limits the spending because I don't see much value here at the moment.
Suggestions : Do a 2 for 1 deal like before. Where if you recharge you gain spins on a crazy slot machine, and if there is a spending event you get more rewards. You had that last week which was okay, but the spending event really lacked. Those kinds of deals are great and more are needed.
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On 2017-06-09 10:23:34Show this Author Only
Server : 514
Region : HK
Current BP : 22k
Events : Gift Packs Special Offer
Opinion : Allows purchasing packs with coupons as well.
Reasoning : Basically all items I have seen in the gift packs special offer event have showed up before selling for coupons. I believe it would be better to have an option to buy with ingots, so a small time spender like me can do a mixture of ingots and coupons to purchase these packs.Suggestions : I strongly suggest that we can buy gift packs with coupons as well
This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-6-9 10:25
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On 2017-06-09 10:36:00Show this Author Only
Server: 193
Region: LA
Current BP: 36K
Event: Time Limited Shop
Opinion: I feel like guy's tortoise is to expensive 50 points for 1 fragment especially for players that are F2P Reasoning: i do understand that he is suppose to be hard to get but this is the 1st time i've seen him in events
Suggestion: Have him in events more often and lower from 50 points to like 35 points.
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On 2017-06-09 16:15:19Show this Author Only
Server : 295
Region : UK
Current BP : 47K
Events : Mission General Mobilization
Opinion : The event is good but a bit annoying
Reasoning : The good part of this event is the chance to swap missions with friends to get up to 100 more points per day and up to 10 packs. The annoying part is the fact once you actually accepted and claimed 8-9 missions you have a very limited freedom of movement since you can manage only the remaining 1-2 slots and since you just got the missions you want there you don't absolutely want to remove them, so, to help your friends you need to stay for a lot of time without your 9th or 10th reward claimed and this compels you to click on the mission dealers a lot of times to send to your friends the 9-10 missions they want (because many times happen that you get rechange ingots or spend ingots ones that f2p can't claim so you have to delete them and click again on the dealer. This thing makes you lose a lot of time for no reason).
Suggestions : Leave the cap of the rewards we can claim every day to 10, but let us accept up to 15 or 20 missions so that even if we got from a friend the 10 missions we wanted we can still send to other friends missions quickly as far as we didn't claim all the 10 rewards.
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On 2017-06-10 06:51:11Show this Author Only
Example:-Server : 72
Region : LA
Current BP : 70K
Events : Recruitment Feedback
Opinion : It is not worth it to buy or use seal scrolls at this stage in the game
Reasoning : In the current meta most of the best ninjas are obtained only from events (sailor sakura,cursed hidan,nagato,hanzo,kyubi naruto,hokage tsunade etc) or are much easier and more worthwhile to get from events rather th*ing seal scrolls (sage naruto,hashirama,pain gakido,pain jigokudo). At this point in time the only seal worth drawing from is the five kage treasure if your a new player who needs any barrier ninja to base your team around (If your looking for a specific barrier ninja your better off buying it from an event) or if you want a super rare. Its been 6 monthes since kage treasure came out and most people already have the barrier ninjas they need. If they were going to pull for a super rare they would have already done it by now. Since edo tensei treasure is 2 stars most people refuse to use seal scrolls on this treasure knowing jinchuriki treasure is coming. I know a lot of players who have stopped buying and using seal scrolls a long time ago and now they have enough seal scrolls saved up to get roshi as soon as he comes out.
Suggestions : Someone who didnt buy 300 scrolls in the last seal rebate likely isnt going to buy 300 scrolls 2 weeks later in the exact same event considering we've had the exact same event countless times already. In the german version of naruto online you can get 10 fragments of susano itachi for using 600 seal scrolls in recruitment feedback. My suggestion is to add that as a new option in our global version so people will have a new incentive to buy/use seal scrolls.
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On 2017-06-10 16:12:41Show this Author Only
guys don't reply, because they want to know what people wants so that they will not implement it. you know what kind of people they are lol
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On 2017-06-10 21:57:55Show this Author Only
Server : 73
Region : UK
Current BP: 65 k
Events : Mission Mobilaization Event
Opinion : discounts packs
Reason : we know that the discount even is propably the best way to buy cave keys packs and since we dont have discounts only ppl that recharging cna afford some more discounts since the mobilaization event is usually aroun the second week of the month and the discount event is usually at last week would be a good deal for those player that are thinking ahead of the time cause most of the ppl will see the packs and will say aaa nah there no dicount event why would i bother buy them so yeah its like a gift for us that we play smart
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On 2017-06-12 05:27:00Show this Author Only

Example:-Server : 415
Region : NY
Current BP : 44k
Events : Additional events like Rebates.
Opinion : Add the events WITH the events updates on thursday
Reasoning : This usually happens as I think "Hey, no rebate this week. I guess I'll just spend cave keys or seal scrolls." But then on Sunday, I see rebates just come in. Last week I had a lot of refine runes and after I spend most of it, next day I see a rebate. It's annoying as you think nothing is coming and you spend coupons,ingots or any other material and a rebate appears. Please add rebates with the event maintenance on on thursday.
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On 2017-06-12 09:53:32Show this Author Only
Server : 59, 61, 63
Region : NY
Current BP : 30k
Events : Missions General Mobilization
Opinion : mission gift box - stamina potion and medium cloth
Reasoning : Medium cloths are outdated, specially for older servers and not to mention they're easy to get from SA. Potions are something we can get from shop, for such an event they're not worth it.
Suggestions : Medium cloths could be replaced for mood scrolls or advanced thread. Instead of potion why not add purification protection runes, the box already drops purification runes so this addition would be better.
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On 2017-06-14 21:15:11Show this Author Only

thank you everyone for taking your time to actually give us feedback and suggestion to improve our event contents. We really appreciate it and will try our best to brought up all these ideas during our meetings. Please look forward for our next week event which will be announce soon, and as usual i will open up another feedback thread specifically for it.

Naruto Online Operation Team
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