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[ Events ] Server Merging Criteria


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On 2017-06-05 18:33:21Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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As the title says, I am wondering about the server merging criteria.

So the official line is this:

"3. We’re now, more than ever, taking into account server merging requests to proceed with future server merging. We ask that you all be patient and we would like to once more thank you all for your support!
Server Merging will be done in accordance to the number of players online and power level as selection factors.We have in our interest that every player enjoys the best gaming experience and social environment possible"

So my question here is: Do they mean that the servers that are merged with eachother have this balance, or do they intend to merge servers that have low activity -> are dead or getting there fast?

Seeing the evidence in today's merge announcement I must conclude that they dont really have understandable criteria to me.

-> on some of the UK servers that are merged today I could only find 1 request from S105 in the last request thread (may have missed something) and S96 has more active players then any 3 other UK servers in the lower 300s. (I only checked the 96,100,105 merger)

So how are we supposed to stay patient ? It seems completely random, or perhaps I am missing something here.... but either way, this lack of timely mergers for servers that can muster barely 20 active ppl or less then 10 ppl for 9tails is frustrating to say the least, and destroys the gaming expierience of a significant part of the community.

I personally must say that my patience is nearly depleted. I am a fairly frequent spender at rank 2 of my own server and I know that another few of the friends that have been holding out for todays merger post will be leaving the game today.

So please can someone explain this to me so I can adjust my expectations? Or should I just assume that this is a non issue for the company and take my money and dedication elsewhere?

Sincerely B4

This post was last edited by B4lduR at 2017-6-5 18:35
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On 2017-06-05 18:48:04Show this Author Only
Oasis doesnt care, just leave.
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On 2017-06-05 18:54:40Show this Author Only
just like the guy above, OASIS DONT CARE HAHAHA
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On 2017-06-05 20:03:55Show this Author Only
Well this is so sad to see when you try to save your guys on your server and get merge for a loong time and seeing server that could run sage by themselfs no problem. For now i dont know is it worth satying in the game when almost every1 left there is only me and n2 guy rest is casual hard to talk to any1. I dont know with this pace server with 400+ number will be merged in 7-10 months.

Ps. in 2 weeks prepare for "no merges this week"
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On 2017-06-05 20:18:36Show this Author Only
This went so far that i could offer my help in server merging as a scout or OasisAmbassador for free
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On 2017-06-05 21:00:15Show this Author Only
did 2 posts that were purely negative of oasis and not topic related get deleted?

My goal with this thread is to get some insight into the process, which just seems enigmatic to me at this point...
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On 2017-06-05 21:03:23Show this Author Only
It's not clear because some people have been complaining that they have been merged with servers much much stronger than them so the criteria seem very vague
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On 2017-06-06 05:55:44Show this Author Only
Can you remove the toxic people from my server? that would be great thanks!

I would love to have these people merged out.

Please merge!
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On 2017-06-06 06:34:19Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-06-06 05:55:44
  • Can you remove the toxic people from my server? that would be great thanks!

    I would love to have these people merged out.

    Please merge!
Yes they should really remove u
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On 2017-06-06 06:55:05Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-06-06 05:55:44
  • Can you remove the toxic people from my server? that would be great thanks!

    I would love to have these people merged out.

    Please merge!
How are you not banned yet with all those *phobic rants of yours in the report thread.
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On 2017-06-16 04:05:41Show this Author Only
  • Belerephon On 2017-06-06 06:55:05
  • How are you not banned yet with all those *phobic rants of yours in the report thread.
Because of how Toxic the gays are. it has nothing to do with being H0m0phobic and everyting to do with YOUR bias to the actions of others.

Like 90% of the server left and the people that are left all hate the gays and everyone left I talk to is eather a gay of tired of there crap. If you was on the server you would know he shoves all kinds of things up his ass.
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On 2017-06-16 04:19:50Show this Author Only
Server thief oasgames

Daisuke you mother suk black NlGGERS c0cks, better fix sage war you poor F@ggot, i hope ur parents bought you on market for srly low price how could such NlGGER become mod
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On 2017-06-16 04:21:12Show this Author Only
The internet is a thing of beauty, you never know who is on the other side of the screen. They may say they are gay or make other coments, but you see in reality he might not have this *uak preference. Thus *phobic statements are not only inappropiate, but also unfounded. You can complain about someone being toxic and rude, but please do not attribute his behavior to his supposed *ual preference.

In the internet you can be very different from your real life self. Hell for all you know i can be a cat that learnt to play the game named Mr fluffles.

Back on to the merge topic, i am interested too on the criteria for merge and the actual process. My server on the 400+ was visited by an ambassador one day a little over a week ago, we wanted a merge. He only came once and we have had no further information or contact from Oasis. Are we getting merged? soon? why did the ambassador came once and probably talked to only 3-4 people??

So many questions, so little info. The root of most problems between the community and Oasis is their complete lack of communication, including to the forum mods, who probably aren't told anything in advance.
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On 2017-06-16 04:25:22Show this Author Only
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On 2017-06-16 10:52:30Show this Author Only
We had 2 visits from an ambassador but it was more abouT how people felt about the game rather than any actual merge from what I could tell so I'd like to know what the criteria are
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On 2017-06-17 01:24:49Show this Author Only
No they are gay. They Identify as gays and that is the only thing you can call them they talk about little boys and wanting to * me. Under your mental * logic they are great people when in fact they are cancer on a game that 5 year old kids play. And should be dealt with like the cancer they are.

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On 2017-06-17 01:42:10Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-06-17 01:24:49
  • No they are gay. They Identify as gays and that is the only thing you can call them they talk about little boys and wanting to * me. Under your mental * logic they are great people when in fact they are cancer on a game that 5 year old kids play. And should be dealt with like the cancer they are.

Guess OAS does not have anyone has the knowledge of cyber bully...tsk tsk tsk
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On 2017-06-17 06:37:26Show this Author Only
This goes far beyond normal cyber bullying they share alt accounts with each other so there seems to be more than there actually is.

Moving them to another sever would be a great way to deal with this problem becouse someone else will have to deal with them :D
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On 2017-06-17 10:38:59Show this Author Only
Closing because this has gone off topic.
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