Region: LA
Current BP: 35k
Events: Lucky Board
Opinion: Lucky Dice are too expensive compared to the rewards.
Reasoning: Looking at Time-Limited Recruitment from last week, those keys being 10 coupons each, then looking at Lucky Board being 20 with the rewards being roughly the same amount of points as both events. So I'd like to see Lucky Dice either be able to be obtained 10 max daily like the keys were or reduce the lucky dice price to 10 coupons in the shop.
Region: LA
Current BP: 35k
Events: Activity Lucky Bag
Opinion: Common Cloth needs to leave the bag for Medium Cloth.
reasoning: We can obtain Common Cloth easily already and you don't need much of it, Medium Cloth is a bit harder to obtain due to costing more coupons and very few events have it obtainable by points and obviously SA can give them. So for this event can it scale to your Battle Armor level accordingly to give the player what they need so they won't have useless junk in their inventory?