2017-05-28 09:11:03
my field was 42k-95k..... so yea.... This post was last edited by Akidonoki at 2017-5-28 09:22
there mb 2-3 players that are 90k+ and thats ok they need to be in a bracket too, you say it like half of the people were 40k and the other half was 90k power. Lets be honest you wont be the one with highest power in xserver swb if you arent an extrem high spender but that doesnt mean you cant have good fights there or do well there. I agree that with full brackets (like we in s17 always had) it would be better if more than only top 3 get rewards, but the matchmaking was working as intended (we knew swb is grouping players after lvl first and only looks at power when it decides which side you are on) This post was last edited by Syldor at 2017-5-28 12:13