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[ Other ] Sage distribution


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-26 04:06:48Show All Posts
Do you know of any lv 90 55k*+ player in your server cluster that is in a different sage?
If so, something fishy is going on.
If not, it's simply a case of... there aren't enough high power player who signed up for sage in your server cluster, so everyone 55k and up got stuffed into one, including the 75k. (I would assume a grouping that includes 75k is the first grouping of the server cluster, because otherwise it would imply there are enough 75k+ for their own grouping, which is kinda scary)

Remember, the "promised" grouping for group 1 is effectively "the N highest power player who are level 90 from the server cluster" where N is the size of the sage battle. For many clusters, that's going to be somewhere around 60k to 120k(or whatever highest power is in that cluster)

Btw, I assume that the server cluster is the same as the space time battle one, thou I can't be 100% certain.

55k+*: to be more specific, players who have a higher "max power" than your "max power"(since you are the "55k" here), where max power is the power that a player have on the leader board which I assume the sage sorts player by.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-26 04:19:25Show All Posts
  • XIButterflies On 2017-05-26 04:11:26
  • I have the people(lv90) on my server who were over 60k(and they are not many in number) placed in different sage and the others who were near my power(or just under 60k) were also placed in different sages who despite the fact that had some high power also had people similar to their power who were larger in number. That's why I find strange,that as a 55k power player, I got placed in a sage with people who are above me with at least 20k This post was last edited by XI*erflies at 2017-5-25 23:19
That would prove that they are not doing what they said they would.
Too late now, but I'm guessing the 60k on your server didn't capture screen shots like you did? Because if they did and the following 4 screenshots are shown, it would have been a solid case.
1. The screenshot you had: of a lower power player fighting a higher one.
2. The list of player in Camp X of the sage you are in.
3. The list of player in Camp X of the sage a player who have higher power than the "lower power" player in #1 is in
4. The power ranking showing that the player in #3 is of higher power than the "lower player" in #1 (and, by light of being in the ranking board together, in the same server and therefore server cluster)

Oh, i assume the 60k is a lv90, because for some *beep* reason, they decide to bracket by power first so.... different level can actually cause horrible splits.

I'm in LA server so our sage haven't started yet. I'm gonna ask all my lv 90 group mates grab a screenshot of the mountain camp players in their respective sage to see if we can come up with such a set of screenshots. I mean there is the 1 min prep period, perfectly good for taking screenshots~
Quicky Post

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