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[ Character ] Fanmade future ninja talentsets


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On 2017-06-11 16:24:40Show this Author Only
  • Hell On Earth On 2017-06-11 16:20:45
  • Guy

    Konoha-nin, Lightning-attribute
    : Gate Of Death Open - Immediately transform Guy to Gate of death mode, which increase attack by 500% and combo rate by 100% and Immune to all debuff, but Sacrifice his current health by 80%. This mystery will automatic cast if guy health below 40% even he being chased or being controlled.
    Chakra Use: 0
    Battlefield Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 20
    Night Guy - - Deal Super Heavy Damage to Selected Enemy Unit, and Causes Repulse and this mystery disperses buff and shield and ignores they super armor. After cast This Skill, Guy will have 1 health. This Skill cannot be evaded.
    Chakra Use: 0
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cooldown: 2

    Leaf Hurricane: Cause Taijutsu to 4 random enemy unit and has a chance causes repulses. if in Death Gate Mode this standard will be change to Sekizo.
    Sekizo: Cause TaiNin to Front enemy Line and Causes repulses and Ignition(Like 4th Standard Earth Main>

    Fall Leaf - When this unit in the field, all of your ally will increase their combo rate by 30% and increase their attack for every succesfull standard attack by 15%. if in Gate of Death Mode, this passive also heal them self by 15%, but guy can't receive this buff

    Hirudora - Chases and Attack repulse Enemy and causes 5 Combo and knockdown. if in Gate of Death Mode will this Chase will add immobile debuff to chased enemy

    Asakujaku - Triggered At least 25 Combo, Causes TaiNin Damage to 3 Random enemy and Causes Ignition. if this skill being used, This Unit will have 1 more standard attack (Stack With another bonus standard attack). If in Gate of Death Mode, causes Damage entire selected enemy lineup.

    I always Dreaming This Guy Skill Set :lol:lol:lol:lol This post was last edited by 148***@facebook at 2017-6-11 16:33
yeah maybe in the future they gonna bring this version <:3_59:>
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On 2017-06-12 08:59:59Show this Author Only
  • Hell On Earth On 2017-06-11 16:20:45
  • Guy

    Konoha-nin, Lightning-attribute
    : Gate Of Death Open - Immediately transform Guy to Gate of death mode, which increase attack by 500% and combo rate by 100% and Immune to all debuff, but Sacrifice his current health by 80%. This mystery will automatic cast if guy health below 40% even he being chased or being controlled.
    Chakra Use: 0
    Battlefield Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 20
    Night Guy - - Deal Super Heavy Damage to Selected Enemy Unit, and Causes Repulse and this mystery disperses buff and shield and ignores they super armor. After cast This Skill, Guy will have 1 health. This Skill cannot be evaded.
    Chakra Use: 0
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cooldown: 2

    Leaf Hurricane: Cause Taijutsu to 4 random enemy unit and has a chance causes repulses. if in Death Gate Mode this standard will be change to Sekizo.
    Sekizo: Cause TaiNin to Front enemy Line and Causes repulses and Ignition(Like 4th Standard Earth Main>

    Fall Leaf - When this unit in the field, all of your ally will increase their combo rate by 30% and increase their attack for every succesfull standard attack by 15%. if in Gate of Death Mode, this passive also heal them self by 15%, but guy can't receive this buff

    Hirudora - Chases and Attack repulse Enemy and causes 5 Combo and knockdown. if in Gate of Death Mode will this Chase will add immobile debuff to chased enemy

    Asakujaku - Triggered At least 25 Combo, Causes TaiNin Damage to 3 Random enemy and Causes Ignition. if this skill being used, This Unit will have 1 more standard attack (Stack With another bonus standard attack). If in Gate of Death Mode, causes Damage entire selected enemy lineup.

    I always Dreaming This Guy Skill Set :lol:lol:lol:lol This post was last edited by 148***@facebook at 2017-6-11 16:33
So broken, i love it! ;P
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On 2017-06-12 12:56:14Show this Author Only
Now for Those Two Guys themselves... albeit this is somewhat less interesting than my previous ones imo:

Kotetsu Hagane (Water)
Mystery: Shell Mace Smash (40 Chakra, 1 Cooldown, 1 Battlefield Cooldown) Attack one opponent with Knockdown. If the target has Blindness or Slow, damage is increased by a certain percentile. If Izumo is on the team, also cause 3 Combo. Standard: Impale Attacks the front enemy and has a fixed chance of Knockdown and Crit. Ignores defensive skills. Chase: Shell Mace: Air Bullet Chase the High Floated enemy, cause Knockdown. If Izumo is on the team, also cause 3 Combo.
Passive: Yin Release: Illusion Disperse Has a high chance of dodging the first Standard attack each turn.
Passive: Double-Team Combo If Izumo is on the team and alive, both their Standard attacks will be replaced with a Double-Team combo that will deal moderate Taijutsu damage to the front enemy and cause High Float, with a fixed chance of Crit.
Izumo Kamizuki (Water)
Mystery: Starch Syrup Capturing Field (40 Chakra, 2 Cooldown, 0 Battlefield Cooldown) Deal light Water damage to the enemy team and inflict Slowness. If Kotetsu is on the team, the target gets Poison and Knockdown.
Standard: Impale Attacks the front enemy and has a fixed chance of Knockdown and Crit. Ignores defensive skills.
Chase: Starch Syrup Exhale Chases Knockdown, causes Knockdown and blindness.
Passive: Inseparable Bond If Kotetsu takes lethal damage, Izumo will intercept and receive the damage instead. Every time this happens, the enemy attacker will receive Tag for 1 turn. Passive: Double-Team Combo If Kotetsu is on the team and alive, both their Standard attacks will be replaced with a Double-Team combo that will deal moderate Taijutsu damage to the front enemy and cause High Float, with a fixed chance of Crit.

I tried to think of something to represent Kotetsu's genjutsu besides "Mirror Return"... that's all I could think of to represent it...
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On 2017-06-12 12:59:18Show this Author Only
Since we already have a Misumi, might as well do Yoroi too...

Yoroi Akado

Mystery: Energy Drain (20 chakra, 2-round Cooldown, Prompt)
Deals damage to an enemy and causes Knockdown. Leeches 60% of the damage dealt along with 20 chakra.

Standard: Taijutsu Attack
Attack front enemy, chance of Double Combo, Knockdown, and absorption of 15% of the damage.

Passive: Energy Exhaustion
On a critical hit, Yoroi’s leech will be 2 times its normal amount. Also, the opponent hit will have their Attack and Ninjutsu lowered by a certain percentile. This effect disappears the following turn.

Passive: Chakra Focus
Whenever Yoroi leeches life from an opponent, his Defense and Resistance rises by a certain percentile. This effect disappears the following turn.

Passive: Hidden Sound Spy
Yoroi deals extra damage and leech to Hidden Leaf characters and will receive extra healing from Hidden Sound characters.

He'd be more of a tanky disruptive type. I remember that he was also able to leech Sasuke's strength, leaving him weaker... so I tried to implement that the best I could without going op.
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On 2017-06-12 13:47:12Show this Author Only
  • Hell On Earth On 2017-06-11 16:20:45
  • Guy

    Konoha-nin, Lightning-attribute
    : Gate Of Death Open - Immediately transform Guy to Gate of death mode, which increase attack by 500% and combo rate by 100% and Immune to all debuff, but Sacrifice his current health by 80%. This mystery will automatic cast if guy health below 40% even he being chased or being controlled.
    Chakra Use: 0
    Battlefield Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 20
    Night Guy - - Deal Super Heavy Damage to Selected Enemy Unit, and Causes Repulse and this mystery disperses buff and shield and ignores they super armor. After cast This Skill, Guy will have 1 health. This Skill cannot be evaded.
    Chakra Use: 0
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cooldown: 2

    Leaf Hurricane: Cause Taijutsu to 4 random enemy unit and has a chance causes repulses. if in Death Gate Mode this standard will be change to Sekizo.
    Sekizo: Cause TaiNin to Front enemy Line and Causes repulses and Ignition(Like 4th Standard Earth Main>

    Fall Leaf - When this unit in the field, all of your ally will increase their combo rate by 30% and increase their attack for every succesfull standard attack by 15%. if in Gate of Death Mode, this passive also heal them self by 15%, but guy can't receive this buff

    Hirudora - Chases and Attack repulse Enemy and causes 5 Combo and knockdown. if in Gate of Death Mode will this Chase will add immobile debuff to chased enemy

    Asakujaku - Triggered At least 25 Combo, Causes TaiNin Damage to 3 Random enemy and Causes Ignition. if this skill being used, This Unit will have 1 more standard attack (Stack With another bonus standard attack). If in Gate of Death Mode, causes Damage entire selected enemy lineup.

    I always Dreaming This Guy Skill Set :lol:lol:lol:lol This post was last edited by 148***@facebook at 2017-6-11 16:33
So broken, so overpowered! I love it! Very fitting and deserving of Gai!
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On 2017-06-12 13:58:46Show this Author Only

Gaara of the Sand

Suna, Kage, Wind, Jinchuuriki

Mystery: Sand Rasenshuriken: Cause Wind and Earth attribute Damage to all units on a single lineup and causes Repulse to the selected unit.

Chakra Use: 40

Cooldown: 2

Battlefield Cooldown: 1

Standard: Sand Tendrils: Attack the entire front row and causes Wind and Earth attribute damage and Repulse to the selected Unit.

Chase: Sand Tendril Slam: Chases Repulse and causes Knockdown

Chase: Sand Tornado: Chase Knockdown and causes High Float

Passive: Sand Hell Armor: Apply a Shield over all Wind and Earth attributed ninjas. This ninjas is also immune to Knockdown, Low Float, High Float and Repulse. A possible chance to block an attack as well.

This post was last edited by Naked Snake on 2017-11-01 21:13:52.
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On 2017-06-12 14:13:55Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2017-06-06 17:27:37
  • Tiami
    ♀ , Konoha, Secret Jutsu user, Wind Attribute

    Mystery: Fangirls's Screetch: Causes Wind attribute damage to the opponent's front row. Has a small chance to cause chaos to the selected unit.
    cooling time: 2 rounds, battlefield cooldown: 1 round, chakra use: 40

    Standard: Fast Sketch: Summons 1 clone of a current Main Character in team. Clone may use standard attack of the Main.

    Passive: Caffeination: heals one unit with the least Life from your team and recover 20 chakra points.

    Passive: Hold on, my children!: At the beggining of the battle, increases the Defense and Resistance attribute of all units in the team, last for 3 rounds.

    Chase: Free Hugs: Chase and attack Low Floated unit, causes Knockdown and Immobile.

nice character :)
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On 2017-06-12 14:18:17Show this Author Only
  • Naked Snake On 2017-06-12 13:58:46
  • Gaara of the Sand

    Suna, Kage, Wind, Jinchuuriki

    Mystery: Sand Rasenshuriken: Cause Wind and Earth attribute Damage to all units on a single lineup and causes Repulse to the selected unit.

    Chakra Use: 40

    Cooldown: 2

    Battlefield Cooldown: 1

    Standard: Sand Tendrils: Attack the entire front row and causes Wind and Earth attribute damage and Repulse to the selected Unit.

    Chase: Sand Tendril Slam: Chases Repulse and causes Knockdown

    Chase: Sand Tornado: Chase Knockdown and causes High Float

    Passive: Sand Hell Armor: Apply a Shield over all Wind and Earth attributed ninjas. This ninjas is also immune to Knockdown, Low Float, High Float and Repulse. A possible chance to block an attack as well.

Sand Rasenshuriken?

I wanna see that... that sounds fun!
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On 2017-06-12 15:05:47Show this Author Only

Cloud-Style Flame Beheading: Cause Heavy damage and cause ignite up to 7 random opponents also selected unit will cause low float.

Standard Attack:
Atsui: Attack 3 random opponents at frontline and cause High Float and ignite.

Counter Heal 1: At the beginning Increase Attack and Ninjutsu 30% up to 9 units with lightning and fire atrribute for 5 rounds.

Counter Heal 2: Opponents under ignite cannot be dispell.

Counter Heal 3: Chase and attack Low Float and cause Repulse cause ignite for 2 rounds.
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On 2017-06-12 16:30:29Show this Author Only
  • EdwardElric657@ On 2017-06-12 14:13:55
  • nice character :)
My OC based on me- hehe I need to draw her too :P
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On 2017-06-12 20:35:40Show this Author Only
  • Dosu On 2017-06-12 14:18:17
  • Sand Rasenshuriken?

    I wanna see that... that sounds fun!
Yeah, I thought of it like, Gaara deciding to honor Naruto and create a similar techinque. But this causes Wind and Earth, not just Wind.

Plus I also wanted to see a Gaara who's mystery is not cinematic. Which evolved into that Mystery.
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On 2017-06-14 08:15:51Show this Author Only
So, I was having fun today at our new Discord, and when there were less people, I thought of Teal Straw - Grass Style ninja, or Grass Main... don't ask why, just... it happened XD.
Due to it being a Main, I will have to do 20 talents for it, so prepare yourselves :D

If any of our amazing artists feel like drawing a concept art for Teal Straw, that would be something to look forward to ;p
I won't disclose how I feel he should look (or maybe she, we have only 2 girls ;p), I'll let the skills speak :)

Mystery Skills
#1. Grass Style: Sharp Blade Jutsu - Attacks a selected enemy, has a guaranteed Critical Hit.
Chakra Consumption: 20
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2

#2. Grass Style: Crazy Vines Barrage - Attacks up to 5 enemies, causes Repulse or Knockdown at random to a selected enemy. This skill has a high critical hit chance.
Chakra Consumption: 40
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2

#3. Grass Style: Floral Protection - Selected unit will be invisible. Invisible ninjas cannot be targeted by mystery skills. Last for 1 round.
Chakra Consumption: 0
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 3

#4. Secret Jutsu: Back to the Past - Your team will reapply their passives. This jutsu's cooldown cannot be reduced in any way.
Chakra Consumption: 100
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 4

Standard Skills
#1. Leaf Slash - Attack front enemy, has a chance to cause Knockdown and Critical Hit

#2. Vine Wileding - Attack up to 3 enemies in the front, and cause 3 combo to each, with a chance of Repulse.

#3. Invisibility Cloak - Apply Invisible to one unit in your team with lowest HP, lasts for 1 round.

#4. Grass Style: Flower Pollen Spreading - Attacks up to 4 enemies in the enemy team, has a chance to inflict sleeping or poisoning at random.

Chase Skills
#1. Grass Blade: Instant Strike - Chases Repulse, causes Knockdown and Critical Hit.

#2. Grassy Impaling - Chases Knockdown, causes High Float.

#3. Vine Whips - Chases High Floated enemy, causes Low Float.

#4. Leaf Shuriken Barrage - Chases Low Float, causes Repulse.

Passive 1 Skills
#1. Natural Immunity - Become immune to all debuffs.

#2. Natural Support - Whenever you cause a Critical Hit with an attack, gain 20 chakra points, and recover 10% of life.

#3. Enchancement of the Hidden Leaf Ninja - At the beggining of the battle, increase 40% ninjutsu and Taijutsu to 3 Konoha units in your team.

#4. Master of Stealth - If you are invisible, your Standard Attack is replaced with: Attack a random enemy, cause Blindness and Knockdown.

Passive 2 Skills
#1. Anatomy Master - At the beggining of the battle, your Critical Hit Ratio will be increased by 30%. Lasts for 2 rounds.

#2. Summoning: Tree Protector - At the beggining of the fight, summon a Tree Protector. Whenever Tree Protector is attacked, it heals by 5% of it's life, raises Defence and Resistance. It's stats are based off 50% of yours. As a standard attack, apply a shield based on 10% of it's own Resistance.

#3. Stand Strong - At the beggining of the fight, all units in your team gain Super Armor. Lasts for 2 rounds.

#4. Fauna's Conqueror - At the beggining of the fight, summon your currently equipped summoning animal. For as long as it is on the battlefield, it will perform a standard attack, causing it's Chase condition (ex. Serpent will cause Knockdown with his attack, while King of Hell will cause High Combos). Those summons are able of performing the Chase skill they have while equipped (ex. after Serpent causes Knockdown, he will chase it into High Float). Orange Summons have Super Armor.

Okay, I let myself run wild, and when I read it now... a bit OP... also a lot of word "natural"... but I'll let it be, let's see what the reaction to this will be :D

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On 2017-06-14 14:29:23Show this Author Only
  • Qolem On 2017-06-14 08:15:51
  • So, I was having fun today at our new Discord, and when there were less people, I thought of Teal Straw - Grass Style ninja, or Grass Main... don't ask why, just... it happened XD.
    Due to it being a Main, I will have to do 20 talents for it, so prepare yourselves :D

    If any of our amazing artists feel like drawing a concept art for Teal Straw, that would be something to look forward to ;p
    I won't disclose how I feel he should look (or maybe she, we have only 2 girls ;p), I'll let the skills speak :)

    Mystery Skills
    #1. Grass Style: Sharp Blade Jutsu - Attacks a selected enemy, has a guaranteed Critical Hit.
    Chakra Consumption: 20
    Battlefield Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 2

    #2. Grass Style: Crazy Vines Barrage - Attacks up to 5 enemies, causes Repulse or Knockdown at random to a selected enemy. This skill has a high critical hit chance.
    Chakra Consumption: 40
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cooldown: 2

    #3. Grass Style: Floral Protection - Selected unit will be invisible. Invisible ninjas cannot be targeted by mystery skills. Last for 1 round.
    Chakra Consumption: 0
    Battlefield Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 3

    #4. Secret Jutsu: Back to the Past - Your team will reapply their passives. This jutsu's cooldown cannot be reduced in any way.
    Chakra Consumption: 100
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cooldown: 4

    Standard Skills
    #1. Leaf Slash - Attack front enemy, has a chance to cause Knockdown and Critical Hit

    #2. Vine Wileding - Attack up to 3 enemies in the front, and cause 3 combo to each, with a chance of Repulse.

    #3. Invisibility Cloak - Apply Invisible to one unit in your team with lowest HP, lasts for 1 round.

    #4. Grass Style: Flower Pollen Spreading - Attacks up to 4 enemies in the enemy team, has a chance to inflict sleeping or poisoning at random.

    Chase Skills
    #1. Grass Blade: Instant Strike - Chases Repulse, causes Knockdown and Critical Hit.

    #2. Grassy Impaling - Chases Knockdown, causes High Float.

    #3. Vine Whips - Chases High Floated enemy, causes Low Float.

    #4. Leaf Shuriken Barrage - Chases Low Float, causes Repulse.

    Passive 1 Skills
    #1. Natural Immunity - Become immune to all debuffs.

    #2. Natural Support - Whenever you cause a Critical Hit with an attack, gain 20 chakra points, and recover 10% of life.

    #3. Enchancement of the Hidden Leaf Ninja - At the beggining of the battle, increase 40% ninjutsu and Taijutsu to 3 Konoha units in your team.

    #4. Master of Stealth - If you are invisible, your Standard Attack is replaced with: Attack a random enemy, cause Blindness and Knockdown.

    Passive 2 Skills
    #1. Anatomy Master - At the beggining of the battle, your Critical Hit Ratio will be increased by 30%. Lasts for 2 rounds.

    #2. Summoning: Tree Protector - At the beggining of the fight, summon a Tree Protector. Whenever Tree Protector is attacked, it heals by 5% of it's life, raises Defence and Resistance. It's stats are based off 50% of yours. As a standard attack, apply a shield based on 10% of it's own Resistance.

    #3. Stand Strong - At the beggining of the fight, all units in your team gain Super Armor. Lasts for 2 rounds.

    #4. Fauna's Conqueror - At the beggining of the fight, summon your currently equipped summoning animal. For as long as it is on the battlefield, it will perform a standard attack, causing it's Chase condition (ex. Serpent will cause Knockdown with his attack, while King of Hell will cause High Combos). Those summons are able of performing the Chase skill they have while equipped (ex. after Serpent causes Knockdown, he will chase it into High Float). Orange Summons have Super Armor.

    Okay, I let myself run wild, and when I read it now... a bit OP... also a lot of word "natural"... but I'll let it be, let's see what the reaction to this will be :D

This looks cool. I especially like the idea of "Fauna's Conqueror" skill and summons staying on field. And it gotta be a girl! Lets Crimson's love life finally bloom! I read somewhere that he likes plants and is vegetarian~~ Sooo many ideas <:3_59:>
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On 2017-06-14 17:49:47Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2017-06-14 14:29:23
  • This looks cool. I especially like the idea of "Fauna's Conqueror" skill and summons staying on field. And it gotta be a girl! Lets Crimson's love life finally bloom! I read somewhere that he likes plants and is vegetarian~~ Sooo many ideas <:3_59:>
With that bod?! Crimson? Vegetarian? Nah, he'd eat whatever Gai and Lee eat
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On 2017-06-14 18:25:51Show this Author Only


Mystery: Cursed Sharing[Prompt]: Halves the health of Jugo and heals a selected unit that has the classification of Curse Mark. Immune to Interruption and Acupuncture.

Chakra Use: 0
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2

Standard: Taijutsu Attack: Causes Triple Combo and Low Float.

Passive: Curse Mark Origin: Boost every unit's Attack and Resistance with the classification of Curse Mark.

Passive: Vicious Fury: Increases Attack and Defense every time this unit is attacked.

Chase: Piston Smash: Chases Low Float causes Knockdown, and Immobile.

This post was last edited by Naked Snake on 2017-11-01 21:17:26.
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On 2017-06-14 19:53:35Show this Author Only
  • Naked Snake On 2017-06-14 17:49:47
  • With that bod?! Crimson? Vegetarian? Nah, he'd eat whatever Gai and Lee eat
YES IT'S THERE IN HIS INFO SOMEWHERE D: (probably in chinese version, since we don't get as much of it as original version of game it seems) Few people mentioned it already somewhere on forum too! That they were suprised about reading that about Crimson!!
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On 2017-06-15 05:17:19Show this Author Only
  • Qolem On 2017-06-14 08:15:51
  • So, I was having fun today at our new Discord, and when there were less people, I thought of Teal Straw - Grass Style ninja, or Grass Main... don't ask why, just... it happened XD.
    Due to it being a Main, I will have to do 20 talents for it, so prepare yourselves :D

    If any of our amazing artists feel like drawing a concept art for Teal Straw, that would be something to look forward to ;p
    I won't disclose how I feel he should look (or maybe she, we have only 2 girls ;p), I'll let the skills speak :)

    Mystery Skills
    #1. Grass Style: Sharp Blade Jutsu - Attacks a selected enemy, has a guaranteed Critical Hit.
    Chakra Consumption: 20
    Battlefield Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 2

    #2. Grass Style: Crazy Vines Barrage - Attacks up to 5 enemies, causes Repulse or Knockdown at random to a selected enemy. This skill has a high critical hit chance.
    Chakra Consumption: 40
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cooldown: 2

    #3. Grass Style: Floral Protection - Selected unit will be invisible. Invisible ninjas cannot be targeted by mystery skills. Last for 1 round.
    Chakra Consumption: 0
    Battlefield Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 3

    #4. Secret Jutsu: Back to the Past - Your team will reapply their passives. This jutsu's cooldown cannot be reduced in any way.
    Chakra Consumption: 100
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cooldown: 4

    Standard Skills
    #1. Leaf Slash - Attack front enemy, has a chance to cause Knockdown and Critical Hit

    #2. Vine Wileding - Attack up to 3 enemies in the front, and cause 3 combo to each, with a chance of Repulse.

    #3. Invisibility Cloak - Apply Invisible to one unit in your team with lowest HP, lasts for 1 round.

    #4. Grass Style: Flower Pollen Spreading - Attacks up to 4 enemies in the enemy team, has a chance to inflict sleeping or poisoning at random.

    Chase Skills
    #1. Grass Blade: Instant Strike - Chases Repulse, causes Knockdown and Critical Hit.

    #2. Grassy Impaling - Chases Knockdown, causes High Float.

    #3. Vine Whips - Chases High Floated enemy, causes Low Float.

    #4. Leaf Shuriken Barrage - Chases Low Float, causes Repulse.

    Passive 1 Skills
    #1. Natural Immunity - Become immune to all debuffs.

    #2. Natural Support - Whenever you cause a Critical Hit with an attack, gain 20 chakra points, and recover 10% of life.

    #3. Enchancement of the Hidden Leaf Ninja - At the beggining of the battle, increase 40% ninjutsu and Taijutsu to 3 Konoha units in your team.

    #4. Master of Stealth - If you are invisible, your Standard Attack is replaced with: Attack a random enemy, cause Blindness and Knockdown.

    Passive 2 Skills
    #1. Anatomy Master - At the beggining of the battle, your Critical Hit Ratio will be increased by 30%. Lasts for 2 rounds.

    #2. Summoning: Tree Protector - At the beggining of the fight, summon a Tree Protector. Whenever Tree Protector is attacked, it heals by 5% of it's life, raises Defence and Resistance. It's stats are based off 50% of yours. As a standard attack, apply a shield based on 10% of it's own Resistance.

    #3. Stand Strong - At the beggining of the fight, all units in your team gain Super Armor. Lasts for 2 rounds.

    #4. Fauna's Conqueror - At the beggining of the fight, summon your currently equipped summoning animal. For as long as it is on the battlefield, it will perform a standard attack, causing it's Chase condition (ex. Serpent will cause Knockdown with his attack, while King of Hell will cause High Combos). Those summons are able of performing the Chase skill they have while equipped (ex. after Serpent causes Knockdown, he will chase it into High Float). Orange Summons have Super Armor.

    Okay, I let myself run wild, and when I read it now... a bit OP... also a lot of word "natural"... but I'll let it be, let's see what the reaction to this will be :D

That's actually really neat. I especially like "Back to the Past" and the summon one just because they feel so different.

Concerning the summon one... what happens if you have Hell King or something? I get the feeling that that should have some kind of buff... maybe? I dunno...
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On 2017-06-15 05:19:45Show this Author Only
  • Naked Snake On 2017-06-14 18:25:51
  • Jugo(Akatsuki)

    Mystery: Cursed Sharing[Prompt]: Halves the health of Jugo and heals a selected unit that has the classification of Curse Mark. Immune to Interruption and Acupuncture.

    Chakra Use: 0
    Battlefield Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 2

    Standard: Taijutsu Attack: Causes Triple Combo and Low Float.

    Passive: Curse Mark Origin: Boost every unit's Attack and Resistance with the classification of Curse Mark.

    Passive: Vicious Fury: Increases Attack and Defense every time this unit is attacked.

    Chase: Piston Smash: Chases Low Float causes Knockdown, and Immobile.

Hey look at that, a supportive Jugo. Interesting take on the character especially considering his personality.
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On 2017-06-15 05:33:46Show this Author Only
  • Dosu On 2017-06-15 05:17:19
  • That's actually really neat. I especially like "Back to the Past" and the summon one just because they feel so different.

    Concerning the summon one... what happens if you have Hell King or something? I get the feeling that that should have some kind of buff... maybe? I dunno...
well, he would cause high combo, and immedietaly poison opponents, so I think it's fair enough XD

And it would actually be 2 layers, due to you having him equipped ;p
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-15 19:44:27Show this Author Only
  • Dosu On 2017-06-15 05:19:45
  • Hey look at that, a supportive Jugo. Interesting take on the character especially considering his personality.
After rewatching Sasuke gwt his ass kicked by Killer Bee, only to be helped by his teammates. then it hit me when Jugo shares hia chakra to Sasuke to heal him. Might edit it tommorow
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