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Views: 11695 | Replies: 58
[ Events ] Is negative points needed in arena?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-19 21:40:28Show All Posts
The arena is a p2w area. They should at least remove negative points for the first time you hit sage of the 6 paths. It would make more players go into arena and would even benefit the older players who wouldnt have to wait for ages before a match.

This is one line of code, just take the flag you create when you reach sage of the six paths and use it as a condition for negative points.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-20 05:19:17Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2017-05-20 03:04:07
  • I dont understand what's so difficult about arena you're referring to...arena doesn measure your power, but only iniciative works in that regard, so i dont see the problem, i've beaten meta teams with teams that not everyone uses, wanna tip...start using refinements and build up that iniciative, maybe you'll win some arena fights, instead going in this forum saying arena is broken.
Once you reach jonin rank or kage you will fight almost exclusively against people from servers 150 or lower. They have been playing the game for 2-6 months more than the vast majority of new players.

Now combine this with servers depopulating, the new players who should replace players that quit have no chance to reach 6 paths sage (unless they spend an ungodly amount of money, which is rare).

What you get in the end is that the new players dont even touch ranked arena since they know they will loose anyways, they only do training for missions or credits. So when older players leave, no one takes their place, resulting in people fighting the same person non stop or not fighting at all in arena ranked for hours.

Removing negative points till players reach sage of the six paths or removing the necessity of reaching this rank before you get any decent rewards is a simple way to revitalize ths function.

If you are going to respond to this topic please dont be condescending and try to bring something usuefull to the conversation.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-20 16:21:04Show All Posts
The problem is simple.

People who get into a negative loop will stop playing arena since its pointless. Young servers are never reaching kage, hell even anbu might be a problem for them since they cant compete on initiative. Older servers are depopulating so there are less and less players on the arena.

Result, at kage or super kage you face only double digit servers, which limit the number of players participating in ranked which slowly will get less and less players.

Even if you get ucky and win once, you will loose 5 other times and in the end get stuck in a negative loop.

Conclusion, No one under server 200 goes ranked after hitting kage since its pointless, waiting time becomes longer and longer and the arena becomes a useless gimmick.

You say build your refines, purify. I am a casual spender and have 7k initiative. Im in the servers on the 400 and now at Jonin ranl ive been figting server 86, 92, 74 (I ask since when the opponent makes the fist move its usually over, and the community is fun to talk to). And I am a casual spender. Imagine a f2p.

If you remove negative points before you hit 6 paths for the first time at least you can try and get lucky from time to time in order to reach that stage and try and compete for something.

We are NOT complaining about the initiative system, nor the pairings or anything else besides the negative points for 1st timers. Stop saying do this and do that when it obviously does not apply to over 90% of the players.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-21 01:12:40Show All Posts
Its not crossed arena till your server reaches 60 days of age, with enough alts you can technicaly cheat your way thourgh, although the number is probably huge since you cant be challenged by someone with more than 2 points than you.

Op, can i post your suggestion in the customer section of the forums ? That's where we can propose new stuff and its the best shot we have at it actually being implemented.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-21 18:34:24Show All Posts
Not many players go into the general or strategy sections of the forums. Most of them only go to news in order to see new events or get a server merge.

It's also older players who usually roam in the forums and they usually have been here long enough to have a high initiative. So they are not very likely to read this thread at all, even if they probably would agree with the suggestions.

Getting a long thread with this kind of topic is very hard and would probably require you to tell players in your server in order to get more interest.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-24 05:44:14Show All Posts
And also write a post in the customer service section of the forum if you can ^^.

I started a new thread with the suggestions from this discussion.
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