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[ Events ] Is negative points needed in arena?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-19 15:50:44Show All Posts
Lets take a look in an objective way at this matter.
If you reached sage of six paths rank before your server went in the cross-server circuit, so before the 60th day of the server, then the system as is now is perfectly fine. If you have low initiative or a poor lineup or bad skills then you can aim at most every season to the lowest tier rewards and that's what you get. Otherwise you just get the rewards related to yours skill/initiative/lineup and, as far as i understand, you get, at the end of the season your rank resetted too. The main issue here is that since most of the new servers have a very low population you can hope to be able to do it only if you use alts, so if you cheated.

If, instead, you were not able to do it when your server wasn't in the cross-server circuit then the situation is not fine at all since, what stated iamascrub is the purest truth. Thr reason is that the more the game goes on the more you just meet there people you cannot hope to beat.
The reason is pretty simple.
If you don't own a very high initiative, a good lineup and nice skills you find yourself projected in a battle royale where 95% of the people you meet is better in anything than you so when your negative streak reaches -5 or lower you stop bothering for a while (the problem is that since you stopped bothering, then people slightly stronger than you can't meet you anymore, so also them begin to get negative points and do like you if they are aiming to sage of six paths for the first time like you). You gather up initiative you get a better lineup you refine your skills in arena training and sage world battlefield, you wait two more months and at that moment you retry ranked arena and what you get is that nothing changed. Your two months efforts paid zero. You are at this point around -10. You redo the same thing the following two months and the outcome doesn't change. You are now at -15. 99% of the people at this point give up and forgets exists ranked arena. And this vicious circle goes on indefinitely because the only people that do not give up are those that were lucky enough to be able to reach sage of six paths before the cross server circuit. And obviously 99% of them are or whales or smart people from a lot older servers than your one so their initiative is abyssally higher than yours and so their lineups. You can bet then only on your personal skill, but, sadly, since that one is only one of the three factors that matter in arena you will never be able to get a winning streak long enough to overcome it. And the higher your rank is the worse the situation becomes for you.
That's why what iamascrub said makes perfectly sense.

This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-19 15:59 This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-19 16:01
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-19 17:44:09Show All Posts
  • zamolxecristea@ On 2017-05-19 16:22:03
  • I was -30 , didnt event get to Six Path before i get the minimun rewards every month. Now im -16 ...sad thing is im super kage for 4 month now...sooo yea
Oh my, you were one of the unluckiest guys because the fact you knew the goal was close made you try an try and try even if your situation was the same as mine (i entered in the cross server circuit at anbu) because whoever you met in your early times was 100000 times stronger than you but that goal so close made you believe was possible. At least i was able to avoid it and now i sit at kage -4, waiting for when I'll have 13k initiative at least to try to rank up.
That's how bad is the situation
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-23 17:50:00Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2017-05-23 07:08:37
  • then u shouldnt even be allowed to do arena, if people do that, and Oasis knows it, u can actually prevent arena for 60 days in the code for the new servers, call it unfair, but is it fair that people cheat their way up to sage of six paths, through alt account while others doing legit way, telling you, this game has these flaws, i agree could make a difference in someone who wants to be competitive.
I think you didn't understand at all what he said. He said that him, like 90% of the players, didn't even bother to do it when they had the chance to do it because or they had no idea about their arena would become cross server at the 61st day or because they had no idea about how arena rewards worked since it was in their very early ingame experience or because they would have never thought that with the cross server abilited their chance to rank up would be zero for tens of weeks. Most of them (I'm one of those) looked at rank arena after they reached level 60, so after the first season ended, and actually waited for the server to go cross server because their queues were infinite before, hoping with briefer queues to rank up easierly, thinking they would be matched with people like them. There were no rule that stated: "after cross server is enabled you will be matched only with people that got their rank resetted because they reached once sage of six paths. 99% of them have 8-9k more initiative than you". You fail also to remember that the first season in arena was closed a lot after servers in 300-350 range had their two months safety zone ended so they didn't even had the chance to take a look at people from their server that actually got the rewards from their first season.
This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-23 18:04
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-24 18:04:07Show All Posts
What i think in general about this matter is that if you never reached sage of six paths once at the end of every season you rank should be kept and your negative points should be resetted, moreover i think the negative points you can get in every season should be capped to the points needed for the previous rank +1 (you are kage? You cannot go under -6, because jonin is 26) because otherwise you aren't keeping at all your rank.
Or you do so or you remove people that reached once SoSP from the bracket or you make that if you are matched with one of them if you lose you get +0 points, not -1. That way you can lower your points only if you faced somebody like you.
One of these ways would make arena fair for people that are trying to reach sage of six paths. Right now is unplayable.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 16:37:04Show All Posts
  • On 2017-05-25 16:23:17
  • Just to play devil's advocate here, if negative points get reset at the end of a season or are capped AND they keep the current system of not being able to de-rank, what's to stop someone from just constantly giving away free wins? They won't rank up that season, but everyone who gets to fight them will get a boost up though the rankings. If people are already using alts to get sage of six paths before cross server arena is activated, I'm sure they'll also just park alts at the Jonin-Super Kage tiers to just boost themseleves through every season.
The fun fact is that what you are saying can actually happen now while it would happen a lot less if they introduce the system i say because their alts would be very likely matched with people from others servers that are joining (consider also that if you own 26 points in the cross server circuit you can be matched at most with people with 24-28 points so the alt parked there just help you for two points if you are so lucky to get matched with it). The truth is that is now that this can happen, maybe, because none or almost none joins ranked arena. But this doesn't happen because to 'park' *t right now in kage or superkage you actually need to play it very intensively since with less than 10k initiative you don't even hope to see the word superkage so, imho, is even fair that that alt is there because was actually played a lot like a main account. Anyways mine was just a suggestion and to be honest what i think is the best option is to actually give +0 instead of -1 if a person that never reached sage of six paths meets a person that reached it once and lose. The suggestion about resetting points every months was just a secondary option.

This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-25 16:53
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 18:37:52Show All Posts
  • On 2017-05-25 16:53:33
  • Well currently, if you give away 2 wins you put yourself 2 points deeper into the hole next season. A reset or 0 point loss would let you continue to do this EVERY season.

    Honestly I think they should just remove the requirement of having to reach 6 paths at least once before getting normal rewards. I don't think they can/will, but that's the main source of the problem. I think most people would be happy getting to a rank they can achieve and getting the corresponding rewards each season, it's the REQUIREMENT to hit the HIGHEST rank before getting decent rewards that has so many people giving up.
Lets say this is true in for the specific two fights, but at that point you just play with your alt and you get the points back. If you were able to park it there means you are able to be there ^_*
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-30 16:40:14Show All Posts
As far as i know, you get matched in cross server arena only with people that have your points +/-2. So if you are jonin at 28 you can meet people in the range of 26-30, doesn't matter their rank (yes, you can meet a superkage at -20 lol)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-01 16:23:37Show All Posts
The main problem, anyways, is that to get rewards according to our rank being once sage of six paths is a prerequisite.
Or they remove this conition or they give somehow an advantage to people that never reached it against people that reached it once.
The latter could be basically done in two ways:

1st way: a loss against somebody at your rank that reached sage of six paths once grants +0 instead of -1.

2nd way: if you meet somebody that reached sage of six paths you have the initiative advantage regardless your total initiative.

There are no other ways to make a patch about this without separating the two roasters and without removing or changing the requirement of being sage of six paths once (imho the best and easiest solution would be to require you to meet kage rank once to get rewards accordingly to your rank instead of sage of six paths. Also kage rank is pretty hard to reach, but you should be able to do it in 4 months of right playing).
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