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[ Events ] Is negative points needed in arena?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-20 03:04:07Show All Posts
I dont understand what's so difficult about arena you're referring to...arena doesn measure your power, but only iniciative works in that regard, so i dont see the problem, i've beaten meta teams with teams that not everyone uses, wanna tip...start using refinements and build up that iniciative, maybe you'll win some arena fights, instead going in this forum saying arena is broken.
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On 2017-05-20 10:13:47Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2017-05-20 05:19:17
  • Once you reach jonin rank or kage you will fight almost exclusively against people from servers 150 or lower. They have been playing the game for 2-6 months more than the vast majority of new players.

    Now combine this with servers depopulating, the new players who should replace players that quit have no chance to reach 6 paths sage (unless they spend an ungodly amount of money, which is rare).

    What you get in the end is that the new players dont even touch ranked arena since they know they will loose anyways, they only do training for missions or credits. So when older players leave, no one takes their place, resulting in people fighting the same person non stop or not fighting at all in arena ranked for hours.

    Removing negative points till players reach sage of the six paths or removing the necessity of reaching this rank before you get any decent rewards is a simple way to revitalize ths function.

    If you are going to respond to this topic please dont be condescending and try to bring something usuefull to the conversation.
Im just gonna say this, and this is a fact btw...

start building your refines, magatamas, and purifying runes, especially iniciative, but ofc you going to lose to people who have been playing this game longer than the recent servers, that's a fact, nothing you can do about it, and i think there's a limit threshold which servers you can be in a arena with, unless someone has proof that has been fighting let's say "player from server 2 vs players from server 120" ofc the older server player is most likely going to win, even if it is like that, you going to be discouraged by couple losses?

Regarding new players, unless OASIS come clean with arena threshold on fighting among servers, new players shouldnt be even encouraged to do arena imo, why are they doing it, in the first place, beats me.

Now servers depopulation, that's a whole other matter, that would be going off topic, and that's not only affecting arena, but overall other events.

The nutshell version i have to say to you is, dont be discouraged if u lose by a higher iniciative player, i've beaten people with pain teams, and cursed hidan team before, as i lost with people with beginner ninjas, arena is only about iniciative and team comp and bit of strats.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-20 12:47:52Show All Posts
  • On 2017-05-20 11:43:26
  • Your not doing the break down. Now my words are merely for the assistance to aid those who have it unfair. So with that being said lets do the breakdown on stats.

    a f2p player playing for 7 months straight will be "lucky" to reach all lvl 6 refines, hell all lvl 5 refines prob. Sound a bit unbelievable? Considering some weekly events sometimes are less then 30 max to purchase with points/currency. Soooo lets do a little math shall we. Lets say they were lucky to get !?!?!40 a week!?! Hmm 4 weeks, 160 a month, 7 months=1,120. That's doing all events&even if they used the free coupons for refining. Yeah....... "start building refines". You forgot the part "Start building refines *and check back into arena after about 9 months then you should be good to go" Magatamas don't really matter in arena? Purifying?
Then overall the flaw is in the system you say, what about decreasing the gap between servers that you get? it can be done, but nothing guarantees you that you will get a player around the same time your server opened, for all i know most servers have their whales, and it doesnt matter if your server is recent or not, when it comes to that, who you going to blame then?

at this stage of arena, most people use meta teams, that they use for dailies and gnw, doesnt matter, you still have plenty of time to build a decent team, and build up those refinements, it will come the time where u either fight someone around your iniciative, or a whale who spend big amounts of cash for this game, when late game comes, now? now doesnt matter much, cuz 90% of the time i fight in the arena, all i get is meta teams, sometimes i win, sometimes i lose.

P.S: Yes i did reach 6 path rank, was long journey but i did it. Now i dont care much cuz i've been there done that, no use it climbing the ladder now, with kage ninjas.
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On 2017-05-20 12:52:10Show All Posts
  • IamAscrub On 2017-05-20 12:31:20
  • I'm on server 236. At the start of this arena season, I asked my opponents what server they are from after reaching anbu. Most that answered are from double digit servers, with multiple from server 14. That's a pretty huge gap in terms of server age, and hence initiative.

    I spend money and use resources in a very optimized manner; there are less than 100 players in this giant LA bracket with higher overall initiative than me. I have yet to meet a single opponent at kage+ who has lower initiative than me. If a player like me has no chance of ever winning initiative, what chance do newer players have? Saving refines ain't doing much when players on older servers are still gaining initiative. As hard as you try, you will never catch a much older f2p player without spending a huge amount of money on refines.

    Reality is.. once your server goes cross-server; if you didn't reach 6 paths yet, you will never reach it short of spending a couple grand to make up for the server age difference.


    What makes this current system even worse is that the total number of arena points are decreasing. More points are removed at the end of a season from ppl with seasons unlocked, than points being generated by season rewards and winning streaks. Since players who didn't reach 6 paths don't get a negative point reset; they just end up more and more negative, until they give up. This current system is inherently flawed and biased against players who never did reach 6 paths.
But in the end, does your rank go down?
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On 2017-05-20 15:10:42Show All Posts
  • On 2017-05-20 13:20:36
  • decreasing the server gap wont matter either. All that will do is create even more issues.

    Atm people can find matches easily because its basically all the servers thrown in, if they decrease gl finding matches easier thus creating 2 issues. Negatives&huge wait times.

    The only helpful solution is negatives gotten rid of.
so i dont see ur problem honestly, there's always going to be flaws, and ups and downs regarding arena matches, cuz even if u get negative points, ur rank wont go down, period. So i just dont see the problem.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-21 00:12:52Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2017-05-20 21:07:28
  • The problem is that yes, you can beat them, but you can't at all base your strategy to get a long lasting winning streak on that alone if you don't have something like 15k initiative at least.
    One setup that maybe can win if you have a very good skill against one meta team, badly loses against the other 5-6 meta teams. In arena you need to win at least 3 times in a row to get +2 instead of +1 for every new victory. With what you are suggesting you can't do it all without knowing beforehand your rival setup.
    You beat tenten gnw, mabui, mei, af meta team with a weird non meta team? wow, gratz! Little problem: the following match is against Bd, sage naruto, bee sst, gaara 5th kazekage, the following one after that is against Danzo, Mb root, Mifune, Kimimaro and your arranged team that worked once don't stand a chance against these two if worked well against the first. So you win the first match but you lose the other two. Summed up you got a -1.

    Talking about the issue in general: the problem is that the actual system gives advantage only to cheaters and whales for new servers.

    I'm ok with the advantage to whales but not at all with the advantage to cheaters.
    Reading at what you write you play since a lot before 2.0 appeared. I play in server 302 one of the first servers that were in 2.0.
    In my server only two people reached sage of six paths before the 60 days and THEY USED ALTS to do it. When i used to go in arena ranked at that time i only experienced queues longer than 1 hour and after i reached anbu somehow i just stopped caring about it since it was unplayable (no matchings at all after that point) and so did all the other people that tried to do it. If i knew it beforehand i would have created 5 alts too to reach it, now i can't do it anymore, but since i didn't cheat at that time now i get disvantaged in comparison with people that cheated.
    This is what happens in every server after the first week it opens since 2.0 onwards. Whatever was your experience about it is not at all comparable with our one.
    And what doesn't work at all is that Oasis encourages this behaviour because doesn't do anything to change it.
    This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-5-20 21:36
im curious to know how do you "cheat" in arena post 2.0? when it's crossed arena.
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On 2017-05-23 07:08:37Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2017-05-23 03:08:36
  • when a new server opens for the first two months is out of the cross server circuit. at the 61st day it gets added to the circuit. So you can simply create 4-5 alts and join arena when none else do it during those 60 days.
    You just reach the highest tier possible with your main account, then you let the alts fight among themselves until one of them reaches one tier lower than yours, at that point you rank up. And you redo it, by adding new alts, until you reach the points for sage of six paths.
    This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-5-23 03:12
then u shouldnt even be allowed to do arena, if people do that, and Oasis knows it, u can actually prevent arena for 60 days in the code for the new servers, call it unfair, but is it fair that people cheat their way up to sage of six paths, through alt account while others doing legit way, telling you, this game has these flaws, i agree could make a difference in someone who wants to be competitive.
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On 2017-05-24 06:09:19Show All Posts
  • FossaSanji On 2017-05-23 23:46:31
  • I cant be leave that People are fighting in favor of the negative point system. it is the most imbalanced form of keeping people down. It defiantly needs to be changed. there is no reason to have it this hard to make it to Six Path's it just kills the game atmosphere.
dude next time say it to my face, rather than throwing out in the air, i know that was directed to me, but did i ever said i was in favor of this system? dont put words in my mouth please thank you.
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