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[ Events ] Is negative points needed in arena?


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On 2017-05-19 08:10:14Show All PostsDescending Order
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In my opinion it serves no use, and is not needed.

Now I can undersand why it exists. Makes arena more challenging. Likewise I understand the you dont lose the rank its at, but i mean does that really matter? Its either you get max rank or you auto receive least rewards possible regardless of points. Likewise say you had the worst rng ever and you never got max rank.
1/4 the time its hard to find matches
1/4th the time your faced with counter teams that easily beat yours
1/4th the time your faced with people that have much higher intiative thus causing your team to be pointless
----->1/4th the time you win
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On 2017-05-19 08:35:50Show All Posts
  • IamAscrub On 2017-05-19 08:14:58
  • There should be no negative points before you reach 6 paths the first time.
As in the first time in your game life, or 1st time each month?
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On 2017-05-19 11:30:16Show All Posts
  • IamAscrub On 2017-05-19 08:50:38
  • First time in your life. The negative system is perfectly fine after you have season rewards unlocked.

    Main issue is that most players will never, ever be able to unlock season rewards if they lose points when they lose. By removing point loss before you reach 6 paths the first time, this whole mess would be solved.
See it cant work as first time in game play life. Because that only gives u the rank unlocked 1 time rewards.

not the season rewards you receive each month with the ninja fragments,etc.

^Obtain it month 1 to be at a loss for month2-end of game. So it still poses a problem if its set like that
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On 2017-05-20 00:21:54Show All Posts
See everyone basically agrees negative is pointless
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On 2017-05-20 02:22:45Show All Posts
However if this feedback is to be taken into consideration us together atm wouldn't be enough to be thought over.

This thread needs to get many more comments&responses from others across a lot of servers. Keep this thread active, inform players on your servers&send them here. Only then will this will pose a "chance" at changing anything.
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On 2017-05-20 11:43:26Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2017-05-20 10:13:47
  • Im just gonna say this, and this is a fact btw...

    start building your refines, magatamas, and purifying runes, especially iniciative, but ofc you going to lose to people who have been playing this game longer than the recent servers, that's a fact, nothing you can do about it, and i think there's a limit threshold which servers you can be in a arena with, unless someone has proof that has been fighting let's say "player from server 2 vs players from server 120" ofc the older server player is most likely going to win, even if it is like that, you going to be discouraged by couple losses?

    Regarding new players, unless OASIS come clean with arena threshold on fighting among servers, new players shouldnt be even encouraged to do arena imo, why are they doing it, in the first place, beats me.

    Now servers depopulation, that's a whole other matter, that would be going off topic, and that's not only affecting arena, but overall other events.

    The nutshell version i have to say to you is, dont be discouraged if u lose by a higher iniciative player, i've beaten people with pain teams, and cursed hidan team before, as i lost with people with beginner ninjas, arena is only about iniciative and team comp and bit of strats.
Your not doing the break down. Now my words are merely for the assistance to aid those who have it unfair. So with that being said lets do the breakdown on stats.

a f2p player playing for 7 months straight will be "lucky" to reach all lvl 6 refines, hell all lvl 5 refines prob. Sound a bit unbelievable? Considering some weekly events sometimes are less then 30 max to purchase with points/currency. Soooo lets do a little math shall we. Lets say they were lucky to get !?!?!40 a week!?! Hmm 4 weeks, 160 a month, 7 months=1,120. That's doing all events&even if they used the free coupons for refining. Yeah....... "start building refines". You forgot the part "Start building refines *and check back into arena after about 9 months then you should be good to go" Magatamas don't really matter in arena? Purifying?
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On 2017-05-20 13:20:36Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2017-05-20 12:52:10
  • But in the end, does your rank go down?
decreasing the server gap wont matter either. All that will do is create even more issues.

Atm people can find matches easily because its basically all the servers thrown in, if they decrease gl finding matches easier thus creating 2 issues. Negatives&huge wait times.

The only helpful solution is negatives gotten rid of.
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On 2017-05-21 07:44:09Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2017-05-21 01:12:40
  • Its not crossed arena till your server reaches 60 days of age, with enough alts you can technicaly cheat your way thourgh, although the number is probably huge since you cant be challenged by someone with more than 2 points than you.

    Op, can i post your suggestion in the customer section of the forums ? That's where we can propose new stuff and its the best shot we have at it actually being implemented.
Sure but figured it'd be better in general sense more people view it. As I said this thread needs to stay very lively. Because being so lively adds to assistance of possibly being changed
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On 2017-05-22 10:17:46Show All Posts
Yeahhhh I don't give my server out on forums, or tell my server underlings my forum name ;)

Everyone who participates in the convo should have their servers participating. Exception is 1 person me;P
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On 2017-05-23 06:45:48Show All Posts
Hopefully before 3.0 comes out this issue will be fixed
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On 2017-05-23 11:39:03Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2017-05-23 07:08:37
  • then u shouldnt even be allowed to do arena, if people do that, and Oasis knows it, u can actually prevent arena for 60 days in the code for the new servers, call it unfair, but is it fair that people cheat their way up to sage of six paths, through alt account while others doing legit way, telling you, this game has these flaws, i agree could make a difference in someone who wants to be competitive.
well considering my main server 95% of the players did use the alt method before cross server existed to reach six paths, likewise so did the others servers I've visited before the release.

So lets just look at the rank of everyone as a whole. I can honestly say 85% minimum of all six paths players reached six paths by alting. As it only took less then an hour to do it by urself.

So that's a big "negative" on being fair. Ha made a pun in my thread :P. This bit of info only further goes to proving it needs to be removed as it is unfair to the newers on cross server as well as the oldies who were unable to obtain it before it started

*Likewise just so people can get a little feel of the issue. *more so for the players the negative points doesnt affect cause they have six paths*

I am trying to get my alt to six paths via cross server and guess what? Dont got a snow * chance in hell on it.
~great intiative
~majority of every ninja u'd want for arena
~perfect summons for lineups.

Literrally i been messing around with it for some time and my alt has yet to be able to get past jonin rank. Surely thats impossible your thinking. Nope its possible and very likely the second it gets close to ranking up !BAM! losses come pouring in. Now this is from an account with the ninja u want for arena & very good intiative. Seriously if its struggling cant imagine the annoyance for those with terrible intiative o.o.
This post was last edited by mar*** at 2017-5-23 11:46
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On 2017-05-24 01:43:31Show All Posts
  • FossaSanji On 2017-05-23 23:46:31
  • I cant be leave that People are fighting in favor of the negative point system. it is the most imbalanced form of keeping people down. It defiantly needs to be changed. there is no reason to have it this hard to make it to Six Path's it just kills the game atmosphere.
Thank you for your participation if you could kindly have your server&friends join it'd help :P
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On 2017-05-25 16:09:04Show All Posts
we need more of the community involved
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On 2017-06-01 05:34:33Show All Posts
Poll has been created. This thread will be for all discussions in general&poll related
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On 2017-06-04 12:01:16Show All Posts
seems they deleted my poll I'll see why, then prob have to end up remaking a poll

Likewise in a off note my guide thread got deleted that was showing every possible ninja to obtain via survival&breakthrough o.o. Now gotta remake all that sigh...
This post was last edited by mar*** at 2017-6-4 12:07
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