Hey people, let me share something I just finished- Breeze Dancer in a form of doll- made entirely with paper in technique called quilling. I'm doing things like this for a few months now and since I like this game a lot, I decided to make somehting original :) Stil have a huge room for improvements but I'm quite happy of way it turned out. She's about 10 cm tall. I decided for Breeze first, since she was my first main in game. Next one to come will be probably Scarlet~ just when I get some more free time again~~ Hope you like >_<
Oh my this so awesome! Must've taken you hours to make! Hope you make the complete set! :D will be looking forward to it :)
Oh yes, this takes a lot of time and even more patience, and occasional injuries in a form of paper cuts x_x or maybe that was chibi, jealous Midnight-kun and his tiny katana who's responsible for cut on my fingers...that I did not made him first... hmmm ;P Anyway... yes! I plan to make all the mains and maybe my other fav ninjas :D
HOLY JASHIN THIS LOOKS COOL! Although I'm confused at the face part, but whatever! This looks beautiful, cool, awesome, amazing, cool, beautiful, inspiring. Have I mentioned beautiful?
HOLY JASHIN THIS LOOKS COOL! Although I'm confused at the face part, but whatever! This looks beautiful, cool, awesome, amazing, cool, beautiful, inspiring. Have I mentioned beautiful?
I leave this dolls' faces like that cause I'm baaaaad at making eyes for them :'D hah. And usually I was making much smaller dolls and it just look better this way. I stay with this style. And thank you soo much :)
I leave this dolls' faces like that cause I'm baaaaad at making eyes for them :'D hah. And usually I was making much smaller dolls and it just look better this way. I stay with this style. And thank you soo much :)
Ah! Okay. Although the "face" reminds me of Tobi now. lel
Have to agree with that Tobi comment, but hey! Who doesn't love Tobi? :lol
Quiling sounds so cool, I've never heard of it before!
"Quilling or paper filigree is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs."