So far I did the easiest Battle of the Bridge just to clear it 3x quick.
I've gotten 2 real and 1 fake. And the real gave me 1 Advance Refine and 1 Purification Protect, while the fake gave me 5 Dangos. I didn't try the Brother's Hard for this though. Just placing up what I got for others to make comparisons.
seems like it doesnt matter the difficulty, I got no scroll, false, real, no scroll again from 4 runs of brothers then switched to battle on bridge for the last reward lol.
It doesn't matter what you do. If your normal runs don't give you the 3, then just grind the quickest bridge zabuza battle til you do. The rewards will be same no matter which TI you get em from.
Yep, theres no difference. According to what Jeremy and the others said they got form battle on the bridge. I did the akatsuki one and got the same drops ;P