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[ Bugs ] Matsuri


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-09 20:55:17Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
1# Go To

Yes part one was a bit of a rant, but also a bug, since it says that it will match us to someone of similar power level and only after 60 seconds it will match to whoever is available. So yes, its a bug either in the coding or the text, contradictory information, choose one and * to it.

Part 2, if what you say is the case care to explain this?

If it uses the same selection system, i dont see why one allows it and the other doesn't.

So do you care to explain that better or not give misleading information to begin with, please check before you answer.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-09 21:09:24Show this Author Only
Matching doesn't strictly apply to a singular player. It also can be the case for your matched opponent.
While you could've been in matching for less than 10 seconds, another player reached 60. Which is the common place for players who extend a certain Battle Power or lower leveled.

So it's not a bug.

As for your second part.
Yes, they do use the same selective system and I stand corrected.
Thank you for letting me know and I'll report it right away.

Now, if you wish to extend this conversation, or rebuke my statement, Message me as it'll be handled there.

This post was last edited by Tobei at 2017-5-9 08:10
Quicky Post

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