and what was the power difference? Doesnt bode well when the lightning team has more health than the immortal team :P
same result, this one has 4k pow diff but I'm 2 level higher :D https://scontent-sin6-2.*
Very likely those two persons you met in spacetime made blatant mistakes like giving to kabuto instead of kimimaro or sailor sakur the lowest hp or not using regenerative healing jutsu or healing tips with azure fang. Otherwise with your team you should have had zero chances to win since on par power you are nowhere close to be able to oneshot or kimimaro or sailor sakura. This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-10 16:33
Actually space time battle is not the best place to test teams , since the AI will waste all heals for even a scratch , not even kimimaro can tank all the dmg in that comp he dies eventually
Actually space time battle is not the best place to test teams , since the AI will waste all heals for even a scratch , not even kimimaro can tank all the dmg in that comp he dies eventually
True, thats why with this tests they should improve the AI