2017-05-10 14:49:37
How can you say that with certainty? You are not *l knowing naruto online mastermind. You are simply a normal player who gets paid a lot of coupons to give half ass answers.
Unless you mean to say that secondary stats are meant to be scaled poorly. I know for 100% certainty that Ninjutsu *ion and taijutsu *ion are worthless stats. And Critical/injury only work to a certain extent (And that extent isn't very much) and please don't get me started on the control stat.
I think it would be best to investigate this further because a lot of the * players know the truth about secondary stats.
Also PVE (Such as TI) would be a good place to test this because while the opponents initially would be a pretty offset place to test over the course of 4 weeks you can still get reliable data using the same TI as your control. Where as with PVP you might fight someone with stats that counter yours etc..
In the case of Crital and combo I guess PVP wouldn't be much different but I feel with different Powers being at play and more importantly the OP not being able to observe his friends fighting the same opponent as a control the information would be wonky at best.
No. I meant exactly as I've said.
And yes, I'm a player but one that's been around for quite some time.
I'll repeat once again, Secondary stats are working as intended.
*ion statical has a low outcome and I've openly admitted that I'll recommend players focusing on the core stat lines to offset them. However, Injury is perfectly fine. There have been tests conducted for the defensive proposes of that sub stat and it has some great results. However the proc of "higher crit damage " has issues, it's minuscule. Hence why I've said it's defensive because it does protect a good chunk of Crit Damage.
Also, I'll disagree with the TI statement.
TI has pre-standard (artificial) stat lines, depending on the difficulty, some are over-tuned, while others aren't.
It's not a good place to test if something is indeed working. Grabbing a friend, and knowing exactly how their base stats are is the best scenario. Knowing those counter stats is what pushes your substats.
But hey, I'm just a normal player friend.
I'll be closing this thread before it becomes a debate/argument.
If OP has any more questions, feel free to message me.
This post was last edited by Tobei at 2017-5-10 08:41