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[ Bugs ] Secondary stats broken/bugged ?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-09 04:51:58Show All Posts
Did all of you use the same ninjas and talents?
Some ninjas are more likely to combo than others, some abilities increase crit rate. I'm not entirely sure if any ninja is inherently more likely to crit than others, but it can be possible on certain ninjas that depends on more crit.
So you have to ensure you are comparing apples to apples and not apples to oranges.

Also, if you were comparing apples to apples(or recollect data to make it so) what is the size of your data collection and therefore the standard deviation? What is the alpha value of your observation?
On a side note, I'm not entirely sure if there is a "level suppression" sort of effect in game, so also ensure that your apples are all the same level (both main and ninja).
Edit: While NPC targets are a good start, as they are likely to have the same stat, there might be a difference between elite(named) units in a TI and regular(generic) units. So perhaps seperate those results as well. In case of brohters, for example, sasuke, itachi and deidara needs to be tracked seperately from the rest of the "stuff"(whom I assume have the same secondary stat, should be a safe enough assumption)
This post was last edited by PraiseLuka at 2017-5-8 12:55
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-10 01:52:46Show All Posts
  • kejmo On 2017-05-09 18:32:16
  • Yeah, same ninjas, same players, same talents.

    Apples to Apples comparison.

    Size of data : 4 weeks (120 TI's +/- more which i didn't follow when i just auto helped others), 30 arena matches (you can't choose opponents, so arena is the least viable stat), 90 ranked battles, even survival trial.

    Either I'm the master of bad rng, or these stats are indeed broken and not workin properly.
Let me clarify that same ninja and talent part a little.

I'm not talking about whether you have always been using the same thing. I'm asking if you and all the OTHER people have the exact same team compared with each other. So if you use water main + A, B, C, they need to be using water main + A, B, C as well, not lightning + A, D, E or whatever.
Guess both the question and the answer can be taken either way (due to the fact that the word "you" can be singular and plural)

I seriously doubt ranked battle can be viable for this data collection, since it would be rare as heck for two people to have the exact same ranked teams, so there almost is certainly some difference in buffs etc on the field. So TI is about the only possible data source.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-10 18:08:33Show All Posts
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-05-10 15:43:00
  • When i brought my gnw tenten from two stars to three stars my displayed power in arena didn't change. I'm pretty sure the selection tool shows the current stars of the ninja but when you go in arena they aren't calculated in and you just use a preselected 3 stars version of it even if you have them higher grown up than that.
Or it simply doesn't apply the +5/10/15/20% modifier that a 2/3/4/5 star ninja have.
It would be wrong to say it uses the 3 star version since some ninjas have literally different version at different star stages, most being 2 but sasuke/naruto having 3 and I think 9 tail naruto having 4. I'm fairly certain you get the version you have in arena.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-10 18:11:40Show All Posts
  • kejmo On 2017-05-10 14:31:59
  • Yes, the observation has been made with same players which haven't changed spec for like ages (osoi light main). I have a bromance lvl15 friends and we always do TI's together, since like game start, so i took them for testing.

    I also took a look at the numbers with other players and asked for their stats, and nearly all had lower stats than me.

    As written, I haven't included arena into calculation because i know how it works, same as ranked, but i did observe it and the same thing happens. That's why, as you can see, the biggest number (120+) is from TI observations.
Err... still not what I meant.
It doesn't matter if he never changed his team, the question is if he have the same team as you do.
So if he is lightning main, are you also lightning main?
If he is using, for example, mifune, darui and sage naruto, are you also using mifune, darui and sage naruto? (random guess on the ninja there, but you got the idea)
It's a question of having the same team with EACH OTHER as opposed to using the same team in all the runs.
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