this system is beyond bad, ive missed 7 days in the past 2 months simply because your calendar system doesnt work, i am not the only person who has missed days as well, f2p shouldnt have to screen every single single day to prove to you that they clicked it, i was online, i open benifit hall, i do it on mutliple accounts, i get people to visually verify that i clicked it and it still doesnt work, even screenshots of the days ticked with time stamps wont get you a refund, so yea, theres an issue here
please dont tell me to go tell customer support at end of the month cause they will just ignore me and others again, fix this poorly designed bug ridden feature, make it make it automatic for ALL PLAYERS not just jonin medal users, this is bugged and doesnt work, and to top it off customer support wont give you it even if you prove it so theres no point in complaining
This post was last edited by Akidonoki at 2017-5-7 10:30