Yeah this really hindered the casual player who haven't been able to get the red/gold tools because majority of people already have all gold stat tools, but those select few will have to be stuck with purple/blue stats on their tools. It would be different if they gave us more than 2 stones for each attribute. I assume the reason they fixed the "bug" is so they can sell/ put the purple stones in events. Yes it does max out our stats and now we don't have to farm, but was it worth it? My opinion is no. I decided to save my stones for when we get the new tools and I assume most people did that, but newer/casual players won't have that luxury since the ninja tools nerf.
This is really hurting the new/casual player because when we get the new tools we can just use our stones/ tools we have now to transfer attributes and they won't be able to do so. Surprised some people aren't mad about this. Guess most people aren't thinking about future ninja tools.